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2019-04-29 Joint United States

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The carnivores eat fish

As one might expect, there was no meat in the world of Kung Fu Panda. Everyone was a vegetarian, even the predatory animals.

More than a Dragon Warrior

More than a Dragon Warrior

Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn

Replied to KindaHard42069

He figured it out after that, he even says something along the lines of “if you’re going to hide, I’ll force you to come out myself” and then breaks the seal. His goal was never to destroy Liyue Port, it was just to force Rex Lapis to come out and defend it so he can get the Gnosis.

'An A-Rank quest...?' Isaac was confused. He didn't know anything about such a quest. As such, he quickly opened his quest tab and saw that below the golden S-Rank quest, others were hidden. 'What the... There are more? Also... [Feed Tartaglia a Laxative]? What the...'

Genshin: The Serenity System

Genshin: The Serenity System

Video Games · Unusual_


Honestly what even is a serum if not a virus, if it is changing your genetic structure then it has to be at the very least virus like in nature

Extremis was important to him due to the sheer amount of applications it possessed. Hell, in his past life, not many people even understood Extremis in its entirety, as the 'Extremis Serum' wasn't a serum in the first place - it was a virus.

Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure

Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure

Anime & Comics · Marine0IQ


That’s bad. Who knows what else is deemed an injury in your mind and erased. These imperfections may lead to mistakes on occasion, but they are also part of what makes a person human.

'The serum most probably erased my irrational aversion to death after deeming it something akin 'injury' and regenerating it,' he thought, getting up once again, his emotional turmoil resolved in seconds - perks of having an incredibly fast brain.

Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure

Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure

Anime & Comics · Marine0IQ


I’m worried because Mephisto exists, even if the Serum is perfect Mephisto could still make it screw up if he notices the changes

He reaffirmed his will before inserting the needle into his forearm and pushing down on the syringe, fully injecting the serum into his bloodstream. He placed the syringe back into the compartment before he could physically feel it.

Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure

Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure

Anime & Comics · Marine0IQ

Replied to Grand_Faust

I could see it working IF the memories could be encoded into cell infrastructure ala a biological quantum computer. Then, when facing a significant level of brain damage, it retrieves the backup memories from still living cells and reconstructs the brain based on the stored info. Basically like rebooting a computer using a backup. Peter would just need to have his memories recorded periodically, probably like during the time he sleeps every night.

The regeneration of the serum was subpar by Peter's standards due to the fact that he had picked a horrible model for regeneration. Well, he had no choice as that was all he got to work with. If he incorporated his professor's work on Axolotls in Project Lizard, he could boost its regeneration prowess to the high heavens. He could probably regenerate his brain too - like the water lizards.

Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure

Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure

Anime & Comics · Marine0IQ

Replied to Shepard53

Biologically how would it know what they memories were prior to destruction though? Information that complicated would basically require another set of memories as a backup. Also, how would the regeneration differentiate between changes caused by destruction and changes caused by memories?

The regeneration of the serum was subpar by Peter's standards due to the fact that he had picked a horrible model for regeneration. Well, he had no choice as that was all he got to work with. If he incorporated his professor's work on Axolotls in Project Lizard, he could boost its regeneration prowess to the high heavens. He could probably regenerate his brain too - like the water lizards.

Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure

Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure

Anime & Comics · Marine0IQ

Replied to Kamikaze_Eagle

If people were 100% rational no one would commit crime. He may have been smart, but he was a bullied, lonely, and envious kid. It was obvious that he finally snapped and was no longer making rational judgements

I suspect that the regeneration only solves the surface problem of dying during the procedure and leaves the brain forever changed. Perhaps in human, the Amygdala is altered along with the production of adrenaline and cortisol. This would lead to emotional highs, random uncontrollable bouts of anger, and a reduction of rationality.

Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure

Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure

Anime & Comics · Marine0IQ

Replied to DaoistwOqXyh

IDK it’s pretty dangerous to be the love interest of any Spider-Man, even Gwen. Peter will need superpowers to survive all the “character development” the average Spider-Man goes through

'He's probably the greatest threat to me currently if he exists in this universe. He's probably a greater threat for Gwen than me, though', Peter thought worriedly. 'Even then, he'll probably use me to get to her eventually. I noticed the looks she was giving me during the ride home.'

Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure

Marvel : A Reptilian Adventure

Anime & Comics · Marine0IQ

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