bravewarrior - Profile



LV 5

"Once you learn to read you will be forever free." -Frederick Douglas-

2019-04-28 Joint Global

Badges 12

Moments 252


This is ironic Tamara is also a doctor.

"Get the doctor, Tamara! This strained breathing can't be good for the baby!" Tamara opened the door and she left. 

My Crazy Rich Family : Running From My Psycho Father

My Crazy Rich Family : Running From My Psycho Father

Urban · Precious_Onwe



Tom positioned himself in a way that every time he thrust him and out, his rod glided down her clit, thus arousing her even more as he pleasured her. 

One Wild Night

One Wild Night

Urban · Miss_Behaviour


Diamond Prince 😍

"I'm sorry if we came unannounced," The man in white mask suddenly said. His voice wasn't too deep but was so manly in a way that could easily steal not your attention but your heart. It was an auditory caramel, tasteful and somewhat addicting.

The Genius' Last Love

The Genius' Last Love

Urban · Zijay


ZijaY is the best in this kind of scenarios. 💯👏🏼

"Wahhhhhh!" Crescent closed her eyes in panic and pressed her almost naked body to the man beside her. She even buried her head in his chest, holding much for her dear life as if she was about to die.

The Genius' Last Love

The Genius' Last Love

Urban · Zijay




"Shit!" Her voice went clear when realized who it was. Very surprised, she jerked and let off her toothbrush and the toothpaste that was bubbling in her throat got swallowed in an instant.

The Genius' Last Love

The Genius' Last Love

Urban · Zijay


I am excited for the Prince’s story. 😍😍

"You are guilty. You are guilty because you came back and confessed to Xhemin with the intention of fighting for your love but when you figured out that the red haired woman is real and that she existed, your love for her rose above your feelings for Xhemin. That's the truth," Ziggy splashed his thoughts about him withholding nothing. "You don't have to feel guilty you know, Xhemin herself said she didn't consider choosing you. That's fair. You broke your ode to her, she confessed she doesn't love you enough. Fair and square, the ending is that you are not meant for each other,"

The Genius' First Love

The Genius' First Love

Urban · Zijay



This was their happy ending.

The Genius' First Love

The Genius' First Love

Urban · Zijay



"Come here you both and give Imma a hug. It's okay to cry," Xhemin was getting a little emotional too and yet when the warm hug of her children wrapped her, it soothed her heart. Darryl too joined with the hug as he kissed his children and his wife. 

The Genius' First Love

The Genius' First Love

Urban · Zijay


We are happy too!


"Congratulations hero, your wife is with a child," He announced and the moment Darryl heard it, he ran immediately inside and found everyone beaming at him with wide smiles. Everyone from Princess Song, Maru and the handmaid's looked at him with thorough joy and happiness. "Congratulations hero," 

The Genius' First Love

The Genius' First Love

Urban · Zijay


This woman is sick!

"Yes Illa. I know it when you told me about the vision that my child is the moon child," Princess Lana gave it her all. She knew she was close to convincing Illa Durray and so she desperately pleaded for it. "Illa it is very important that this child will be born, he was the prophesied one. Help me Illa, tell the Chieftain to bring me back to the hero's household! It is a must that our wedding night should take place and for me to conceive his child!"

The Genius' First Love

The Genius' First Love

Urban · Zijay


This princess is still dreaming someone wake her up.

"What?" Princess Lana glared at her sister. "Can't you see everything Illa Durray says make sense? The thing that happened to me in the Baruk household was brought by a curse and so you should not take it against me. Insead you all had to rectify the situation and bring me to the hero's house where I am meant to be!"

The Genius' First Love

The Genius' First Love

Urban · Zijay


Don’t be so sure.

"There's no way to get through it without accepting the fact that I was destined to become your husband's woman," Princess Lana then became very confident with her words especially that she saw how Xhemin was so easily convinced. Who would have thought the healer herself with allow her to become her husband's lover.

The Genius' First Love

The Genius' First Love

Urban · Zijay


She’s gone mad now.


"I insist that you acknowledge it and prove that you are really a princess of Manggan Island," She screamed out of her lungs that everyone heard it and so in a moment, ladies flocked inside Aki Owen's chambers and witnessed such confrontation. "Respect the visions and respect our tradition. This I demand of you as a princess of Manggan Island!"

The Genius' First Love

The Genius' First Love

Urban · Zijay


Oh yeah keep on dreaming. 😑😑

"She did see a vision recently," Princess Lana revealed. When she heard about Xhemin coming back to the Manggan Island, she devised a plan to meet her as she knew she once was a Princess too. Knowing that she values their tradition and beliefs, she knew she would acknowledge the importance of Illa Durray's visions "But everyone did not heed it, even the Chieftain didn't listen to it! I'm afraid that we will all travel a dark path because we refused a vision,"

The Genius' First Love

The Genius' First Love

Urban · Zijay



Seeing how great things were, Xhemin could only sigh with satisfaction. Finally after many years, she had finally come to a place where she can think of nothing but herself, her husband and her children. 

The Genius' First Love

The Genius' First Love

Urban · Zijay


I am exited for the Prince’s story. 🥰😍

"I abandoned pursuing you just after I confessed," Huzey laughed at his mistake, almost couldn't believe what he had done. Only then did he realize how foolish he had been for not prioritizing Xhemin over everything but he couldn't find any regret in his heart. It was like his heart was telling him that if time can repeat itself, he would still choose to find his red angel even when he knew he would lose Xhemin.

The Genius' First Love

The Genius' First Love

Urban · Zijay



"And yet you are here," Darryl didn't know how to feel about Xhemin's answer. On regular days it might hurt so bad, but after she appeared in his house today unexpectedly and how she made love to him like he was her one and only, it was hard to feel anything negative at their reunion. He knew she had her reasons and that he wanted to know, so he waited and listened for her further.

The Genius' First Love

The Genius' First Love

Urban · Zijay

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