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2019-03-11 Joint United States

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Replied to SY3TEM_ERR0R

The robot that copies the text.


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Games · jdbeue


Spoken like every white man ever. kek

"I'm not even privileged, but ok." I muttered but apparently Bellamy still heard me.

The 100: The Story of A King!

The 100: The Story of A King!

TV · G3neral_Kenobi4_

Replied to marcelll3214

Replied to marcelll3214

Replied to marcelll3214

Replied to EldritchBlade

Pretty sure he meant a reminder to refill the nutrient tank, or to log off if it's been to long. The answer is, most likely, and he just neglected it.

As he lay there, realizing that he'd been gaming for thirty hours straight and that he'd neglected to refill his nutrient IV after his last session, Alexander's failure of a life passed before his eyes.

MMORPG : Rise of the Interstellar God

MMORPG : Rise of the Interstellar God

Games · Hamapo

Replied to ashes_


"Well... I did tell you the Baxter's are paying me well. Once I become a part of the main staff they'll be paying me even more." Peter smiled. The truth was a lot more than that. His daily raids and spoils after the raid gave Peter more than enough money for now. He sold their old house and after adding some more money he bought this house for him and his aunt. The old house reminded May too much of Ben so Peter thought a change of scene might help, and it seems to be working. "I told you I would take care of everything, didn't I? This is just the beginning."

I Am Peter Parker (MARVEL AU)

I Am Peter Parker (MARVEL AU)

Anime & Comics · ashes_


Man reading the comments and the author's note here is seriously fücking my mind UP. I'll lay it all out for you using the context of the novel and and not some stupid context your all pulling from real life. I mean for fück sake, this is a fantasy novel in a fantasy fücking setting and you guys are equating real life shït to this? Fücking use your heads. 1. This it's probably the most important point that you need drilled into your dense fücking stupid äss heads: that the MC isn't a goddamn child. 2. He downright manipulates her into this massage and then proceeds to sexually assault her. 3. Because of his assault Kimi gets aroused because of a condition that she has absolutely no control over. 4. MC proceeds to receive the consequences of his actions. 5. MC gets all bent out of shape because he wasn't the one that got to take advantage of Kimi, rather it being the other way around. 6. He proceeds to psychologically abuse Kimi despite(supposably)having a long-standing brother-sister relationship with her. I should probably wait a chapter or two to see how this shït fest resolves itself to give you a point '7.' But I honestly can't be fücking bothered. So now let me elaborate on the context point by point. 1. Dude deadäss isn't a child, period. He purports himself to be someone completely different than who he actually is and uses this to manipulate people. Now this is a fairly common trope and there's nothing I find wrong about this. That is until people are justifying the psychological abuse and any other consequences that Kimi suffers on him being a fücking child when he actually is not and that Kimi should go to jail for being a child rapist when she actually isn't cuz he's NOT a fücking child. Now you can say he looks like a child but how does that have fücking anything to do with the context? Your argument is that he looks like a child not that he fücking is one. That's the only complaint you guys have and it's a goddamn flimsy one. Now if he actually was a child I could see you having some kind of moral ground to stand on but since he isn't your points are moot. 2. This. Fücking this. I mean how can you complain about the MC getting raped when the MC raped her first. You can argue the semantics of it but that doesn't fücking matter cuz a sexual assault is a fücking rape. You can argue the wording all day but you aren't changing anybody's mind. You can also go ahead and exhume the deadbeaten corpse of the argument that she agreed to it. But in the end context still fücking matters cuz she didn't agree to no godamn sex acts. 3. Why? Oh why do all the people arguing for the MCs actions completely throw this point out the fucking godamn window. Now I won't do the same and throw out the point that she explained in her inner monologues that she has experienced going into heat before and being able to resist it. That's all well and good. I'm willing to accept that part of the argument but that's where it ends for me. Because in the end, it doesn't even matter. The whole massage scene is a whole other beast considering that the MC... brought her... to OrGaSm. Now I'm not a scientist of the female reproductive system or the catkin equivalent of it. But I can't help but imagine that having that orgasm while in heat will make you lose your goddamn fücking mind! Shït even the story calls this out. Yet there are still people that will argue this away because once in their lifetime they were angwy yet they never did anything to hurt anybwody. Ridiculous. Then there are those that are completely fine abusing such a situation, including the MC. He even says so himself. There are literally sex addicts out there that feel absolutely disgusted with themselves(Kimi included)because they can't control their actions and I'm supposed to feel okay with the fact that the MC is taking advantage of such a person even if in this context it's for a completely different reason. There's just no way I can accept that. 4. This isn't really a point I can elaborate on. I personally just find this funny because MC is supposed to have meta knowledge but proceeds to not have a fücking clue. Or even worse, he had one. 5. This... I have no words. Well I do but I wish I didn't have to use them. You can say I'm manipulating context a bit, but you can't deny the subtext was there. This guy would have liked to take advantage of the situation but since he couldn't he proceeds to act like a petulant child. Huh, maybe the MCs a child defenders have a point. Now I'm perhaps exaggerating my point as he was quite calm at that moment but the following happenings provide a little justification for it. After all such pettiness can only come from immaturity. 6. Now this as my final point is also probably my second most important one. And for the story the most egregious one. How in the flying fück can MC justify his actions? Preceding this whole rape fiasco the MC was looking like a fücking decent human being or at the very least not fücking evil. Then suddenly he proceeds to sexually assault his sister figure (according to him.) Then when she turns around and rapes him he acts like the fücking victim. Sigh, I should probably elaborate on that huh. Yes despite this post being anti-MC and seeming like I'm defending Kimi and not even considering the MC being raped; I do consider the MC having been raped. No, not as a child—which seems to be the main argument around here—cuz he's not a fücking child. But yes I do consider him having been raped and I agree that Kimi has some fault in that. But as much to blame as the MC or even more? No way. In the end this is equivalent to a guy being shït-faced while giving a girl a roofie. The girl in this case just happens to wake up and has a big ol' giant cock. Anyway back to the point. I personally find this whole petty bullshït blaming and punishing her with this extreme psychological abuse even though at the very fücking least it is partially his fault, to be contrived. That's about the only way to put it to be honest. I'd like to keep it to the story but it is hard when the context that the author provides himself leads to the MC being even worse then the story can portray him as. He's aware and he doesn't care. That about sums up the context the author provided. He doesn't care about Kimi he only cares about what she can do for him and how he can take advantage of her get her to do what he wants. Whew! Anyway I guess I'll end it here otherwise it'll just turn into me critiquing the author's work and I really don't want to do that. Not to mention it's not what this post is about. I could probably go into more detail about the MC being a scumbag but it's pretty late over here and I'm tired as fück and you guys should already know about most of it. Anyway to whoever reads this post I hope you took something out of it and you didn't just read my ramblings for nothing. Also I hope to God that when I go back to read this tomorrow it doesn't make me look like a complete äss but who knows. Anyways, peace.

Replied to ThatsClassified

Bro I completely agree with you. I 100% agree that the matter regarding the rape was his fault. I mean I'm gonna go one step further and say that he raped her first. Yeah, I said it. All you neanderthals that don't agree can go suck an egg. I mean the whole scenario of that thing was a, what was it now, 27 year old in a 12-year-old's body doing a sexual assault massage on a fücking CAT person. What did this supposed weeb of a fücking MC expect would happen? You can argue about the semantics of it all, but the fact of the matter is Kimi didn't consent to any sex acts at all. Also the MC was more than willing to manipulate the fact that she got aroused if he was only a little bit more horny. Eh, it's okay if she liked it I guess? Nevermind that it came from a place of non-consent. Now I know this novel is labeled r18 and with that I can forgive a lot. Especially since I'm not the epitome of moral virtues. But what I can't forgive is the MC being so petty and hypocritical about it. I mean this motherfücker deadäss took a year, a fücking year to get his shït together to get this resolved(Judging by the *'s in a couple chapters.) Now I can only imagine the MC's reasoning to delay it this long but I can only deduce it has something to do with the blackmail, manipulation, Stockholm syndrome, bullshït that he has going on. Man, I can totally imagine that she's going to turn into some stupid äss masochistic bïtch by the end of this arc. Sigh, this shït is so dumb cuz I normally find myself enjoying morally destitute MCs, but the fact that he purports himself to be someone who stands by his promises and then makes every effort to find every single loophole in order to skirt around it just fücking boggles my mind. I mean who promises to never rape in the first place. That shït should be relegated to common sense, or thrown out a window. Sorry for going on a rant. I was just going to keep my mouth shut and see where the story goes with this but seeing your comment thread I just couldn't resist the temptation to let loose my shït. Anyways, peace. P.S. That CkLance is a prime example of a Delta äss bïtch who's only use is to have no use at all. Bïtch really threw buzzwords out and then dipped. kek 😆 P.P.S. Sorry for the double post. I posted but forgot some typos that would have drove me insane.

Replied to Cpecific

I should have said 'shouldnt' rather than 'don't' in my last reply's first sentence. After all it's entirely possible that other beings could quantify themselves with stats and even manipulate the Luck concept in the same way as the Gamer system. This should be the case since apparently the Gamer system has a creator.

Replied to

They actually don't because only the Gamer can be quantified by using stats according to this story. In a way(I assume)Gods and other non Gamers get there luck from some type of ethereal concept while a Gamer can seize this concept and use it to their advantage using the system. So in a way this 'running out of luck' thing that happened here makes sense. After all the Gamer can only steal and/or store so much luck from the concept—primarily based on the Luck stat—before running out or being unable to take any more.

Replied to PatternWolfComrade


"I like hiking. I've talked to the NPCs. I know karate. I grew up on a farm. I spoke with the florist before. Satisfied?" Jack spat out in one breath.

MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

Games · ClasslessAscension



"I like hiking. I've talked to the NPCs. I know karate. I grew up on a farm. I spoke with the florist before. Satisfied?" Jack spat out in one breath.

MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

Games · ClasslessAscension


Bitch! They be Gucci. 😎


The girl jumped in surprise. She had been fooled by his outfit: jeans with holes in them along with an old hoody. How could someone dressed like that afford a 1500 Credits headset?! This was months of income!

MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

Games · ClasslessAscension



It was one of those bronze/steel caps that you can only open with a bottle-cap opener…!

The Cursed Gamer

The Cursed Gamer

Anime & Comics · Master4thWall

Replied to Anonny_Anonymous

There actually are some fast zombies that we learn about in World Beyond, although that zombie variant is only located in Europe for now.

The walkers became excited, increasing their speed dramatically, probably because they seemed to recognize what they deemed was a tasty meal, Hershel. He was rather tall and fat, difficult to miss as long as you had good eyesight.

The Unbound (Multiverse: The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones?)

The Unbound (Multiverse: The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones?)

TV · Xenon_graves

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