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2019-02-25 Joint United States
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Moments 248
7 months ago
Replied to JustABoxWithAmmo

Nope, your counter of using it's English equivalent even further cements that you're wrong as the two words are not the same, grammatically speaking. I already gave you the actual textbook answer on why you were wrong, but clearly you won't take my word on it. So don't. Google Purdue OWL(online writing lab). It is one of the best online sources for any writing and grammar questions anyone could possibly have concerning the English language.

8 months ago
Replied to JustABoxWithAmmo

You're completely wrong in the case where "manga" can be plural by writing it as "mangas." You're 100% wrong when you say it doesn't make grammatical sense. It makes complete grammatical sense. The issue here is that grammar doesn't always make logical sense. Although "manga" isn't actually one of the English words that another commenter was pointing out like "moose" or "aircraft" that don't follow the norm. The word "manga" does actually follow proper grammar. It is a word that is not an English word. It is a borrowed word. Borrowed words often follow the grammatical structure of the language they are borrowed from. "Manga" is Japanese. Saying "mangas" is completely incorrect as that is not the plural form of the Japanese word.

10 months ago
Replied to Tecknokid123

Well, there's 2 options for that. One, the authors are sick perverts, or two, the author's just have no idea what children are like. They're never around them and never associate with them, so instead of trying to do some research and figure out how little kids would really behave, they just choose to treat them like miniadults.

Silas smiled at her, unaware of his good looks and popularity with girls his age. Although Nymira didn't have a crush on him, many parents could tell their daughters did.

Limitless Evolution: The Path To Immortality

Limitless Evolution: The Path To Immortality

Fantasy · Animosity

10 months ago
Replied to Animosity

When he was explaining about how he got the light element he blatantly lied. He says, "When I awakened my mana core, I automatically gained an affinity to the light element." He didn't gain an affinity to the light element until after he received his second blessing, long after he awakened his mana core. the "When" would have to be changed to "After" to make that sentence not technically be a lie.

"I thought so too... But he hadn't lied once this entire time." Lochras had a permanent scowl on his face as he put his hand in his pocket and took out a stone with one large rune on it.

Limitless Evolution: The Path To Immortality

Limitless Evolution: The Path To Immortality

Fantasy · Animosity

10 months ago

While that may be the case, what about this situation or anything that has occurred would lead him to think that? Nothing...

'So Syra doesn't think I can beat her. It's understandable. My magic is the only thing that tips the scales in my favor.'

Limitless Evolution: The Path To Immortality

Limitless Evolution: The Path To Immortality

Fantasy · Animosity

10 months ago
Replied to Aurel_Infinity

The American Psychological Association as well as many other organizations throughout the world classify autism as a disorder. I kind of think you need to do more research yourself before you start criticizing others. You are also only referencing one class of autistic individuals. Autism is kind of a BS diagnoses. It covers too much, that's why it's referred to as autism spectrum disorder. Some individuals are as you say, and just think a little differently and also have higher functionality on certain things like math or languages, etc. Some are barely functional and do not have any higher skills though. There are people everywhere in between.

Her personal tutor once told of a disorder called autism. After that, she kind of assumed that her brother had it.

Limitless Evolution: The Path To Immortality

Limitless Evolution: The Path To Immortality

Fantasy · Animosity

10 months ago


However, extreme training like this did the trick. His muscles would repair right after due to his natural healing, and not only would they recover stronger than ever, but after his evolution blessing took effect, something else began to happen simultaneously.

Limitless Evolution: The Path To Immortality

Limitless Evolution: The Path To Immortality

Fantasy · Animosity

10 months ago
Replied to xThirdy

This really makes no sense at all. a 4 year old barely has the coordination to run without falling over. Let alone wield a sword.

Sure, they were surprised at how bad he was initially, especially for someone his age. It looked like he couldn't even pick the sword up, and when he did, he always stumbled on his own feet.

Limitless Evolution: The Path To Immortality

Limitless Evolution: The Path To Immortality

Fantasy · Animosity

10 months ago

I'm confused about what anyone thought would happen here? What were they expecting from a 4 and a half year old that has never received any training of any kind.

10 months ago
Replied to HansDojo

It means something. It's not a very good metric for intelligence, but it is guaranteed that a person with a high iq will be rather intelligent. It is biased, and can't be fully trusted.

While his intelligence was nothing to scoff at, his IQ didn't compare to that of great scientists like Einstein and Newton. However, it wasn't his intelligence that built his ladder to the top, but his insatiable hunger for knowledge.

Limitless Evolution: The Path To Immortality

Limitless Evolution: The Path To Immortality

Fantasy · Animosity