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Sovereign Ruler of Potatopia Author of Masquerade of Madness and Project Salvation: Rise of the Venomous Snake Discord: ThePotatoKing#6782 P.S: Don't spam me guys

2019-01-30 Joint India
Œuvres originales
Badges 12

Moments 1178
11 days ago

Great stuff. I love all the characters. It makes the story really relatable and makes me care what happens next. Most stories these days focus on a gimmick and forget about the characters. This one knows what it is doing. Also there is a bit of drama (with all the- system is asking me to kill my family members who I am slowly getting attached too). I usually hate drama, but i can't help but enjoy this one. All in all, great story, give it a try.

11 days ago

meh, seems like a major red flag to me. Typical young master ideology. There is a difference between receiving a reward for helping someone and forcibly establishing a transaction. Not saying that he was in the wrong here, just feels incredibly scummy and slimy to me.

So, Lu Qingshan felt entirely justified in taking this Peach Wood Sword: I'm solving a problem for you that you couldn't solve yourself. As compensation, I take the Peach Wood Sword as my reward, nothing wrong with that.

This Sword Cultivator is Somewhat Dependable

This Sword Cultivator is Somewhat Dependable

Games · Runaway BBQ Pork Bun

25 days ago

Love this! Mc seems pretty level headed yet not emotionless either. The world building and story seems worth looking forward to. Can anyone help me find the raws for this one? Can’t seem to find it.

1 months ago
Replied to TheBearB13

ayo hold up

The bound statue knelt amidst jagged rocks, hands tied behind its back, and bound tightly with red ropes.

I Might As Well Quit This Lousy Wizard Profession

I Might As Well Quit This Lousy Wizard Profession

Fantasy · Get a good sleep

1 months ago
Replied to Thunderstrike2024

There is no such thing as authentic indian curry. We don't have a dish called curry in India. It is however a part of other dishes. We do have different types of preparing vegetables before eating - Dry vegetable and Wet Vegetables. The soup/liquid content of the wet vegetable is what people refer to as curry. It isn't really a standard dish tbh. Some examples are Pulse - rajma (beans), chana (chickpea), dals (pulses), shahi paneer(cottage cheese)/butter chicken (these have curry as the base and is probably the closest to what anglicized curry refers to)

In such a vast world, which cuisine could outshine Xia Country's food?

Love Variety Show: The despised me exploded in popularity

Love Variety Show: The despised me exploded in popularity

Urban · I eat Tiramisu

2 months ago

praise the sun!

Suppressing the strange emotions in his heart, Song Chi stood up, assumed a horse stance with his legs apart, and gradually raised his hands with palms facing upward and slowly spread them apart.

Global Era of Star trekking

Global Era of Star trekking

Sci-fi · Mountain high and ground distant

2 months ago
Replied to Daksh_A

if you find it, do tell me. I couldn't find this one

2 months ago

really...I heard that familiarity breeds contempt. how strange. also I hope she is not the fl, the age gap is kinda large.

In truth, she had her own ulterior motives. Not only was Duan Mingyuan a good person, but he was also a good person preparing to resign and change careers, which provided her with an opportunity. It's said that familiarity breeds fondness, and living together for a long time might foster a strong friendship.

Great! I'm surrounded by villains!

Great! I'm surrounded by villains!

Urban · Peach Cooldown

2 months ago

Live. Die. Repeat. Lol reminds me of that one movie about alien invasion and time loops

The small hands of the rat first pointed at the 'live' part, then the 'die' part, and then 'repeat'.

The God of Jesters

The God of Jesters

Horror · GoGo

2 months ago

save point i guess lol

  • Masquerade of Madness original

    Masquerade of Madness



    "YOU ARE FUCKING CRAZY!" *BANG!* The bullet pierced through the man's skull, splattering blood all over Sebastian's face. He calmly wiped away the blood using a handkerchief before replying to the corpse. "Maybe... Maybe I am crazy." "But I don't know any other way to escape this hell" He laughed some, he cried some, then did a little of both together. If despair was a face, he was wearing it now. ----------------------- Do you ever feel that you are meant for something greater? Has the real world held you back, constraining your true talents? If you just had the opportunity, could you achieve your true potential? You're not alone! Listen: this Earth just doesn't cut it. What you need is a brand new world, one full of new hopes and grand possibilities. Now that you are interested, allow me to introduce you to the wonderful world of Purgatory! In this world, "sinners" are invited to take part in regular trials. Every single trial is an uphill battle for survival, with death and deception lurking around every corner! But don't worry! Only the weak, pathetic masses need to fear all of that. For the chosen few, these trials are instead opportunities for power and supremacy. Come to Purgatory, sinner! Defeat monsters, devils, and remnants of eldritch entities as you gain glorious rewards and claim their power for your own! And, even more exciting, fight in battles of wits against other sinners! Wring every drop of potential out of your wretched, wonderful soul, because each encounter is an exciting tango between life and death, where the winner takes all! This is the story of one such sinner. Armed with nothing but the ghosts of his past, watch as Sebastian Alaister crawls his way up to the top and forges his own legend. Yet... before he can enter Purgatory, Sebastian must first clear the tutorial. [Your fatal flaw is Extreme Denial] [Trial Selected—Trauma Re-enactment] Welcome to Hell. The only escape is insanity! -------------------------- #InfinteHorrorStream #InsaneMC #Descent-to-madness #Badass #Too-Good-For-It's-Own-Good #Why-Aren't-You-Reading-It-Yet ------------------------ Author's Note: - The cover doesn't belong to me. Please contact me if it belongs to you and you want it down. --------- If you liked this story, please check out my other one, Project Salvation: Rise of the Venomous Snake

    47 Chs 737 Collections

  • Project Salvation: Rise of the Venomous Snake original

    Project Salvation: Rise of the Venomous Snake



    "Fucking Backstabber!" "Deceitful Son of a Bitch!" "VENOMOUS SNAKE!" These are just some of the names that I am known for. Do I care? No. There is but one simple truth in this world. Hurt or get hurt. Use or get used. and more recently... Kill or be Killed. As they say... Heros Victor Evadet -------------------------------- Nathair Venenon was infamous in the business world for his deceitful nature and cutthroat attitude. He thought that he would have to pursue boring goals like becoming the richest man on earth before getting summoned to the inter-dimensional hero academy. With a philosophy that only 'victory' makes a hero, watch Nathair make his way up like a fish in water, no... like a shark in its personal hunting ground. Will the Multiverse get its salvation from the threat of the demon god? Or are they just going to create a bigger demon instead? ------------ #MultiverseBattleRoyale #EliteAcademy #Cunning Mc #Egoist ------------ -The cover doesn't belong to me -If you liked this story, please check out my other book, Masquerade of Madness!

    20 Chs 151 Collections

  • The League of Nightmares (Dropped) original

    The League of Nightmares (Dropped)



    Please check out my New Novel Masquerade of Madness! It is a great improvement from this. --- On indefinite hiatus, leave a review/comment if u want me to continue this ------------------- Notes- (I renamed this book from the League of Terror to the League of Nightmares) (This is an entry fo WPC #144 Horror) (So please give me your powers tones till 3rd November) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Official Synopsis So......this is where I am supposed to give a synopsis it seems. My name is Luke Patterson, I am 17 years old. My parents work abroad most of the time, I have a younger twin sister, we don't talk much, I had a younger brother who was probably murdered by me in cold blood? Why? I don't remember the motive and honestly feel hella pissed about that, lets hope my brother remembers why I killed him for that's the first thing I will ask him after resurrecting him from the dead. Also somewhere along the line I found myself a yandere ghost girlfriend, pretty neat huh. Yeah, and on our quest to the truth we somehow ended up founding the League of Nightmares. And the death of my brother might be the least of my concerns in the near future.......... How troublesome... But you, dearest reader, would find this story the very opposite of troublesome, It is gonna be totally awesome. So do check out the epic journey of our protagonist as he tries to uncover his past, forms new allies, and keeps a certain yandere ghost in check. If you ever run into the mc here are some tips to help you survive: 1) The protagonist's ultimate motto is: Do what you want, if someone comes in your way, give them hell! 2) Between the MC and his Girlfriend, no one knows who is the real yandere and who is just plain crazy. ------------------------------------------------------------ Alternate Synopsis- The city of Rowkein is called the City of Horrors at Night. One of the 7 Great Urban Legends of the city is the existence of a secret list of the top 10 unspeakable horrors of the city who rule over the night. This is a story of how the entire City gets flipped over its head by the eccentric young man called Luke Patterson and his league of Nightmares as he searched for the truth behind his brother's death. The city is just the start who knows how far will Luke's pursuit for truth take him. How many graves will we have to dig? How many hearts will he terrorize with nightmares? How far will his reign of terror reach as he spreads Chaos and Anarchy in his wake? Read to find out! (Srsly pls give it a chance!)

    16 Chs 51 Collections

  • Return of the Anarchists (dropped) original

    Return of the Anarchists (dropped)



    Guys Please check out my Novel Masquerade of Madness. It is a great improvement over this story! ------------------------------------------ WPC #110 entry Thanks to my readers. I was able to win the WPC and place in the top 5 because of your support. ---------------------- Driven by vengeance, power, and chaos, The Anarchists were once feared as the evilest organization in the world. They slowly spread their claws and took control over the entire world becoming the largest symbol of fear. Luckily as all evildoers do, they got destroyed by our great hero and wiped off the face of our planet. They were a mixture of power, vengeance, and chaos. They were pure Anarchy. -The Anarchists, Archive File No.108 "Anarchy is order in the absence of governance, it is definitely not chaos. You are nothing but edgy teenagers venting your anger against the world!' "You were doomed to fall as your ideology was flawed" They weren't good or bad. They fought for a right cause for all the wrong reasons and wrong methods. They lost to their world. However fate decided to give them a second chance. After being transported into another world full where magic is commonplace, demons roam and god is dead. A world that needs heroes. The world isn't better or worse than the previous one. How will they respond to the twist in fate? Will they be able to abandon their twisted ways and take up the mantle? Become what the heroes they loathed. Overcome themselves and attain what they really need. An inter-dimensional war is looming at the corner and they are right in the middle of it. Read 'Return of The Anarchists' to experience their journey.

    31 Chs 142 Collections

  • Descent of Ragnarök: A Scum's Redemption (oneshot) original

    Descent of Ragnarök: A Scum's Redemption (oneshot)



    This story is on hold, if you want me to reboot it, then tell me. ---------------- Samuel Quetzal aka Human Trash Scum, is a special person. Special as in it is hard to find another within the nine realms that is as hated him. Due to unfortunate circumstances the protagonist Sam's personality was warped into one of a narcissistic scumbag that only cares for himself. The intensely hyper-realistic ultra-octane VRMMORPG game known as MIDGARD: EVE OF RAGNAROK was his second chance in life. Through the game Sam was able to rise from an unknown low-elo streamer into an infamous legend hated by millions. Unfortunately his luck was cut short when the game descended upon reality after 5 years of running. As death became something permanent, the teams of hunters hot on his trail became a way bigger problem then excepted. In this story Samuel will get a second chance to redo his life, exactly the same way he did it, but with the cheat of having future knowledge. Along his journey he will find new friends, a new family and even a new romance. Though he might never correct his scummy ways, even he will get a chance of getting his own twisted redemption. Join us on his journey to the top, as our MC cheats, deceives, backstabs and cons his way to the top while causing a little mayhem on the side. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Alternate version of Chapter 1: “Did you do it” “Yes” “What did it cost?” “URMOM LOL. She died, sorry about it chump.” “How fucking dare you!! Do you even understand the consequences!” “I missed the part where that’s my problem…” “That’s it milord! His insolence has no bounds. He should be executed at once!” “Gonna cry!” “You are being tried to death here! Please behave yourself” “Why so serious! Let me put a smi-” “Can u stop it with these one-liners and references, say something original for god’s sake” “Let me tell you a story-” “Nope, been there, done that, not original at all” “No U, asshole”

    3 Chs 3 Collections

  • Transmigration Weekly (oneshot) original

    Transmigration Weekly (oneshot)



    Why do the spirit beasts of the holy land cry out in their sleep? Who keeps on knocking at the door of the blacksmith elder's door at night? Is it man or ghost? What is the truth behind the resignation of the sect master? Was fairy Dongfang really having an affair? What is the secret behind the sudden rise of the trash and the fall of the sect genius? If you want to know the truth behind all of these stories and much more please subscribe to Transmigration Weekly

    1 Chs 6 Collections

  • The Strongest Shopkeeper (oneshot) original

    The Strongest Shopkeeper (oneshot)



    Jack once wanted to be a scientist, then a writer,a job that would move the world. Unfortunately the cruel reality, and the need for money brought him to the path the masses pursued for riches, engineering and buisness studies. Little did he know that fate would take an unexpected turn and he would transmigrate to a new world. Armed with his knowledge from 21st century Earth. He would become the strongest shopkeeper. Watch his journey as he makes new friends and scams his opponents to bankruptcy.

    3 Chs 6 Collections

  • How to haunt for dummies (oneshot) original

    How to haunt for dummies (oneshot)



    After realizing that he was dead. Peter sets of on his journey as a ghost. So what if he is dead? He will show them all that this is just the start of his journey to greatness. But is afterlife as easy as it sounds? In this dark forest of a ghost-eat-ghost world can he really survive? Will he ever meet his living friends? or will an exorcist get him first? Stay tuned to watch him make new friends and enemies, dance on the edge of death (or reincarnation as he is already dead) and become the ghost paragon. Hi guys , this is my first novel so please bear with me and help me improve my skills so i can give you all the most unique reading experience ever. Thanks for reading (on hiatus) I will first focus on shorter stories. I am not satisfied with my current quality so before continuing I will be writing a series with backstories for each of the side characters. Once that it done, I will come back to this

    4 Chs 2 Collections