
LV 5
2019-01-10 Joint Global
Badges 5

Moments 9
3 years ago

if he choose the third option, prob meet a legendary and just died from "pressure"

'Holy Fuck', Is this what they call as losing the gold but finding a diamond. His potential is too high, I can't imagine what would have happened if I chose the third option from the choices given. He even has Aqua Tail, I don't remember the egg moves of every Pokemon so maybe it's possible. It's still felt a bit weird that a Ground-type which is naturally found in deserts has a water type move, does that mean he has minor resistance to water?

Pokemon: The Other Side

Pokemon: The Other Side (Dropped)

Anime & Comics · RedGunner

3 years ago

for those who can't get the reference, it is the dog from gourmet of another world

"Blackie, it's lunchtime!" He yelled in the direction of his backyard. 

I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot

I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot

Eastern · Kinoshita Nakui

3 years ago
Replied to VastoHeaven

I don't remember well, but basically he is a asshole of a God who wants to prevent his death that he predicted. Needless to say, this meant he needed to manipulate the former MC to kill the person cursed with immortality aka rolling back time whenever he dies. eventually it let to hitogami openly threatening his family.

3 years ago

I really shouldn't be giving the author ideas, but I think you should dropped the novel right here... just let it be a eternal cliffhanger.

3 years ago

I really shouldn't be giving the author ideas, but I think you should dropped the novel right here... just let it be a eternal cliffhanger.

3 years ago
Replied to Kiama_Mi_Mana

the strongest system novel

"Phoenix Sky Bolt, Waterfall Dragon Dance, Profound Killing Lightning, Vicious Blade, Monkey Steals Peaches. Quite the standard few huh?"

What do you mean my cute disciples are Yanderes?

What do you mean my cute disciples are Yanderes?

Fantasy · Draekai

3 years ago
Replied to LiveMan

He could have just said it was the first gift he ever received. But he specified in THIS world.

"It was the first gift I have ever received in this world."

Is it Wrong to be Reincarnated after Death?

Is it Wrong to be Reincarnated after Death?

Anime & Comics · SkyInTheNight

3 years ago

He said too much!

"It was the first gift I have ever received in this world."

Is it Wrong to be Reincarnated after Death?

Is it Wrong to be Reincarnated after Death?

Anime & Comics · SkyInTheNight

3 years ago

tenya is the fastest? you sure?

"He's right! We have to need to have someone run out and get help! Tenya is the fastest out of all of us, so he should run back to the main campus and get help!" Momo said.

Reborn as Saitama in MHA

Reborn as Saitama in MHA

Anime & Comics · Suploly