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2 years ago

the heroic MC is in fact actually the villain!

2 years ago

please no harem...not even a main chick. subtle guesswork on which one...only for him to not pick any of them...i mean for now he has a job to do & shouldn't be getting distracted with women

2 years ago
Replied to BlackFlamer

then why even give a choice & tell him to chose

2 years ago
Replied to EspervoidDante

actually no. no one cares(at least I don't). im actually upset with myself for wasting 5 fast passes on chapters I skimmed right over cause I don't care. don't worry though if this was on Kindle...i still would have skipped through it.

2 years ago

that was such a useless sword technique! why wouldn't they have one that is better suited for all the guards to practice.

2 years ago

so the boss was doing what? fighting? sitting on the throne? why didn't it notice him?

2 years ago

its a cultivation novel of course they do

2 years ago

great story...didnt really care for the party aspect. didn't like Quinn. I thought is should have been MC. his mom. & Luna only. everyone else was super not needed. then they go to the dungeon where the dragon sends his ppl away. cause he will get stronger by himself. then it got weird. and boring. an all i wanted was for the party to come back. sigh

2 years ago

? why are they not harvesting the animals or receiving drops? can they harvest the animals?

2 years ago

no. he gave freely...say thank you brother & walk away. walk away. if he wants something wait for him to state it.