Azuramaster - Profile


LV 3
2018-12-29 Joint Global

Badges 3

Moments 45


so its almost like the Mandalorian Dark Saber

He summoned the shadow and made it wrap itself around the Azure Blade. Immediately, the steel became bluish-black, with a scattering of white sparks. It looked like a starlit night sky.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree

Replied to KluEvo

it was implied his sister is alive* as far as he knows. in the tree there were two lines representing his mother and father

Instead, he was staring at the line of text that read "Nephis", as though the girl's actual name held more meaning to him than the one given by the Spell.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree

Replied to SlayerOfTheAges

basically everything that's not combat or the other type i forgot would fall in the auxiliary category.

Things went on like that. In the end, Sunny shared just enough information to create an impression that his Aspect was weak, harmless and most likely having something to do with utility.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree

Replied to 1010111101

shadow god is "dead", he only responded because of the sacrifice. the one invading his planet would be the tyrant

"First Nightmares are unique, because each of them is individual. That's why only a single Creature can appear. However, starting from the Second Nightmare, things become much more dangerous. These Nightmares are not tied to an infected person. Instead, they are born in the Dream Realm. While the Seed of the Nightmare is growing, any number of Awakened can attempt to conquer it."

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree



Sunny was standing in front of the massive, seemingly indestructible red gates of the Awakened Academy. The Academy was, in fact, a city within the city. It was built like a fortress, with a high wall made of hard alloy, deep moat and numerous large-caliber turrets which were placed in certain positions to create a deadly air-suppression dome. No Nightmare Creature, not even colossal titans, were supposed to be able to break through its defenses.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree

Replied to Smile_Kumar

also, I'd bet it's really easy to see a trail of red blood in a sea of white snow

Indeed, the splattering of blood could still be seen on the jagged rocks, but the corpse itself was nowhere to be found.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree


Chekhov's Berry :D

"Bloodbane is poisonous. A few berries might be enough to kill an adult man."

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree

Replied to dwarfgiant

he doesn't have the pro Bono wing, I'm assuming you need it to be able to do the quest?

From Mary, he learned that 1 MP was approximately $1,000 if a guest was to use money. According to her, paying using some kind of spiritual item rather than cash would be more feasible for his guests from Earth. How was he supposed to know where to look for guests who had spiritual items? He had absolutely no idea, but his luck had been great the last couple of days, so he was planning on continuing to rely on it for this. When he reached his stop, a Golden Key 'fell' out of his pocket onto his seat but before anyone could notice he was already gone. For a while, nobody paid the key any attention, but eventually a young child was attracted to its shine and picked it up. He tried to show his mother, but she was preoccupied with something on her phone. He decided to show her later.

The Innkeeper

The Innkeeper

Fantasy · lifesketcher


nvmd it wasn't a taunt

Although Lin Ye was very excited, he didn't immediately attack the wolves.

You Might Die If I Cast My Healing Spell

You Might Die If I Cast My Healing Spell

Games · Sweet Spring Showers

Replied to Iceling

it doesn't matter if it's logical or not. it's a taunt

'Come, little wolf pups. Bite me as hard as you can. If you can make my health drop to half, I'll lose!'

You Might Die If I Cast My Healing Spell

You Might Die If I Cast My Healing Spell

Games · Sweet Spring Showers


blue suit with yellow tie? ew I don't think that particular combinations works

He was to come to the palace on the 24nd of Folia, where he would be given a tour of his office, his staff members, and his troops. Wanting to make a good impression in case he had managed to get the job, he had ordered a suit to be tailored, specifically made for him. He got into a navy blue suit, with a yellow tie, navy blue pants, a white shirt, and a yellow tie. 

The Mechanical Era

The Mechanical Era

Fantasy · MaxLostchild

Replied to Yama_Kame

unless there's a void crystal supply problem, since it's a rare resource. gotta fix that 1st

"The catch is that building a void weapon is an incredibly difficult and strenuous task. Void crystals are very tough compared to other materials, and are about as rare as gold. 

The Mechanical Era

The Mechanical Era

Fantasy · MaxLostchild

Replied to Jordon_Stewart

he isn't talking about killing his father himself

As his militia further completed their training and outfitted themselves with better equipment, Berengar believed it would not be long before he could begin his conquest of Germany. It might take a few years for him to succeed his father; in his eyes, the Baron of Kufstein was not likely to survive the upcoming war.

Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel

History · Zentmeister


all according to keikaku

Tomorrow, he would fully declare to the family and his councilors that Berengar was to be Regent. For now, the Baron had to chastise his second son for making such a terrible mistake that, if not for Berengar's intervention, would have cost the family dearly.

Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel

History · Zentmeister

Replied to Eaneas

and there was 6 cannons, prob all aimed towards the enemy leader

The 12-pound cannonball flew in his direction and punched through his chest blowing his body apart. The Lord who supported Lambert in his attempt to assassinate Berengar's life was completely and utterly dead.

Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel

History · Zentmeister

Replied to CoffeePanda

maybe that's because WW2 is recent compared to other examples, it's a well documented event and it was a world war, not a skirmish or regular war

Luckily he was out of range of these crazy weapons; he began to feel as if the wrath of God was reigning upon him as his army collapsed and began to route, no longer fearing the men at arms behind them that were essentially acting as soviet commissars and reaping the lives of those who fled.

Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel

History · Zentmeister

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