Oh sorry. I think by mistake i replied this reader instead of someone else. Yeah this is the last chapter for now. Will write next soon.
Dear, there are so many chapters ahead. If you can’t see them, maybe you need to update your webnovel app. Not updating somtimes shows such issues. ❤️
Hey Alyn, i have replied you on discord. Please check it. ❤️
The continuation of chapters/plot already started in the 3rd book. About rest chapters of this novel, you can read if you wish to know the dynamics of how draven, ember, and morph gonna live together. Also, ember meeting her brother who came searching for her and few other things.
After a few months.
Not for a few months at least.
Hey dear, please read this reply to know how to continue reading this novel. As this book is a part of 3 novels series, all of them are going to end in 3rd book “the Devil’s betrothed”. I am explaining here from which chapter of 3rd book you can continue reading. Read from chapter 773 onwards of 3rd book where drayce would fight against gods. You can find it in same app in my author profile. Also read from chapter 667-695 in same 3rd book where Drayce visits Demon realm. I had informed it before, but you must have missed reading. If anymore questions, feel free to ask. ❤️
If you don’t want to read entire 3rd book, you can start reading from chapter numbers I mentioned to continue reading where you stopped in this novel. But, if you read 3rd book, you will get another side of the story and connections of all three books, the past of characters and mythology part of the story which is going on now. ❤️
No killing. I love morph as well. 🥰
If Morpheus was going to mate with Ember, there was no need for me to create a different bond for them. He is her protector and reasons you will know when you keep reading.
The Devil's Cursed Witch
Fantasy · Mynovel20