
LV 5

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2018-10-27 Joint Global
Badges 9

Moments 45
3 months ago

I didn’t see any mention of wiping afterwards

Smiling in satisfaction, he flushed the toilet and washed his hands before opening the door to see a shark demon staring at him, mindlessly.

Hellfox in Hazbin

Hellfox in Hazbin

Anime & Comics · samadomkv

1 years ago

Behold the Wizard!!!

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2 years ago

The worlds most lethal fidget spinner

While thinking of all the scenarios that could happen once we break through the first line of defence, I pulled out my lightsabers and slowly span them around using the force. The sight of the spinning blades along with the accompanying light hum was something I found to be very therapeutic. At least half as good as drinking.

Star Wars: Blurred Lines

Star Wars: Blurred Lines

Movies · DodgyWriter

2 years ago

I feel like i know but im not sure, if it is from where i think its from then you sir have brought a smile to my face.

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2 years ago

3 years ago

Everyone always underestimated max charisma

"She's not wrong." Oobleck says to himself and Kyra facepalms

An Endless New Dream

An Endless New Dream

Anime & Comics · Commonnerfer

3 years ago

Ce livre a été supprimé.
3 years ago

So did he put his boots back on or is he following him in just his socks now

"The Ancient One would like to see you now" I just nod at him, then follow him through the doors that lead to Kamar Taj, magic is just awesome I just went from New York to Kathmandu.

Marvel: Meditation System

Marvel: Meditation System

Anime & Comics · Alcoholic_Panda

3 years ago


It was the early morning of the first day. Since it was my last time here, I was busy uprooting my crops and placing them in my inventory so they won't die or succumb to time. This took a while as the fields were quite massive, I fear it would have been discovered long ago if it wasn't for the concealment kido that I had placed all around the place. With Mayuri's knowledge it was quite a simple task. It felt my only limit to what I could create was simply my lack of my own imagination and ideas. After I was done I went down stream to clean myself up and to perform my final consert with my school of fishes. After having another fun Sing-Along, I gave them some of my special made fish flakes, I had made them as an experiment on how I would feed an army of aquatic animals if I ever desided to get one. The flakes themselves where extremely healthy for my little fishy friends who weren't so little anymore. Another side effect of my war rations, causing them to grow big and healthy, over the years my school had become massive both physically and numerically, I truly felt regret not being able to take them with me. I gave them all warnings to stay away from humans and food that just pops out of no where as it could be bait, with that I Bid my farewells. I would still have my birds gather information for me so wasn't really any need to bid them farewell I just cast a concealment kido around their nests that would last for about a decade so they wouldn't have to worry too much about them being discovered by unwanted guests. I put on the new uniform, my guns and their holsters where hidden within my blazer, and with that along with Yachiru who was on my back I left for the school. I also found out as the years past that either she aged very slowly over a few thousand years or would stay like that forever, I didn't mind either way, as her cheerfulness would always bring a smile on my face. I could see why Kenpachi was so attached to her, she was indeed very likable, the others were as well however they preferred staying in their own realms, mostly only coming out for meals, and when I would play with all of them.

Carefree Path of a Wondering Stranger

Carefree Path of a Wondering Stranger

Others · MasterBeast7016

3 years ago
