i , what ?
"Wow! Old Casca, this ship is too Haki!"
Anime & Comics · Shirokendama
xiaoba.....really now
Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
Anime & Comics · NovelsWorld
I really liked it until Freya got teased into the Harem . I just dont like her personally ... actually she kinda Disgusting . i find all Gods and godesses of lust and love disgusting actually . But stil its an Awsome story give it a try at least until Freya gets in xD
So freya really is in huh....man i really liked it so far , imma give you my powerstones but thats it for me , was a wild ride :D
nooo pleaaaseeee
"You could have the same," Ryan's voice pulled her from her daze.
Anime & Comics · Ryan_Colman
maybe try Pepsi next ?
I awoke with a sharp gasp, my vision swimming for a moment. "What the hell was that? I blacked out for a second, heard the ramblings of a madman, and suddenly had the overwhelming urge to strangle Snape."
Anime & Comics · Ryan_Colman
[Ps, go roast those motherfuckers in the reviews especially that one who said all of the girls in the harem were trash and Snape is an okay guy.]
Anime & Comics · Ryan_Colman
nooo....why her.... i really liked it until here,,,
"I will find you…" she whispered, her obsession already taking root.
Anime & Comics · Ryan_Colman
No wonder Mutants get fucker over agein and again
"And I fear," Charles continued softly, "we have only seen the beginning of his potential. If he's capable of making such choices now, at this young age... we need to ensure that power, and the decisions that come with it, are guided by the right principles."
Anime & Comics · Gilgamesh9669
who ? you mean Helmeppo ?
Onepiece: I'm Vice Captain Of Strawhat Pirates
Anime & Comics · ZetharQuinn