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2018-10-15 Joint Philippines
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2 years ago

as much as I hate Catelyn this is a bit to much

Catelyn was red with shame, seeing the patronizing look from Benjen's wife and children, and seeing neither her husband nor her children defend her. She wanted to speak, "I..." but was again interrupted, "Did I allow to speak?", seeing her shutting her mouth he continued, "It has been more than fifteen years since you came here and you still continue to want to make it more southern. You built sept in Winterfell and the Moat, two of our sacred lands. You brought your children to despise the North and the Old Gods. How bold are you? How many of your letters to your father, your sister or your so-called best friend did I have to intercept because they were secret of the North in it? You married my uncle and gave birth to five beautiful children, that means that you are the only southern spy that I can't deal with."

Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms

Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms

Book&Literature · ElderKwon

2 years ago

hmm a preemptive strike ehh good choice much less problem that way


Olenna Tyrell massaged her temples trying to curb the headache that was plaguing her. When news of her spies North came, her oaf of a son immediately send ravens to all the Lords of the Reach to prepare for war. She regretted having her to that meeting thinking that it would again be useless news. That idiot wanted to attack the North for a pre-emptive strike. She always wondered how could someone who slipped out of her legs could be so idiotic.

Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms

Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms

Book&Literature · ElderKwon

2 years ago


"Here... That would be thirty Galleys with a crew aboard of about three hundred people each, along with the thousand on the flagship... emm plus or minus six thousand nine hundred additional guests, Lord Stark."

Game of Thrones : Paladin of Old Gods (Draft)

Game of Thrones : Paladin of Old Gods (Draft)

TV · Duncan_Randar

2 years ago


If I were him, I'd have gotten my hands on that information by now. '

Game of Thrones : Paladin of Old Gods (Draft)

Game of Thrones : Paladin of Old Gods (Draft)

TV · Duncan_Randar

2 years ago

he gotta be a spy or something


"AHAHAH!!! And what do you think they would do with a few more books? Found a 'Second Citadel'?" Marwyn.

Game of Thrones : Paladin of Old Gods (Draft)

Game of Thrones : Paladin of Old Gods (Draft)

TV · Duncan_Randar

2 years ago



A child of barely four years old, pale skin typical of the Norse, well-groomed steel-white hair, peculiar light-green eyes that shifted into silvery eye-sockets, a normal height of just over three feet and a gait worthy of a nobleman. This was the first information Qyburn was able to glean in these brief moments.

Game of Thrones : Paladin of Old Gods (Draft)

Game of Thrones : Paladin of Old Gods (Draft)

TV · Duncan_Randar

2 years ago

tears of lys maybe as a good gift[img=recommend][img=recommend]

Lady Myra announced the news of her pregnancy to the whole family in the 4th month. My father threw a big party for all the residents of the castle, sparing no expense. I, as a good 'future big brother', to the joy and laughter of everyone, put on a little show about how I would defeat any bad guys who dared threaten the safety of my little brothers or sisters.

Game of Thrones : Paladin of Old Gods (Draft)

Game of Thrones : Paladin of Old Gods (Draft)

TV · Duncan_Randar

2 years ago

imma little confused author didn't ya say that the north is not participating on southern wars and didn't the starks kinda you know want to bloody the southern kingdoms and now Aryans gonna defend the riverlands(the place where it's lord paramount literally has the lowest control over, no particular natural defense, a pretty much a weak and scattered army(much more of a cannon fodder if you asked me as seen in the show or books if I'm not mistaken), and lord with questionable loyalties) the place where literally almost all wars are fought in that's gonna be a cluster f**k in many ways than one on the other hand thanks for the update

2 years ago

so much for avoiding southern affair's


"Yes, I have to, if Edmure dies, one of Ned's sons will inherit the Riverlands and I don't want anything to do with that. And even if Hoster is a cunt, the Blackfish is a good man who taught Jon a lot. And last but not the least, the firstborn of the Lord Paramount of the Riverlands is my aunt, yet Tywin plan to invade the land of my kin like I don't exist." he chuckled and continued "Slaughtering the Reynes and Tarbeck's and sacking an undefended city made him fell invincible. He believes everyone is afraid of him. His desecration of reality shall not go unpunished. Ser Rodrick, tell Marwyn to call the Lords."

Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms

Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms

Book&Literature · ElderKwon

2 years ago

house starks words are winter is coming with the ice dragons on the other hand winter has come


After a few minutes, only sixteen eggs, remained, the rest turning onto the dust, but all of them emitted a chill that gave Jon goosebumps. Aryan stood up pricked his finger a put his blood on each of the egg, who surprisingly absorb the blood, he then said "That's a shame, I thought that I could sell all the eggs who were sacrificed... Well, whatever, sixteen is more than I anticipated. We will hatch when they are ready. They respond to the Stark blood now, always and forever."

Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms

Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms

Book&Literature · ElderKwon