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LV 6

We read to know we are not alone. —C.S. Lewis

2018-10-01 Joint Global

Badges 10

Moments 326


Slay 💯👏🏼

"Make everyone leave the room at this instant," She whispered to the girl who immediately nodded, still closing her eyes. "Everyone, except Tabitha. Tell her she can watch" 

The Grand Mistress

The Grand Mistress

Urban · Zijay


Only Simione can make The Great Hawk Monsanto feel scared. 👏🏼👏🏼

"Did I not say if you won't punish me, I'll be the one punishing you?" The girl smiled at him, but her smile was the kind that only made Hawk swallow a lump on his throat. "Are you ready for your punishment now?"

The Grand Mistress

The Grand Mistress

Urban · Zijay


Ruthless 😬😣

"Fine," Hawk answered and Butler Samsoon heaved a deep sigh of relief with it. However, he certainly did not expect the next words Hawk uttered. "Since they were your responsibility, I'll give the lashes to you instead,"

The Grand Mistress

The Grand Mistress

Urban · Zijay


Hawk man up. I’m so disappointed in you.

"Fine," Hawk does not care really but his approval made everyone who witnessed their exchange look at each other blushing. They thought it was really cute that Tabitha can make Hawk agree with her wishes with just one pout. 

The Grand Mistress

The Grand Mistress

Urban · Zijay


I really wanna slap her face.


"But I had enough rest in the hospital. Would you just allow me this once?" She said pouting like a child.

The Grand Mistress

The Grand Mistress

Urban · Zijay


I hope that you will soon know your place.

"He had been especially good to me these days," Tabitha smiled sweetly at this announcement. "But of course, it is to be expected, I am after all his childhood companion and his helper,"

The Grand Mistress

The Grand Mistress

Urban · Zijay


You will surely eat all the words you said just now. 🤦🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️

"Pssh…does she think we are not aware of the way she got into the President's bed? Seducing and scheming? Does she think she can be a Monsanto madam by that? Perhaps she needed to be taught. She can own the President's bed for all we care but she can never own the title Madam of the Monsanto's. That title only belongs to those who are a match with the president and she certainly isn't one!"

The Grand Mistress

The Grand Mistress

Urban · Zijay


You are wrong I am certain this is Tabitha’s doing.

"God! So, it's that woman's fault again?" Butler Samsoon gritted his teeth. He had received many reports about Simione's irresponsibility and refusal to cooperate in everything but since she was the President's wife, he kept his mouth shut. He thought that it was better for Hawk to deal with her as he was his wife but it seemed like she was already out of everyone's control. 

The Grand Mistress

The Grand Mistress

Urban · Zijay


I am so annoyed at you right now but you will know your place soon.


"That's why I'm here. I knew most of these families. They trust me. They are not very welcoming of people from the city so we thought it would be better that in this very delicate times, they can turn to someone on our side without hesitation. Someone they have known. Someone they have confidence in. This is a matter of trust Simione. These people, they trust me so it would be good for them to believe I am the madam of the Monsanto's now,"

The Grand Mistress

The Grand Mistress

Urban · Zijay


And you are not even qualified to be one. 🙄

"No worries, dear Simione, I am not blaming you," Tabitha's face softened now as if she was pitying the woman before her. "It just that… the title Madam of the Monsanto's is something not everyone can just step into,"

The Grand Mistress

The Grand Mistress

Urban · Zijay



This time, Simione faced her. "Because I am the real one,"

The Grand Mistress

The Grand Mistress

Urban · Zijay


That is just the start of your downfall Feather. 👏🏼👏🏼

Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
The Grand Mistress

The Grand Mistress

Urban · Zijay


Your dream is over you have to wake up now. 🤭

"Miss Han what are you doing?" Someone grabbed her and whispered in her ears. Feather looked at who it was and saw an unfamiliar person. Even when her surprised face, the person continued, "Your walk is only up to here, please go to the corner,"

The Grand Mistress

The Grand Mistress

Urban · Zijay


Wake up now. You are making yourself a fool.

"Wait….." Ami's brows immediately crossed as her nerves panicked when she saw the parade of ball gowns flashing before her eyes. To add to the intrigued, there was indeed Gabriella Monteria on the parade, walking down the aisle with a gown as beautiful and almost similar with Feather's gown. "Impossible! How could the bridesmaid's gown almost the same with the bride's gown? What shamelessness is this?"

The Grand Mistress

The Grand Mistress

Urban · Zijay


It will never arrive or maybe the gift is you will be put in your proper place once you know the truth.

"Well Miss Han, before the wedding ceremony, the groom should send the bride a gift," One person answered for everyone. "Perhaps it was just late, it will surely arrive soon,"

The Grand Mistress

The Grand Mistress

Urban · Zijay

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