

male LV 4


2018-09-20 Joint Global
Badges 5

Moments 4256
3 days ago
Replied to CRUZEN

what a complete perverted idiot you are! she is 7 years old or even younger! not 12!!!! no one got married at 7 years old and no one said that at this time it was time to think about a child. so you also brought knowledge that is useless for this matter... it’s just terrible how stupid you are.

14 days ago

I think it's very stupid that he still doesn't have any information about other gods (gods appeared in other cities or kingdoms and started doing all sorts of crazy things... but there's still no news...). Do people sign non-disclosure agreements when leaving town? it feels like there are no caravans, no spies, no just traveling people (due to the fact that information is not disseminated... the whole world should already know that many gods have descended into their world). This fic has a big problem with information dissemination (I would even say it's a plot hole... you're slowing down the speed of information dissemination too much). Also, the number of people using the system is growing too slowly.

14 days ago

it is very strange that he did not add a calculator to the “book”... it is a very easy program to create, and also very valuable to a lot of people.

16 days ago

MC is a pedophile. All the people in this fanfic are complete bastards. MC at the age of 20 wanted to marry Kushina, who is not even 7 years old... and his decision was supported by Tsunade, and Mito's grandmother said that Kushina was already old enough to get married... the author disfigured the characters. (I want to puke... run and don't waste your time on this poop).

16 days ago

he's a pedophile... and tsunade supported it?!!! some twisted nonsense (Kushina Uzumake became the jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails at age 7). He needs to be imprisoned or killed (he is 20 years old... and he wanted to marry a girl before the age of 7...)

18 days ago
Replied to MrTranslator


"Without Chakra, you are just an ordinary person." Asuma saw that the plan worked, he was relieved, looked at Akihiro and said with a smile. At the same time, Asuma didn't give him much time, and rushed over with his chakra blades directly. Facing the opponent, Akihiro just slowly raised his fist, which was immediately covered with a layer of incomparably dark Armament Haki.

Creating Navy In Naruto World

Creating Navy In Naruto World

Anime & Comics · MrTranslator

18 days ago
Replied to Zack_Mischigan

you wrote some meaningless nonsense. I won't waste any more time on a one-celled idiot like you.

(Ok, the votes are in and we go for Red and White Empresses. Even the image for Valina has been voted on. Enjoy a longer chapter than normal.)

The Knight of Ruin(DxD)

The Knight of Ruin(DxD)

Anime & Comics · A_Real_Werewolf234

19 days ago
Replied to Zack_Mischigan

If you like it, you must like guys who have become "girls"... by identifying these guys as girls, you stop being straight and become a gay pervert.

(Ok, the votes are in and we go for Red and White Empresses. Even the image for Valina has been voted on. Enjoy a longer chapter than normal.)

The Knight of Ruin(DxD)

The Knight of Ruin(DxD)

Anime & Comics · A_Real_Werewolf234

19 days ago
Replied to MrTranslator

rave. then the Hidden Whirlpool Village would not have been destroyed (if they could seal the chakra of the most powerful enemies). And there will be no night of the nine-tails. The more chakra, the more difficult it is to seal. against shinobi of the kage level in this case, the tactic of sealing chakra would always be used (the third raikage would not have fought for several days against an army of ten thousand, he would simply have had his chakra sealed). By adding such a technique here, the author of this fanfic simply created a stupid plot hole)

"Without Chakra, you are just an ordinary person." Asuma saw that the plan worked, he was relieved, looked at Akihiro and said with a smile. At the same time, Asuma didn't give him much time, and rushed over with his chakra blades directly. Facing the opponent, Akihiro just slowly raised his fist, which was immediately covered with a layer of incomparably dark Armament Haki.

Creating Navy In Naruto World

Creating Navy In Naruto World

Anime & Comics · MrTranslator