PathOfZen - Profile



male LV 14

The way is simple, yet not simple. If one wanted to know, one have to search for it him/herself. My acc got reset. Thanks Qidian :)

2018-09-16 Joint Global

Badges 9

Moments 18


Author you know Nascent means the beginning/start of something right? nas·cent /ˈnās(ə)nt/ adjective (especially of a process or organization) just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential. Why does this come after Heavenly? IMO it should’ve went Nascent > Earth > Heaven > Divine But you do you author…

Replied to _Alenkar

There is Yahweh in Marvel.

"Open your eyes! How can you all smile and chatter around when the devil has the world in his hands!? Don't you see, you're all being led astray, he's using worldly pleasures to entrap you and forget the true way of god." A man boldly preached and attracted the attention of the other customers, including Arias and Natasha.



Movies · God_Of_Brutality

Replied to _Alenkar

There is.

"Open your eyes! How can you all smile and chatter around when the devil has the world in his hands!? Don't you see, you're all being led astray, he's using worldly pleasures to entrap you and forget the true way of god." A man boldly preached and attracted the attention of the other customers, including Arias and Natasha.



Movies · God_Of_Brutality


Before the daily chapters: 12/10. After the author made it daily chapters: 6-7/10. Now, you might’ve been thinking: what? Isn’t daily chapters good? Aren’t you getting it reversed? The answer is: No. Because what I meant by daily chapters are not chapters that are released daily, which is good, but rather referring to the phase in the novel where the author, who after some time, decided to switch up a little in regards to how he writes the novel by making it daily chapters. It used to be a normal, you know, way of writing. Like 95% the way a novel is written. But after some time, the author decided to write the novel as you would write a diary. So for example, the story would go a little bit like this: imagine that for a chapter, it would start with a random day, and let’s say that it is today, Friday, 29th of July, 2022. The rest of the chapter would tell what happens in this day, with almost all the event told. That’s it. It usually also goes on for a couple of chapters, so 1 day in the novel could be like 5 chapters. Next chapter/s after that would be the day after, (so that would be Saturday, 30th of July, 2022) and it also filled with whatever is happening that day. Again, this could be going for a couple of chapters. Yeah. Do you see it now? The author did this after about chapter 100+-, I don’t remember exactly, and in that point in time, in the story, it was around September-October (again, I don’t remember exactly). Now, after reaching chapter 300+, the time in the story is December. So about 2,5-3 months of story progression in about 150-200+ chapters. … I don’t know what to say… But that’s not to say that the story is bad, no. Infact, as you may already know by my rating at the start of this review, the story itself is interesting. It is very very good in my opinion and fits perfectly into my (current, at least) taste. Even after the daily chapters, I found the content entertaining. There are many many parts that are unnecessary and are just plain fillers, yes, but the truth is, for me, the story, characters, and some other things stays to be interesting. Hell, I even started spending money on this website/app because of this amazing novel (you know, cause of premium and that) when before I discovered this novel, I would just use FPs and sail the 7 seas searching for treasure (if you know what I mean). It’s just that I will not deny the little feeling of regret that came to me these days. It came from the author’s inconsistency of uploading. Look, author-san, or whatever you want to be called. I can stand the fillers but I just can’t stand the feeling of having no chapter to read when it’s time for new chapters to be uploaded. Please, just write consistently and you’ll always have my coins.


Even after all this, the novel is banned. Wow.

There were all kinds of cheers and screams. There were people who were sincerely shouting, "Long live the People's Republic of China," while there were also people singing along to the national anthem and shouting, "I love you, China."

I'm A Baller

I'm A Baller

Urban · Short'nin' Bread


I think I have to agree with the paragraph comments from MrFalan a little here, author. (Oh boy, this is gonna be long) Don’t get me wrong, I got your point, Author, but I think you are missing his, MrFalan’s, point here. I know that his, the MC’s personality and maturity are as you say he is, Mr.(or Ms.? Idk sorry)Author, but I think what MrFalan trying to say is about his, the MC’s, ”experience”, particularly about his knowledge and understanding of the world. Now, all that comes after this is my opinion. I wrote “knowledge and understanding of the world”. And what I meant by that is NOT the knowledge and understanding of his previous world or his current one, Arcadius, as in history/geography/politics/etc, no. I meant it as in the way how humans or human societies works, or in other words, common sense. Like knowing how to read the room, or how the rich and powerful can almost get away with/for anything, for example. Okay, perhaps you can argue that with MC’s disabilities in his previous live, it prevented him to interact with people except his mother, thus not enabling him to understand such things (the way human works). But it’s not like he have absolutely 0 way to learn it, he’s not Yuan, from Cultivation Online, who is totally crippled and can not do or sense anything except hearing, talking a little and swallowing to eat/drink. Ethan can still see, which is the most important part in believing and learning something. If you hear about something, you may believe it, you may not. But if you see it , that something, happening with your own eyes, you will believe it, and it became true- a true new information and knowledge for you. Ethan can learn about such things from many medium, he play games and watch anime all day, surely he can learn some common sense that you should NOT walk through a suspicious back alley, let alone approach a person who is most certainly shady there, in a game or anime. I mean I learnt that appearance can be deceiving from novels & animes & mangas lol, like the cliché where the ones that look scary is actually the kindest person in the world and the most innocent looking one is actually the insane psychopath, guilty of the end of the world. Again, you could argue that common sense are different between two worlds, but no, somethings are just applicable everywhere, even in a different universe. Like the-don’t-go-approach-a-person-in-a-shady-back-alley- thing. Surely that could be used anywhere. To be honest, this whole thing started because of that(Emilio taking a route through the back alley and approached what apparently a “beggar girl” and get punished for it). And it could’ve been prevented if Ethan/Emilio have that kind of common sense (to not approach a stranger, especially in a back alley, ever). And provided that Ethan/Emilio is not an innocent man and is not an unintelligent person (or at least that’s my impression of him), he SHOULD have the knowledge to avoid this whole debacle. Now, I know why you decided to write it like this, and it kind of make sense, because it is an important turning point for the MC, but, to be honest with you, I don’t like it. It’s cliché, and my first reaction to this was like………really? Again, this whole situation could have been avoided if Emilio have that kind of common sense(the things I talked about), which he should have. Or maybe you should’ve written the MC’s character a little differently, I don’t know. You do you, author. This is your story after all. I’m just stating my opinion here. I might’ve spent the last 2, no scratch that, make that 2.5 hours trying to write all this, and still, this may sound confusing even after all my effort, yes, I know, but I just have to let this out there. TFTC.


This one too, huh? Aight author you better tell me how much they paying you for these new cover because they’re trash. Someone tell me what are these new cover image that are appearing on the novels these days, it looks so f****** bad like wtf is that, the older ones was great but then you replace it with these bs, idk what to even call these, a “desperate attempt to make it looks real story with a real human picture, like those of movie posters and shit, but ended up failing because of how stupid the whole thing looked” -kind? Or something else? I mean, the old cover for Dragon King Son in Law for example. It was simple but decent, with a mighty dragon eye in the background and the title of the story in the bottom. But the new one? Wtf is that? Where’s the f****** dragon king? Why is there a dude with a glasses with a dragon that looks like it was drawn by a 5 yo and make it into a CGI? And the lady? The supposed Dragon Princess? Isn’t it just a picture of a random woman posing that you can find on the internet? You just added fake dragon horns ffs. And this one? Are you for real? You telling THAT is the MC? A 18? 19? yo CHINESE man? The author literally gave us a drawing of what the MC should look like ffs, why don’t you use that instead? And the girls, aswell. I bet 1$ that they’re just pictures of models that are found on the internet, and then used for this abomination. What’s up with all the gold? Car? Is it necessary? It only makes it like a wannabe rich man scam poster image that you can see when you accidentally clicked an ad when you’re reading a novel from a pirated raw site. In conclusion, these new cover “art” are shit and I hate it with passion and It makes me don’t want to read the novel a little and I just want it to extinct.



"Actually, let's do a drastic career change! Before, I was a boring human in the camp of light, but I'll join the side of darkness this time. It will be so damn satisfying to fight these stuck-up NPC that I had to babysit in the past!" Jack chuckled.

MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

Games · ClasslessAscension

Replied to Izashi

me fourteen

Vaan steadily opened his eyes and immediately noticed the difference. His eyesight was restored and improved further beyond.

The Witch Hunter System

The Witch Hunter System

Fantasy · Pointbreak

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