And while she left us alone through those years, she didn't forget about what happened. She was too preoccupied with the political wars to come after us right away, but she was finally free now to do as she pleased.
Video Games · EnderStar
Not what I had in mind, but you'll see in the next chapter how useful the dragon really is.
A fire dragon.
Video Games · EnderStar
Don't worry, I wouldn't do that so close to the end. It was my fault this time. Have a great weekend, and tnx for the gif:)
Let's say 3 punches for a dirt block, 5 for stone and it can't brake obsidian.
"Unfortunately he'll just break the wall block by block, no matter how thick it is."
Video Games · EnderStar
We shall see in the next few chapters:)
Hmm, I'll think about it. The End is near so you'll find your answer faster than you might expect.
Well that depends on how popular the book is, I'm guessing If it's pretty popular they don't have that much energy to respond to everything. Also, your comments are not easy to repsund since their more like a statement then an open question. And lastly, I only get notified if you respond to one of my comments, or put a brand new comment, no repulse to someone else. Actually I've seen how you also wrote something so I think you know what I'm talking about.
"Trader is that you!?"
Video Games · EnderStar
Also, please keep up the comments since I like to hear different opinions. Have a pleasant read!
"Trader is that you!?"
Video Games · EnderStar
What do you think his punishment should be?
The one with the cows was good XD
"I have skills! I can level up some of them while I'm waiting, I'm sure the owner won't mind too much if I borrow a few resources. I'll try to get mine as much as possible."
Minecraft: loading new world
Video Games · EnderStar