jebaom - Profile



LV 13
2018-08-10 Joint Global

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Moments 334


your histori is good autor and is not loong i actuali tink is quite short my onli complaim is you take long to post chapther but readers have this complain on 99.999999999% of novels so not evem consider it a complaim

And lastly, some say that my story is too long and that nothing has changed, well I only tell you this: my story is long, because I have dedicated day and night to form a story that is worth reading, even if there are clear grammatical mistakes, I always try to make the readers feel comfortable with what I write, since I myself am also a reader, however, do not come to say that my story has been boring, because even though the canon has not begun, I have managed to keep them happy with what I do, which is something that also fascinates me. 

ASOIAF/GOT: Minecraft in Essos.

ASOIAF/GOT: Minecraft in Essos.

TV · Marcia_05



I cloak and go back to slaughtering Czerka assholes. The Jedi are in no condition to try and stop me anymore. Jinn can't walk and Kenobi can't breathe right.

Predator of Star Wars: Hunt

Predator of Star Wars: Hunt

Movies · GoldDragonMachina



Tomorrow we will can the atmosphere and take down the shield emitters before we leave. The rest of the stuff had all ready been stowed away. We even have half of 1 cargo bay full of junk with the other a quarter full of refined materials in either spools or crates of aggregate. Most of the cases were full of dura steel, and a few were full of a Beskar alloy. With one crate that was subdivided with the different trace elements we were hear for in there own little box.

New life in starwars

New life in starwars

Book&Literature · TobascoDragoon

Replied to LemonZawodowiec

its not on his interest list yet

FYI Truck-Kun hates space so you should be fine

New life in starwars

New life in starwars

Book&Literature · TobascoDragoon



After that was completed I went to the truck stop restroom to wash up. Once inside I realized a startling truth. I haven't taken a shit in over 3 life times, though I still don't have to go. I hope this life lasts longer. Once washed up I head in to the truck stop proper and get a to-go breakfast, several Dr. Peppers, and 12 granola power bars. Once paid I head back to the truck. I have 12 minutes before I can hit the road. Checking the fuel gage says the truck tanks are full and the trailer tank is nearly so. I start the truck and warm it up to operating temperature.

New life in starwars

New life in starwars

Book&Literature · TobascoDragoon


thats the troler we all love


Later On Trazyn went to Trolled Orikan, after the Imperium has Won, With His Flesh Body as a Bragging Rights... while Orikan Nearly toss Trazyn Now in a Flesh Body out of the Window.... that is a Story for a Later time...

Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System

Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System

War · Lee_Kah



Various Roars and Screams was heard around the Surroundings, as Flood of Flesh and Steel began to converge to Arcadia and the Skies is Blotted out with Both Flood and Chaos infested Aircraft.... Chaos Spartans Sprinted towards the minefield and Nurgle infested Abrams provided Artillery support They were met with Artillery Barrages and Machine gun Bunkers and Droid in trench lines... and Alexander Air force Met Corrupted, both sides Planes debris fell down like Fireworks display...Of Flesh and Metal fell from the Air, Countless of Monsters and abominations that one's mind could think off is Arriving at the Frontlines as Abominations like Nurgle Sons wearing the Spartan Helmet rushed forward hoping to Tank the Shellings...and The Corrupted Artillery began To Barrage at The Defenses....And the Shield Generators held on until the Constant Barrages Managed to Flicker, the Corrupted cheered as they intensified the Barrages... Alexander Commenced Counter battery Taking out the Most of them, but more came up to the front and launch shells to them, Alexander Frontline shield was Broken... and Dreadclaws filled with Flood soldiers and Nurgle infested Spartan Halo Dropped in the Trenches, Never caring about where they land only want to kill, the Droids managed to Destroyed every last one of them... and The Engineers Droids managed to Make More Shield Generators, while fixing the burnt out Circuitry of the Overburdened Generations... A group of Vehicles rushed towards the Trenches and Detonated Numerous Nuclear Fatboy's Nuke in their Trunks and Blew Up the Trenches.. And Carved a Path to the Arcadia, as Assorted Monsters like Flood Ultralisk and Flood created Giants Rushed in to be the Tank, as Chaos Soldiers that still had a modicum of Sanity took out the Remaining Droids in the Trenches... and then followed their Infested Cohorts... through the Mountain Pass, the Enemies steps on the mines without a care, as they ignored the Bunkers that is filled with Flamethrowers and Mountain Guns at the Side, Even Ignoring a group of CIWs immediately Shot at them, Making a Temporary respite of the waves as the Artillery began Triangulate to shell the pass, and Anti-Air Guns Began to Shoot the Skies with Flaks, missiles and Tracers blotting out whatever a transports or Close air support Craft entering their vicinity.... then the Flood infested Arachnids Burst out of the Artillery Nests, Tried to Destroy the Artillery, only to find out A Abrams tank Aimed their Guns at the Bugs, and Shot them at Point Blank... Snapped the Bug into two, as a Squad of Advanced Droids Newly Made, Entered the Bug holes and wrecked havoc behind enemy lines...

Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System

Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System

War · Lee_Kah



Start Building, Start Mining Ores, Start Producing Weapons of War, Now Arcadia, Rise from your Slumber... Rise that you Can Avenged the lost, A millennia worth of Suffering that was lost to you...There will be no Mercy amongst the Stars, and will this lands filled with the Blood of the Damned to pay the Journey of innocence to the Ferryman....

Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System

Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System

War · Lee_Kah



"BUURRPPHH!" A loud burp came out of my mouth, but what came next overcame the embarrassment I felt. A spewing of green flames came out of my mouth, boiling the air and going a few feet beyond the wall.

The Orkalorian

The Orkalorian

Anime & Comics · VonLeporace



9 – Create a podcast with Trazyn and Nemesor Zahndrekh.

Rebirth of a Dynasty

Rebirth of a Dynasty

Anime & Comics · VonLeporace


that is as considerate has a ork can be kkkmmmm

"Dear mekboy Zazzog Brasshead. How are yer? Yer warboss Gol D. Loota, I know dis kan be an inconvenience, but I need yer help… WHERE 'DA HELL ARE YER GIT?! 'DA TIN MAN 'AS FLIES! SEND OUR FLYAZ ERE NOW! OTHERWISE, WHEN I KOME BACK, I WILL TIP OFF YER ARMS AN' LEGS AN' MAKE YER SWIM AROUND 'DA ISLAND!"

Rebirth of a Dynasty

Rebirth of a Dynasty

Anime & Comics · VonLeporace



As Alexander Is Fighting for dear his Life against a Monster that was Once His Mother Pie now turned into a 13 Foot tall sprouting Tentacles abomination of a Pie, and Mouths Gaping around the crust as it kept on begging to Kill it, while trying to kill Alexander as the tentacles Turned into Drills Trying to Stab Alexander, He manages to get a Emergency Flamer from the Weapons Shelf and Burn the Monster Pie to Charred Black as it kept on Saying thanks to the one that killed it does not make good taste in his mouth, Now Homesick and Missing his Pie... He Sighed... Time to make a Decision. As he forgive the sender and went to a corridor...

Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System

Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System

War · Lee_Kah

Replied to Mgaballah

yeo he should buy one if he do will problably be a twi has his tates are obivius

'Fuck I haven't jerked off in like 4 days, I'm gonna be a monster if I keep this pent up.'

I Woke Up in Star Wars, but It Was Weird

I Woke Up in Star Wars, but It Was Weird

Movies · Vexeras

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