
male LV 14
2018-07-20 Joint Sweden
Badges 9

Moments 30
14 hours ago


29 days ago


1 months ago

Not for me. Tired of evil MCs. Also quite boring to read for me. Seems this app is meant for edgy teenagers that wants to see the world burn. Put up villan tag so people don’t get confused.

1 months ago

Haven’t read it but just the synopsis that he treats his women like slaves and if they get pregnant kills the child. You must be really mest up in the heat to kill children. Why even call this a harem. A harem is supposed to be more lighthearted and something you want to see the MC grow. For this guy he should die alone in a ditch. Author also don’t mention that the MC is evil only in the chapter.

1 months ago
Replied to IMDOOMED

Yun Che is terrified of the MC and he becomes just a push-over and a loser. All the girls and I mean all the girls likes the MC even quinche yun Che’s wife. Haven’t read all thats written but this is what I have read and understand so I guess Yun Che is going to become a cuck in this story.

1 months ago

This was a story I was following whenever it updated and even joined the patreon. I skip all the smut scenes because they don't intresst me. After reading his other story on patreon I am starting to see what this story will be henceforth and I am not intressted. They seem to like incest, yuri and multiple Mcs and other couples having smut scenes in their story. All of these are what I dont like to read about. I know in this story that Jean Grey and her daughter from the future have sex and it makes me sick. Even if they are fictional characters and it is just a story it is not something I want to read about. So if u like incest, yuri and multiple couples outside the MC this is for you.

1 months ago

If you like villan MCs than this is for you. I have only read 10 chapters, but after what happens in chapter 9 and 10 I understod that this story was not for me. In chapter 9 he steals money from the bank he ”saved” and in chapter 10 you get to know that the robbers was murded by him. Then he gets all psyko on Jean and I get strong Stockholm syndrome from her, because even if she got disgusted by what he did she still wants to sleep with him. I can not understand how this MC even understands what love is and with the way he is treating people can get them to like him. How this guy will get a harem is beyond me. Only if all the girls want to destroy and rule the world will this happen. It is a wellwritten story but I miss stories with good guy MCs. They are so unique on this app.

1 months ago

Not a fan of this MC. Just your normal villan MC who cares about noone but himself. I have never liked evil MC, especially in a story revolving heroes. I know he has been throgh alot, but I hoped he would still be a good guy helping the weak and just capture the bad guys. I also never understands how these MCs even finds love, the only option would be mind manipulation because no normal girl would fall for a sociopathic murderer.

2 months ago
Replied to Ubermensh

This MC is more like an antagonist than a hero or anti hero. Hope the real MC yun Che kills the MC in this story. One of the worst protagonist ever written.

2 months ago

This story is not for me. just looked over the chapters that was out on patreon and this story do have yuri. Daphne and Tracy are lovers in this and that was what made me skip this one and unsubscribe from patreon. I prefer when the girls in a harem story has a sister like relationship, and not lovers. Makes it more like polyamory than harem which I dont like.