Chasing his dream girl (Agnes) , he succeeded. After 8 years of dating they both got married happily.
2 days after their marriage, Vulop Xestia (MC) dies due to Earth God's blunder
Offered a way to get back to Earth and reunite with his wife, he accepts
Follow Vulop's Journey as he try getting stronger with his newfound power and meet back with his wife.
Changed from [Living 2 Lives, 1 beast, 1 human] to [Living 2 Lives] to [Living 2 Lives With Devour System]
Release rate 7-9 chapters / week.
BTW if you don't read the Volume 1 : First Life, you'll still get Volume 2....
Name : Vulop Nomad
Sex : Male
Age Of Death : 22
Karma Points : 2.129.822
Conclusion : Reborn to new body on another world
Karma Gift : System "E"
[Initiate System #E]
[Welcome To System E, How May I Help You]
The release rate is still unknown cause im new and will probably take a long time just to write 1 chapter, maybe 1/day