thank you!!
A Librarian
Fantasy · TheMightyPerez
it's definitely an idea. I planning to ask for ideas in the comments on next chapter.
"And what would we call this City?" Dom asked, thinking that it did make sense. He grabbed the pointer from Xun Yu who was stood near him and pointed slightly south of the area that Subutai had selected.
Fantasy · TheMightyPerez
Thank you so much for this review, it meant a lot. happy you are enjoying it and good luck with your own work!
genuinely added that section in just for you! ha
"Why what is wrong with that?" Dom asked, which received some eye rolls from his Heroes.
Fantasy · TheMightyPerez
neither can I! I've got some exciting story lines planned! (or atleast I think they are)
thank you, hopefully you'll enjoy what you come back to!
My tired eyed proof reading obviously failed there! I'll fix now, thank you
Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
Fantasy · TheMightyPerez
I don't really have a schedule, I just write when I get chance. Indian character wise, this is definitely something I plan to include (other than the harem members that were purchased), but I'm always happy to listen to any ideas of Ancient Indian characters if you have any.
I appreciate the feedback! I'll post any ideas I Have, I doubt anything will change anytime soon, if at all.
it's the best type of security - secured security (I'll reword at somepoint thanks for pointing it out)
"Welcome home mighty Warriors of Riverside." Meritamen echoed Xun Yu's welcome, a huge cheer coming from the returning Riverside Warriors. "The former residents of Tongpai Town have arrived, grateful to have been saved by your sacrifice and join our prosperous family for a better future. You have secured security for our small city and have given us the first step in becoming a major power in this region. Rest tonight for when you return, there will be lots of celebrations!"
World Conquest Online
Fantasy · TheMightyPerez