

LV 5
2018-07-01 Joint Global
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20 days ago

What does a single set of abs even mean? Abs aren't developed in sets. Do you mean something like a "2-pack?" If so, that's not how abs work. You are born with 4/6/8-packs, with 6-packs being the?norm (don't even understand why 8-packs have become popular in fanfics). All of them appear together so long as you have decent fitness and low body fat. They don't show up in "sets."

Since the original Victor regularly worked out. He even developed a single set of abs. The man knew how to take care of himself.

I Am Doom (Marvel)

I Am Doom (Marvel)

Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever

1 months ago

"Stoic, Expressionless".. ugh.

With a stoic, expressionless face, he made his solemn way outside.

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Anime & Comics · INeedRest

1 months ago

Indolent is literally just another word for idle or lazy. Indolent Idleness is basically just saying idle idleness. The whole translation has become like this.

However, after whiling away the entire morning just lazing about on the bed, Colt found he could no longer abide such indolent idleness.

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Anime & Comics · INeedRest

1 months ago
Replied to Morty756483

Not poetic, more verbose and artificial. It feels like he started using AI to translate/edit, though it doesn't sound as bad as other AI usage I've seen... for now.

1 months ago
Replied to Yui_20

Kinda curious of what raws you got if they weren't proper... My issue with the translation(?) is less the grammar at this point, but the fact that the change has made it sound really pretentious. Something about it just feels annoying. Like the story is trying to sound sophisticated, despite neither being so, nor fitting in the genre. It's perfectly readable, and I still appreciate the translation, but it's still somewhat off-putting. Well, who knows. If this was what happened to the raws, it may improve at chapter 120.

1 months ago
Replied to Unstable_One

Ugh, lots of typos. Anyway, people generally puke only due to either disgust at the scene, or extreme fear at accidentally killing an innocent person. Specifically one you believe is innocent. If people actually puked often due to their first kill, murders would be way to easy to solve by simply checking for the DNA of any nearby puke, or looking up records of previous killers. One or the other would likely be the culprit. Also, even basic research into actual crimes commited would show you how rare this reaction is. It would also show you how much more horrifying most humans can be than you might think. Not puking, nor showing major reactions to the kill, are even close to the most "cold-blooded" behavior people often have.

"Ugh~ As expected, when the effects of stimulants wear off, you still feel nauseous. Those stories about the protagonists in novels about not changing their expressions when they kill someone for the first time after transmigrating are all lies."

I am Peter Parker, but not The Spiderman

I am Peter Parker, but not The Spiderman

Anime & Comics · Ravinder_Singh_807

1 months ago

Stories wih people puking because of tgeir first kill ade nearly all lies. The only reason someone might puke is if they find the scene disgusting, not because of guilt or trauma. Not reacting is actually incredibly common, if not actually the standard reach ion. However, everyone reacts differently. There is no real standard in your first kill.

"Ugh~ As expected, when the effects of stimulants wear off, you still feel nauseous. Those stories about the protagonists in novels about not changing their expressions when they kill someone for the first time after transmigrating are all lies."

I am Peter Parker, but not The Spiderman

I am Peter Parker, but not The Spiderman

Anime & Comics · Ravinder_Singh_807

1 months ago
Replied to mortalMika

Using Japanese honorifics in a translated novel is quite literally an exanple of either an incapable, or a lazy translator. A capable translator needs to be capable of translating the meaning of the words, while using language any speaker of the language being translated into would understand. People who don't know Japanese, nor have read anything using their honorifics (or have it explained to them) will just be confused by their existence. It's not the way people talk in English. This doesn't exclude using non-English terms, but they need to be explained in the novel naturally. NOT as notes or commentary, but someone in-world should explain it. It woupd be silly ro write Japanese novels and have them explain all the honorifics in each, so the natural expectation should be to not use them.

2 months ago

This chapter is taking what drives me insane about this book to an extreme. No sane person would see a story about themselves and assume the storyteller is their creator,even if it shows things no one else should know. There are still countless far more reasonable explanations than I'm a fake, or my enire multiverse was created by this guy. Thusbchapter makes it worse by thrusting one of those possibilities in everyones face and being ignored. Rin literally came from the future. There is an actual time traveler here, and her father doesn't assume the guy just created an anime based off future knowledge? Instead he literally thinks he is the creator!? What!?!? At least I've enjoyed the story so far, but this is seriously maddening.

3 months ago

Lomg term, this is actually the best option. Increased stamina and recovery means he can train linger, meaning he can improve himself faster. The lifespan is just the cherry on top. I'd personally pick this one without question. This isn't even including the fact that the other two are far less useful for his current fighting style and enemies. As for future ones? Well, he'll probably get more options to pick from by them.

[Abundant Life: Slight Increase In Self-Healing Speed, Slight Increase In Stamina And Spirit Recovery Speed, And Adds Extra Lifespan.]

Genshin Impact: I Can Obtain Adventure EXP

Genshin Impact: I Can Obtain Adventure EXP

Video Games · iRedX43