he is still considered very young ... a few years are nothing to a dragon's lifespan ... he can probably be compared to a few months old child ...
"Cough." The Dragon Mother also remembered that Muria had only seen Ansol once, and coughed: "Your father is very busy at the moment, so he doesn't have much time to see you."
Fantasy · Lucky blood and harvest year
shop keepers
Anyone would think that Lucifer knew the show keepers. Revenge wasn't incomprehensible. Anything was possible later. He didn't wish to save people only to have them be killed later.
Fantasy · Demonic_angel
Well, I this type of world, low level mutants, or variants with low level superpowers in this novel, are really almost useless in front of a gun ... you need your super power to reach a certain scale to be considered a powerful force ...
"You Variants think you're gods or something, huh? I'm not too fond of the arrogance your lot swaggers around with. Finally, I have an opportunity to kill one of you. It looks like the gods want to reward me for the good deeds I had done!"
Fantasy · Demonic_angel
logic shouldn't have been here ... it should have left the chat long ago !
Weston and his wife were more taken aback, though. They were both horrified to their core at the sight of how Lucifer easily killed a man. They couldn't believe that this boy was a killer and that they had been alone with him previously.
Fantasy · Demonic_angel
Well, to a certain degree, yeah ... Good people can also begood because of spiritual satisfaction, or because of certain faith that raised those who do good deeds to a higher level in the afterlife...
He was curious if they would ask him for something in return. Was it that they actually helped him because they were good? That wasn't possible. People were only good for their greed. That's what he thought.
Fantasy · Demonic_angel
Well, I think that although he can't turn off his decaying powers, he can still control its intensity ... if he wills it, his decaying power can become more active and powerful, and if he wills it, it will become a small passive power ... proof is that at first, he needed a minute to decay a person to Ash, and after he understood he had this power and actively used it, he only needed 10 seconds to do the same ...
Lucifer looked at both of them for a moment before he started walking towards the table. He was still wearing the rubber gloves in his hands.
Fantasy · Demonic_angel
but his parents died already, and in his mind , they have always been good, and their image wouldn't be distorted since they died ... while for others,he compares them to the scientists who deceived him and tortured him to death ...
'Don't fall! None of them is actually kind!' He repeated in his head to make sure he didn't make the same mistake as he did with the scientists. The dark-haired woman was the wife of the middle-aged man.
Fantasy · Demonic_angel
Well, some novels and some superpowers could indeed allow this ... if the source of his self-healing powers is not himself, it would work ... like, if he is connected to an energy dimension or smth...
Hunger was keeping him distracted. He had an urge that eating was something that he shouldn't miss. But for that, he needed to find a place. Every time he tried to get food, things didn't end up the way he hoped.
Fantasy · Demonic_angel
he can try to eat directly with his mouth ... or he can train his toes to hold stuff and eat with his feet ... or he can train someone to feed him ... or make a glove from his own skin or hair, and wear it ... also, he can try to train and control his powers ...
A smile appeared on Lucifer's face as he realized that these gloves were decaying slowly. They did decay as well, but their speed was much slower.
Fantasy · Demonic_angel
the oldest trick in the book, that all parents use ...
Then, the beautiful blonde girl with sparkling eyes and teeth grinned at Muria, "Also, you're still young, you might lose such a valuable thing. So, I'll keep it for you for now and give it back when you're grown up."
King of Titans and Dragons
Fantasy · Lucky blood and harvest year