muahahahahahaha time to get dirty!!!!
"The plan is to get my hands dirty and stop caring so much about the law because my enemies don't. You suggested that i merge with my dragon, right? It's what i plan to do."
Fantasy · 1cutecat
not crash but clash...
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Fantasy · 1cutecat
**When they exited you cannot alight from a room... alight is used for transportation
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Fantasy · 1cutecat
**settled down
When she left, Jacob Hai approached the table and he start down. The three people he came with occupied the table next to them and sat stiffly, waiting for instructions.
Fantasy · 1cutecat
**she installed the game
The system had told her that a copy of ten worlds, the game could be made for others to play so she had it on her laptop but never did anything with it. In order to distract Xiaobo, she gave put the game on his phone and told him to play.
Fantasy · 1cutecat
**everything there was to win
Over the course of his career he had won best new comer award, the best supporting actor, best male actor, best couple, acting icon and many other awards. Zhang Bo could actually retire now because there was no wall left for him to scale in the industry. He had won everything their was to win.
Fantasy · 1cutecat
how did you know what author wanted to write??? hahahahahaha took me a minute to guess...
It made him wonder if perhaps he had a mistake by bringing her. She was so much pregnant emotional than he thought.
Fantasy · 1cutecat
Best alternatives: 1. little by little, 2. slowly, 3. step-by-step
The special milk, the flowers, the jewelry. Even this date which had been suggested and arranged by her. Slowly by slowly, she was chipping away at those doubts he had about the claims of how she had always liked him.
Fantasy · 1cutecat
**deny the fact
Lin Ru's face contorted in anger. She almost burst from anger, it took a great effort to calm herself. "Su Anya, a piece of paper can't decline the fact that I am your, Su Mo and Su Qing's mother. You won't want me, but I care about you all."
Urban · little_starr
I'm finally back!!! 2 chapters uploaded today. will try to upload another 2 by end of day... few more chapters and we'll be done [img=gift][img=gift][img=gift][img=gift]
The Rebirth of the Malicious Empress of Military Lineage
History · HidAnas