i just hope author continues this story. It was so good when it started and when it lasted
so none of them are characters in the story at all?
When even the author himself says he is an asshole XD
"I have two girlfriends right now." Xiao Tian gave an honest answer.
Realistic · Shooting_Star
Do upload them. I want to see this continue
Ce chapitre a été supprimé.
Sci-fi · Falgo
I swear is that means love juice...
"It is love, for my brother."
Fantasy · Nanakawaichan
Good chapter. so author will you be active on this story or you will just add chapters when you feel like it? I kinda thought you would stop writing with your life being busy.
Would it be wrong if I assume he kills the woman for shooting at him if she did? His dad seems to most likely to do that from his teachings tbh.
The sound of someone firing a gun echoed throughout the area.
Realistic · Shooting_Star
hmmm. tofu loves his face and mc has acid cum..... lol
what happened to Qin Feixue in the end?
3. Validity
Book of Answers