

male LV 5
2018-04-15 Joint Global
Badges 6

Moments 456
1 years ago

I hope i could read fanfic like this to 100 chapters, each chapter make me laugh until crying, my stomach cramp after laughing so much lol, The interaction between MC and the Cullens is hillarious I can't wait for next chapter

2 years ago

Author-san i've dropped the stone from two account where's the next chapter 🥺🥺🥺🤣🤣🤣🤣

2 years ago

Grandpa grandson duo

2 years ago

I like the story so far(chp 49), the interaction between MC and Mito, kushina, tsunade and mikoto, tsume, and others is funny and quite lifelike, and what's more is the GRIND that never stop!!

2 years ago
Replied to JManM

then Alhamdulillah(praise be to Allah) if you understand about adulthood in Islam, I think if you watch that last video that I send you, you would understood it more then me 😊😊, also if we want to understand a religion then the best way is to look at their scripture, read it ourself if you could in it's original language or even the translation and check it's authenticity from the prophecies in it, what it says about the God they worship is it make sense to you because we are human being we use our logic and that is our nature, if that scripture is really from the creator of all of things in the world then surely it will withstand our logic since who know the best about human than it's creator, who know best about this world then it's creator, you should see the scientific fact that it brought out, the rule in it, the stories in it and you know we have to check who is the author and you have to clearly have historical record of that scripture that dated back to the time it's revealed search it from different historical records from that religion scholars and historical scholars outside it's religion and we have to search is that scholars someone that have credentials in what they do who said they are trust worthy, as for Islam you know more than me as clearly that the scripture is Al-Qur'an and it's never changed for 1400 years, you could found the earlier manuscript carbondated to the time of our prophet in Brimingham university just search on Google Birmingham Quran 😁😁, it's found by non muslim so at least I invite you with honor to read Al Quran from cover to cover then judge it yourself, also you have to use mushaf Utsmani, since it's the most common one we use, the other mushaf it's the same but you would have a little difficulties since you know when Quran send down to our prophet there is seven dialects of Arabic at that time it's same as English or other language even in my country you would find hundreds dialect for my native languange and you would know the meaning they said is the same or you could read other mushaf if you have knowledge of I'lm Al- Qira'at and knowledge about Khat(calligraphy in Arabic), although some people have said that there's different quran but actually its the same word per word but because dialects and different khat (calligraphy ) they said its different. ah actually if you could search Al-Qur'an from your friends that have translation even more so if he or she could bring that come with Asbabun Nuzul( names the historical context in which Quranic verses were revealed) and Tafsir(interpretation of it from Islamic scholars like Ibn kathir, jalanin and all big scholars in Islam ) or you could download from app store but I suggest you to have the book on your hand as it will bring more reassurance since we know the publisher and what not. thank you and sorry for this long-winded explanation, again I'm sorry if I sound like to convince you since my obligations as a Muslim is to convey the massage of Islam not to give guidance since guidance is come from Allah not from man, if you feel I'm a bit too aggressive or have hurt your hurt I'm sorry that come from my lack of manners, as you know there's Hadith from our prophet peace be upon him " I was only sent to perfect moral virtues " and one of bbig cholars in Islam Ibnu Al Qayyim said " The Deen(religion or belief) itself is manners. anyone that surpassing you in manners is surpassing you in Deen(religion or belief) " so I just try my best to convey it. may Allah guide us.

2 years ago
Replied to JManM

thank you for your time, actually I also send another title of video " The age of Ā'ishah " by Sheikh uthman ibn Farooq in MesjidRibat channel in it he explaining about The age of Aisha with historical document and he shows his books that he use as references so we could also search its authenticity, but I look at the comment section since I don't see my reply to your last comment maybe because half of the title I wrote it's in arabic since the video's title is written in English and in Arabic so maybe that's way it didn't show up or there's delay in webnovel server refresh rate, so I wrote it again. I recommend you to look at this video( the age of Ā'ishah on mesjidRibat channel by Sheikh Uthman ibn farooq ) first after that you could see the other title that I send you and it's a pleasure to chat with you and thank you for your understanding 😊😊 may Allah guide us, and give us pure intentions.

2 years ago

thank you for your time and sorry again about this, I get a video of Sheikh Uthman Ibn farooq explaining Aisha age with authentic historical record and he also shows his books that he use as historical reference, this is the title on MasjidRibat channel " the age of Āishah عمر عائشة رضي الله عنها " I just want to watch it then I see you reply so I though maybe this could be a little help in understanding about Aisha r.a, may Allah guide us. 😁😊😊