"We are waiting for Reyvin." Minthara's response was clipped "If I have to deal with a bunch of cryptic old men who haven't left their cave for decades then I am bringing someone who can infuriate them as much as they will probably infuriate myself."
Video Games · Rastislav
Mephala cackled like an absolute madwoman and both of her counterparts held back groans. She was going to be so insufferable about this.
Video Games · Rastislav
The elves reacted immediately, the entire camp seemingly stopping for a split second before, faster than even the most stuck-up of Imperials could manage, the surroundings of the dust cloud were filled with two hundred and twenty Mer standing in perfect formation, already mid salute.
Video Games · Rastislav
Far away, across half the hold, a certain orc wearing his newly forged legionary steel plate suddenly felt a shiver go down his spine.
Video Games · Rastislav
A vicious grin spreads on my face as I realize who he was talking about "Tullius, my good man, you give the best of gifts."
Video Games · Rastislav
I should have the whole thing done before the poor Greybeards were deprived of the blessing that was my presence.
Video Games · Rastislav
My levels of smug reached a whole new level as I simply waved my hand, combining water magic with a bit of blood control I learned from the Volkihars, immediately forcing every single bit stuck to her very expensive clothes to detach and fall onto the ground.
Video Games · Rastislav
Then I got to watch his utter terror as he realized I was not, in fact, fucking with him.
Video Games · Rastislav
Orthjolf barely had the time to lean upwards before he was completely covered in three different forms of fire and a scorpion bolt just for good measure.
Video Games · Rastislav
1) Make it so he is a wild dragon and will never have a Rider apart from the occasional favor to a close friend.
Reborn as a Dragon in Alagaësia
Book&Literature · Tom_Lee