

male LV 12

Gotta read, read, read.....

2018-03-26 Joint Netherlands
Badges 8

Moments 20
2 months ago

Four chapters in, confused as hell. The MC is an NPC, a human became an NPC, okay. Then there are other characters of which its not clear what they are, human, digital constructs, what? Strangely enough i got the idea the writer doesn't know either, he or she has no damn clue what to write exactly. I know this novel is completed already, but still, this story should never have been written in the first place. Dropping it because i have a very strong feeling it will only get much worse from here.

1 years ago
Replied to TheNomadx

What you and I consider to be plausible is obviously very different.

A black sword had materialized in Alex's right hand, and the black sword had impaled the creature's head.

Sword God in a World of Magic

Sword God in a World of Magic

Fantasy · Warmaisach

1 years ago

Almost a whole chapter to describe how he got a dead wolf up in the tree. And now he finally faces a strong enemy and in just a few sentences he creates a sword out of nothing and kills some overpowered animal/creature something. Come on dude...

A black sword had materialized in Alex's right hand, and the black sword had impaled the creature's head.

Sword God in a World of Magic

Sword God in a World of Magic

Fantasy · Warmaisach

2 years ago
Replied to Dark_Crow1111

Nobody else is complaining because they by now are used to garbage novels. Keep in mind, being used to garbage novels doesn't make those novels suddenly good reads, its still garbage. This is just another novel that does nothing more than lower the standard even more. But hey Crow-boy, if you like it so much, keep on reading.

2 years ago

This story starts out horrible, everything is hyper and extreme. Stars falling from the sky, at least millions of continents and the MC is overpowered to god level with only a short time to live. The word ridiculous doesn't even begin to describe this disaster of a story. Just started reading and already dropping it, i simply am unable to stomach this much nonsense.

2 years ago

This would be a really great novel if Hao Ren's father was eaten by a West Ocean dragon in chapter one. And of course if Zhao Yanzi wasn't such a spoiled little bitch and would stop calling our hero ''uncle''. Hao Ren's confusion with all the silly girls in this story doesn't help either. But for those able to handle all that nonsense its a great novel.

2 years ago

OMG yes, thank you so much for a absolutely useless chapter written for the readers to waste their coins on. If you dont have time to write, dont write. Trust me, we will survive a day without a chapter, no problem. Because pointless drivel like this chapters is nothing more than milking for money and wasting my time. So yes, thanks so much for nothing.

2 years ago

My thoughts? Well thats easy, you let me pay coins for a useless chapter, well not really a chapter, just some useless filler stuff. So how about, when you release something similar to this nonsense, you start that non-chapter with ''this is nonsense you should skip so you dont waste your coins''.

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My Plunderer System

My Plunderer System

Fantasy · Kowatch24

2 years ago

It would really be nice if this thing about his father getting murdered didn't come up again and again. The old dude is dead, so be it, get over it. Get your revenge but for crying out loud stop whining about it, in words or in thought. For the rest, keep it up, enjoying the story so far.

Especially when there is still a burning rage hidden deep inside him when his father was murdered.

Prime Originator

Prime Originator

Fantasy · Pointbreak

2 years ago

At first i somewhat hesitated to start reading this book, but after only 27 chapters so far i am glad i did. The story developes at a nice pace and keeps me interested in whats to come. Hope the author will upload lots of chapters at high speed, nothing is worse than getting one chapter a day afterall. Thanks for keeping me entertained.