I reincarnated as Heinrich Himmler, one of the most powerful and high ranking people in the Nazi Party. Now wait a minute, does this mean I can prevent the Holocaust from happening? Can I change history forever?
History · Domiez
Thanks for the chapter
La cosa bella è che in Italia si dice che “l’unica certezza nella vita è la morte” Le tasse non vengono prese in considerazione chissà perché ahaha h
...taxes, death, and an Italian on a horse-like thing.
Book&Literature · OmnipresenceBeing
No, don't give a fuck. The sport is dumb anyways…
Book&Literature · Stormeyy
1) A quick Pov of Gryffindor watching the duel and their reactions, obviously I will continue the story from there.
Movies · Shadow7Blue
"Through the gates of hell," I hummed, "As we make our way to heaven," I placed my wand by the side of my desk, before turning towards Longbottom. I checked the ingredients for the Potion, and then got to work.
Book&Literature · OmnipresenceBeing
there is a map of a mod of a videogame, try and search: hoi4 old world blues map. it a good chunck isn't canonic but it is really cool
If you have any other maps I can use please comment on this :) ->
Video Games · Celynnec
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Book&Literature · Ashtar29
Mi sembra giusto
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Book&Literature · Lord_Potter
Thank you for the chapter
Movies · Darkest_Sage