

male LV 14


2018-03-16 Joint United States
Œuvres originales
Badges 9

Moments 2
3 years ago

Author here, while new at writing I would like to say i am happy with my progress so far, though me goving muself 5 stars is a little bit narcissistic I think ill deserve 5 stars with due time.

3 years ago
Replied to Chin1234

He does care, but if he didnt try to take his own land, they'd eventually get killed off by the combined forces of the elemental nations, so hes doing it because hes got to.

  • The Sasaki Clan original

    The Sasaki Clan

    Anime & Comics ACTION ADVENTURE


    The Sasaki Clan was the intermediary clan in between the Senju Clan, and the Uchiha. When one side called the Uchiha, the opposition would call the Senju and vise versa, but the only way to break the stalemate was calling a multitude of different clans, or calling just one, the Sasaki Clan. When this clan was called both parties became desperate as they were truly neutral, they'd go agaisnt both Uchiha and Senju openly, they however were not decents of Hagoromo Otsutsuki nor Hamura Otsutsuki, they were purely human, thats is what made them terrifying. They werent bound by any curse nor bloodline, they were a clan of warriors and conquerors, they had no bloodline, nor special physical constitution, nor talent. They had in fact just one thing, an unbreakable will of survival, and a well of potential, both sides feared fighting, after all nobody wants to fight a fearless warrior on the verge of death.

    32 Chs 622 Collections