
LV 3
2018-03-07 Joint Global
Badges 4

Moments 142
2 months ago
Replied to Detective_Raven

does shinji even need true magic? he has super science. its basically the same thing functionally. speaking plus it’d be boring if he stopped being a scientist and became another generic op mage. there are barely any protags in fate fanfics that stick to the science route. personally i’m hoping shinji makes GlaDos at some point.

2 months ago
Replied to LuciferTheDevil767

how does genderbending a tailed beast even work? they don’t actually have genders do they? better yet what purpose does it even grant? this isn’t monster girl quest encyclopedia. a naruto tailed beast is still going to remain a giant energy kaiju. its just. meaningless.

Ce livre a été supprimé.
2 months ago

what is with chinese si’s and killing people left and right??? its hard to take their stories seriously when all their main characters are sociopath/psychopaths😂. byakuya kuchiki isn’t even a villain in bleach or atleast an immoral character. i could atleast understand killing say zaraki kenpachi but byakuya literally is the most moral of the captains. remember he could’ve killed ichigo anytime in the main story. he could’ve been ruthless but multiple times he held back from killing ichigo and his friends and family. he is literally a saint compared to most captains and you gotta realize whilst he was a noble he didn’t go out of his way to take advantage of his position nor was he a useless eater slash pig. byakuya was literally taught by yoruichi aka the noble who literally hated nobility. infact most of the younger nobles of the recent generations were much less corrupt(shibas a good example too) and mostly going against the soul society system or wishing to reform it in their own little ways. this killing of byakuya just shows how much of a psychopath the mc is. i literally cannot take most chinese novel characters at all seriously when their main to response to every slight against them and threat is the nuclear option. its a bad trope. i wonder if you threw a chinese mc in say a kid friendly fictional setting like pretty cure just how high their kill count would be.

2 months ago
Replied to Bharath_M984

are you a bot?

3 months ago

honestly everyone asking for a jump ain’t thinking. what exactly would mc do anyways? at this point i’d just give up make the story slice of life for a few more chapters. then have some more plotpoints with action. its strange this story is already close to ending yet mc hasn’t once met nezuko or any of the other mc’s. honestly i think author you could go the route of picking up demon waifus cuz really. what else is there to do in a demon slayer fanfic as a demon si that isn’t a villain/evil? may as well go for as many female demons and “save” them from muzan. ima be honest i could legit see like another 60-140 more chapters if you really wanted to push author.

3 months ago

i think you should just start a new fanfic honestly. doing a jump never goes well this late into a story.

3 months ago
Replied to okpp

i’ve noticed this lately on web novel with old stories coming back with slightly different names and characters having their names changed slightly but the same plot etc. its frankly despicable.

Ce livre a été supprimé.
3 months ago

yikes more ancient one nonsense. this is why we can’t have good things. why does every marvel fanfic have to force down the ancient one and kamar taj and avengers? like why? this is why dc fanfics are superior. you don’t see dr fate or the spectre popping up for their si’s appearance everytime. its not needed and its just lazy. give some mysterious explanation on why the ancient one/dr strange and kamar taj can’t see the protaganists future at all. forcing down kamar taj and ancient one doesn’t improve the fanfic quality and infact just makes you hit a brick wall later on.(and i like the premise of this story somewhat but i can already see red flags this early on) its not even necessary for mc to learn magic when he has his own unique power system too.(hope you don’t go that route author cuz that’d take away uniqueness from the mc; and tbh i don’t think rogue should be able to copy the mcs power as its an out of universe power system tied to his own system) and tbh i don’t even like dc fanfics much either as they also have their own set of problems. this is one of the legit worst marvel fanfic cliches you could use author. what next some avengers recruitment arc? i’ll be honest x men don’t even make much sense in the main line marvel universe and are better off written standalone. x men has always had some of the worser writing compared to other marvel works. i think x men is a good example of why its better to have one original author control an ip versus countless new authors who retcon and destroy an ip over time who. this is an issue for comics in general but its very blatant with series like x men that have always been somewhat ambiguous. i know you can do better author. come on stand up.

3 months ago

i want to like this story but the words need to be separated and spaced out. its impossible to read as it is now.

3 months ago

why the phoenix??? it just seems so out of place. actually it may not even be that hard considering mc could just get a spaceship and look for phoenix force fragments scattered across the marvel universe. if he can’t find any in this timeline or dimension he could go to another one and try try again. this task isn’t actually hard at all. just time consuming if you start off in marvel earth without any connections or super tech.