yes, you did!!
His had performed… alright, right?
Games · Butterfly Blue
how can they remove stairs?... how much time does it takes?
"We have a simple layout; I'm the house. It has been laid to four same-sized rooms, and we have the upper floor also. In downstairs we have the hallway, living room, kitchen, and bathroom in the kitchen there is an additional storage room for the food and supplies. Upstairs, we have three bedrooms, one storage room, and one small bathroom. You will get one of the bedrooms for your use. Let's go upstairs, and I will show you the room. Oh, right, I forgot as we are a military city and every house is made from stone and build that you could defend it we don't have stairs here. In the living room, we have access to upstairs, but the stairs you can remove them and take them to with you that the enemy wouldn't have access to upstairs than that easily. So if they are fine from the spot, they are here." Willard said and opened a small door in the living room where the removable stairs were and put them at their place that they could get upstairs.
Fantasy · The_Cheshire_Cat
"He looks fine as hell," Yuzan said then his eyes widened in realization of what he just said.
History · Tanya_Winters
Hey, hey, hey! Already using nickname!
he really doesn't waste time
"So may I sleep with you again tonight, Lady Euphee?"
History · Tanya_Winters
"innocent" smile 🤣🤣🤣🤣
"Didn't you like sleeping on me? Just think of me as your body pillow," Lucien said with an "innocent" smile.
History · Tanya_Winters
So sweet!
The King's Avatar
Games · Butterfly Blue