So, a little patience...
TV · UnknownMaster
Because she was beautiful.
Anime & Comics · FangYuan1234
please for the love of god don't butcher this. good fic but bad execution.
it's hard to find a dedicated author, Respect[img=More pls][img=In your face][img=Feeling it]
I spent the whole day rereading One Piece, and I couldn't find a single instance of Jack using any "special moves." He just spammed basic attacks the whole time. It's exhausting to watch! Back in Enies Lobby, Zoan users were showcasing all sorts of creative powers. Now in Wano, it's just: "My Haki is stronger than yours!" So I had to add a little flair myself.
Anime & Comics · Yeye_Qiu
But now that the arv is done on patreon, I will so a mass release for all of them tomorrow.
Anime & Comics · Emmanuel_Capricorn
He was perfect in all but body. A golden goblet with urine.
Anime & Comics · Emmanuel_Capricorn
leaf juice lover is BACK !!!![img=strong][img=strong][img=update]
Fate/False Order
Anime & Comics · Leylin_Blackwood