There's actually two, if you look hard enough.
See you guys in 3 months. I'll just let the chapters stack considering that every month is roughly 56-88 chapters.
Eiherjar = In Her Jar
Correction: It doesn't start around 13-14th Century but rather 1417. Chapter 25 Too lazy to edit.
This is basically EU4 with extended timeline mod on. It starts around probably 13-14 century but with iron man mode of and cheats/commands on giving an edge on tech tree and units.
The mc went from Ye Ping to Su Changyu around chapter 150 onwards for some reason. I dont even know why author did that and the novel ends around 270 or 290+. Novel went from being good to bad in a span of an arc around the ten countries competition.
Author is from Antartica. Exp...exp...exp..........exp.exp..exp...exp....expexp.exp..exp...exp....expexp.exp..exp...exp....expexp.exp..exp...exp....expexp.exp..exp...exp....exp
Basically, its EU4 with extended timeline mod but with cheats on technology, which makes him ahead of the everyone by about 400-600 years, I guess.
the game is legit based on warcraft 3 strategy game, and he starts off in like a night elf base, and almost all the strucutres are based on the night elf buildings.
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