you miss 10 chapters stop whith the new chapters and fix the missing ones
what ????????
Great chapter
— In no case do I intend to mislead you, достопочтимый Master, — I smiled. — In this galaxy, there are at least a couple of sapient beings who are Force-sensitive. Anticipating your question, I will say that they, despite their age, are untrained. They have heard of the Jedi, but have not received appropriate upbringing.
Anime & Comics · Granulan
— Is that so? — no, the old man is not completely insane. And I hoped that he was a sufficiently увлекающаяся nature to bite at the bait. — And it seemed to me that I heard about at least one Force-sensitive sapient being. And we are not talking about you.
Anime & Comics · Granulan
— I am surprised that you believe this, — I sighed. No, I will not give up the trump - it will be the collapse of everything. But I can lure with a carrot. If only it works. — A man of your talents and mind should have long understood that statistically it is impossible to track down and destroy absolutely all Jedi, and ученики. At least someone must have survived. After all, many Jedi left the Order and fled, hid. Yes, most of them were found and destroyed. But after all, children remained after them. And their children could have their own children...
Anime & Comics · Granulan
— That's the problem, уважаемый C'baoth, — I stated. — We are not going anywhere from this planet. It is located in the Imperial Space. And, if I'm right, then there are technologies in the mountain that are unlikely to be moved. Operationally anyway.
Anime & Comics · Granulan
— At the same time, this is only a limited number of sapient beings, — I noted. — Is a man of your talents satisfied with such масштабы? It always seemed to me that a Jedi Master should rule, well, say, a planet, a star system, or even a whole sector.
Anime & Comics · Granulan
— That is, the limit of dreams of a man of your talents - is one small town on a backwater planet? — I clarified, taunting my собеседник in the hope of playing on his self-esteem. I did not want to move on to trump cards. Otherwise, this may trigger a chain of events that could lead to irreparable, tragic consequences.
Anime & Comics · Granulan
thanks for the story
The Fifth village Hokage:Uchiha Douhuan
Anime & Comics · devmaya