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I like novels 👤 Like I really like novels, if I have free time you'll find me reading 😅

2018-01-28 Joint Global
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3 days ago


Luckily for them there came a few strange sounds that no one could figure out the origin of until someone pointed out the disturbances in the black lakes water. Soon a huge whirlpool formed as though a plug had been pulled from a bath tub and from it rose a skeletal looking ship with eerie glowing port lights and no sails yet had masts. The water settled and the ship glided over to the shore where it anchored and dropped a long plank to the dry land. From the ship disembarked a long line of heavily furred people that marched up the grounds to where everyone was waiting.

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

4 days ago

So mmmmm... who is the father?

6 days ago

Something like this?


Despite this it was only halfway through the first quarter of the game that Nick saw what the twins were bragging about. When the right attacker for the Krakens was making it within scoring distance of the Mermens goal the twins moved to tackle. Except when the Kraken went to breakthrough the twins they both grinned and did something awesome. One of them flipped onto their back with their arms open to anchor themselves in place while the other placed their feet on the bottom of their brothers feet. Both then crouched and then sprang to full length in perfect synchrony launching one of them at very fast speeds into the Kraken.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

7 days ago

We haven't heard from The Grey Lady in a while now ... Is she alright?

10 days ago

Will he ever be a master smith?

System appraisal: A complex ring that will change history and carve it's name in myth created by an established ring smith.]

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

10 days ago

Couldn't he just be put to sleep to evade the pain?

"I'm afraid you are not understanding me clearly so let me give you a comparison to help. What you will be experiencing will likely be comparable to being hit with the crutiatus curse , it might even drive you mad if you take it lightly." Nick said seriously. Lupin lost most of his enthusiasm at that knowledge but was determined to shake off the shackles of his curse even if it meant suffering greatly. He put the ring on his pointer finger where it shrank down to fit perfectly "I'll take my chances , but thank you for the warning." he said with a smile.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

11 days ago
Replied to Eve_0f_Sin


Dusk looked at the huge woman sternly after landing on Nicks shoulder since he could tell that she was half giant like Hagrid. The gamekeeper had been quite insistent on trying to pet him despite getting bit more than once which made the bird wary of large folk like him. Madam Maxime was not a simple minded person like Hagrid so when she got warned about not touching the bird she knew better than to try and do so. Nazgul on the other hand was showered with affection that the spoiled creature accepted eagerly.

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

12 days ago

I know this is in the UK but imagine if this was in the States. James Potter would've had a pistol and Voldemort would had been taken care of. Or if Voldemort had a pistol himself and shot harry instead of throwing a the killing curse at him. So many what ifs

The Ravenclaw brat had not gotten anywhere near the diadem whilst I was disguised as Quirrell so I had assumed incorrectly that the grey lady hadn't informed him of the artifact housing a piece of my soul. In truth the brat had lulled me into a false sense of security before making his move whilst I was busy dealing with the Potter boy. In my moment of distraction the Potter child shattered the stone ruining any chance of using it's power for my own resurrection. When I went to strangle the child in my rage I discovered that the boy's mother had placed protective magic on him that made it impossible for me to touch a hair on his head.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

13 days ago

Old man, don't forget he's an orphan. Let him be a kid

Everything that made Gellert and I great was found in the boy but there was also negative points as well. He was charismatic , powerful , attractive and skilled in magic but he was also proud , ambitious and burdensomely gifted with many magical abilities. The last one doesn't seem like a negative point but people grow the most under pressure and with so many abilities at his beck and call the boy can casually coast his way to glory. He simply can't find the pressure needed to grow as an individual.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

13 days ago

Yo she's a first year man, leave the kids alone

Opening his eyes he was left speechless as Luna was sitting on his lap with a confused expression with Nazgul in her arms. "What just happened?" Nick asked confused. "She teleported in a bright flash of lightning." Harry said with wide eyes. "Elemental teleportation huh? That's handy." Nick said honestly. Luna slid off of his lap and complained "Why are you so hard?" she said while rubbing her backside. Nick nearly choked on his tongue when she said this as his thoughts immediately went to a lewd place.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

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