Only in fiction
A good person lives a peaceful life; the world had not let him down after all.
Urban · Riverside Fisher
Because he is an idiot, or more importantly because the author wants drama!
"Young man, for doing such a remarkable thing, why didn't you say so earlier?"
Urban · Riverside Fisher
There are more good people in this world than bad.
Urban · Riverside Fisher
Men this, men that It seems that it is more to :"Men are not smart enough to freaking explain the situation"
He didn't continue to beg; instead, he turned around, his departure filled with dejection. Men can be humble, they can be respectful, but their backs must not bend.
Urban · Riverside Fisher
I don't know about in other countries but here in Brazil many doctors care only about making money, and few become doctors to help or save people, most do to become rich and powerfull. Thanks in part to this doctors recuse to go to remote places, only when Cubans came thanks to a diplomatic deal did some of the most remote places get doctors, and they had overwhelming good reviews even with Cuba gotting most of their pay, pity that politics changes ended the deal.
"Remember, safety always comes first. Being a doctor is a special profession, where one controls the life and health of patients. Any negligence can lead to serious consequences. The saying 'doctors have the heart of a parent' means that a doctor should treat patients as they would their own children, considering their condition more comprehensively and meticulously."
Urban · Riverside Fisher
Unfortunatly alcohol and cigarettes is almost considered a daily necessity for many in China and parts of Asia 😑 While strangely any other drug is an unforgivable sin with extremely heavy punishments
Patting his belly, he fishes out a cigarette from his pocket, greedily smells it, and takes a deep drag.
Sci-fi · Six Leeks
So XXIII century China still didn't legalize drugs huh...
"Really unlucky! Perhaps my terrible complexion triggered some mechanism? How could I possibly be a drug addict?" Zhang Yuan shook his head and was not particularly opposed.
Sci-fi · Finally Eternal
Well, if people protest in China tanks pass over them so...
"Hello, Mr. Zhang Yuan. Your parcel, please check for receipt!" This kind of six-axis robot paired with driverless vehicles was already capable of performing some simple manual labor. Decades ago, a large number of delivery personnel were replaced by robots and became unemployed, which at the time caused large-scale protests (though, of course, abroad).
Sci-fi · Finally Eternal
A good scify novel so far, excellent by Webnovel standards as there is way too much trash novels, further observation is needed for a good review but one can be optimistic
Here in Brazil the indemnisation would probably be low, our law prohibits one from getting richer from sueing others, basically how much you get depend on how much money the one who is sueing makes usually. So if there is malpractice it's all right if the patient is poor.
Imagine someone wanting to remove a benign tumor on their leg, but the surgery slices through the leg's motor nerve. Oh ho, the chances are high that the leg will be crippled.
My Medical Skills Give Me Experience Points
Urban · Riverside Fisher