title pls?
"Sword of Heaven: Silver Shadow Slash."
Anime & Comics · DogLickerGods
Is this aatrox?
She will revive you when you die, so a bit of care is needed
[Implosion Shota(Admin): Sorry, I'm in hurry to feed my pet.]
Anime & Comics · Geraint124x
Would sona be the Scholar?
Now its the 2nd day right after the first event and im walking around looking for a certain someone. Ive been looking into the future for a long time and only recently has it changed so drastically. A phoenix fans the flames of change with his nation empire. 11 wives stood by his side. The Princess, The Scholar, The Ice Queen, The Mist-ress, The Fox, The White Noble, The Dhampir, The Cat Lady, The Strongest, The Pure Soul, and The Loonatic.
Anime & Comics · Ashtin_Pratt
Strongest -?
Now its the 2nd day right after the first event and im walking around looking for a certain someone. Ive been looking into the future for a long time and only recently has it changed so drastically. A phoenix fans the flames of change with his nation empire. 11 wives stood by his side. The Princess, The Scholar, The Ice Queen, The Mist-ress, The Fox, The White Noble, The Dhampir, The Cat Lady, The Strongest, The Pure Soul, and The Loonatic.
Anime & Comics · Ashtin_Pratt
Princess -? Scholar -? Ice queen - adelheid Mist-ress - dokuro Fox - yasaka White noble - seira Dhampir - alice Cat -? Pure soul - gabriel Lunatic - luna
Now its the 2nd day right after the first event and im walking around looking for a certain someone. Ive been looking into the future for a long time and only recently has it changed so drastically. A phoenix fans the flames of change with his nation empire. 11 wives stood by his side. The Princess, The Scholar, The Ice Queen, The Mist-ress, The Fox, The White Noble, The Dhampir, The Cat Lady, The Strongest, The Pure Soul, and The Loonatic.
Anime & Comics · Ashtin_Pratt
supports the team by destroying the opposition
"You have no idea how crazy you sound to me. But I will do what you want." She said with a casual shrug. If he wants her to destroy, she will gladly help him with that. There is one thing she is good at, and that is blowing things up.
It Started With Devils & Artefacts
Anime & Comics · Dragon15681