
male LV 11

Ex gamer, ex anime otaku, ex manga otaku, currently only interested in novels. Only time it'll be ex novel otaku is when I'm dead.

2017-08-04 Joint United Kingdom
Œuvres originales
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Moments 65
2 years ago
Replied to Liliya1Reznya

More like die of shame, and to think he was laughing at others for coughing blood.

Ce livre a été supprimé.
2 years ago

Sometimes it is really hard to ignore misinformation. From I remember Kiao-ken was a self-harming powerup, so while powerful, it put a lot of stress on the body. I think 100x was the supposed limit, Super Saiyan was 50x but once mastered was 100x. I admit I might be mixing up fanon and fanfiction information to get those numbers.------------------------------------------------------------ Once trained Super Saiyan was the better choice as it was less stressful on the body and could be used longer. Kiao-ken had the negatives of the bulky Super Saiyan mode that Trunks used against Cell (poor speed and flexibility) along with Super Saiyan 3s extreme drain of Ki and Stamina.------------------------------------------------------------------ When all that is considered it is obvious why Kiao-ken fell out of use, it was an imperfect technique. For Ayaka, though it might be near perfect, the female form is slimmer so the bulkiness would be less pronounced. Additionally the damage and pressure it causes she can near-instantly recover from. It could potentially cause small Zenkai's the whole time it is in use.

In the original story, after becoming a Super Saiyan, Son Goku would no longer perform Kaio-ken, mostly using the Spirit Bomb to defeat the opponent. The reason was when Son Goku became a Super Saiyan, the power of Kaio-ken had been negligible.

Dragon Ball Legend of Ayaka

Dragon Ball Legend of Ayaka

Anime & Comics · nyawdao

2 years ago

The irony being the title was given to them for losing the fight against Hanzo. Sure they did fairly well and impressed him but ultimately had he felt like it all three would have died. Personally, I wouldn't be very happy being respected and celebrated because of such an event.

'A pervert, a gambling drunkard, and… whatever Orochimaru is. Not exactly the powerful image the Sannin are supposed to project.'

Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]

Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]

Anime & Comics · Maerry

2 years ago

Unlike previous times when people complained about the team selection, I've got a different point to make. Team 8 was originally Kurenai's tracking team. So Hinata was already going to be there. Kiba going to team 7 made sense since Naruto was no longer last but first instead. That would have made the team Shino, Hinata and Naruto. Either with emotion-sensing or Chakra-sensing Naruto could have fit, no manipulation needed. Shino was rather dull but was skilled. Having his bugs also made him a natural strategist always having to command and pick the best way to use them. Since he was dull ignoring him for the most part is easy, he doesn't need to be conversations as he normally was silent and stoic. So Shikamaru was not needed for that and Shikamaru's ability has a lot less use, needing specific conditions to use. Hinata with gentle-fist can seal an opponent, Shino with his bugs can seal an opponent, Kurenai with Genjutsu can seal an opponent and Naruto with seals could seal an opponent. No one in that set-up would have needed situations forced to make them useful for the team, as Hinata's eyes would always be useful just like Shino's bugs. Kurenai with Genjutsu was also the biggest weakness all three had so she could help them over it. Additionally, since she was supposed to be as skilled as Itachi in Genjutsu, she could in theory have been able to handle Naruto should he lose control, since Kakashi was instead dealing with the last Uchiha and Sharingan.

(AN: I know that he can easily take care of them by himself, but then Shikamaru and Hinata would think that they are useless. I'm just trying to show them some love.)

Naruto: The Shinobi Genius

Naruto: The Shinobi Genius

Anime & Comics · TheEnlightenedSage

2 years ago

She happily married Draco, so yes she really is an idiot. Well maybe she was forced into it? Either way its not exactly a ringing endorsement of someone's intelligence. As someone from the house of cunning and ambition either she lacked those traits as she never used them to avoid the marriage or she used them to get a wealthy good looking husband that she could easily control. We can only guess based on the results which go against her.

Daphne felt her mouth twitch and Cross just rubbed her hair with a soft smile, this stupid little girl was his favorite. Hermione looked at Astoria speechlessly, she could tell that she wasn't joking. Wasn't this girl.. a bit too stupid?

The Last Blood Elf (Completed)

The Last Blood Elf (Completed)

Movies · Monkey_Godking

3 years ago

Now I can only imagine when something goes wrong with the system (interference, updates and system downs etc) all he will see is a certain 'blue screen of death' and with such a name it might happen quite regularly...

'Yeah, you are causing me only trouble ever since you installed yourself into me. I hope there will be an upgrade in the future.' Su Meng thought before he found some old dull sword.

Transmigration in Against the Gods (AU)

Transmigration in Against the Gods (AU)

Anime & Comics · darvom

3 years ago
Replied to HelloDarkness07

It did feel like the most awkward solution to the problem when trying to say the harem or lovers will only be Dorea and Helena, so it really did feel like you were making hard on yourself for no reason. Well, you have a mix of Harry Potter and Marvel world setting so if you create a 'futa' potion it is still in the lower end of odd and bizarre things that exist in either world, canon or not. Just get MC and Helena to work on it and that covers his contribution to the solution without getting physical or donating his DNA to the mix. At any rate, glad you were aware though of the risks and backlash it could cause. Honestly, with enough details, rules and restrictions in another conversation between the characters, the setting you've created could work. Though I think there will likely be those that see it another form of clones but that's another rabbit hole altogether, that I'd rather not get into.

3 years ago
Replied to ElG0hary

Because the potion will cause them to assume the form of the one who's hair is used. Darla would be completely against it being any other male making the MC the only real choice. Not sure about same s/e/x couples but using a friend isn't all that uncommon for a donor and before the science did it, it was likely done often when adoption wasn't an option. I even remember having to read a novel where such an event took place for an English Literature class. That said the girl was something like a servant or lower class citizen while the guy was an old general or something but his wife was either too old or barren I can't remember which. I do remember the wife was there during it holding her to make it as unpleasant as possible. I forget what it was called but it was in some sort of dystopian setting. Though as a sign of the times and my corruption, now it just sounds like a h/e/n/t/a/i plot (the whole setting and idea, not so much the novel I read in my English class).

3 years ago

It took me a while to work up the resolve to put this comment. The fact I've had depression for 15 years makes it that I do understand how hard and bad it can be. Still though, I feel the need to question some of the latter portions of this chapter. I understand how these scenes came about. The current time frame makes it that no-one would allow a same s/e/x couple to adopt. The problem I have is with the solution. It sounds good at first but if you think a little more then problems start to appear. From the way you phrased it, Ana is the one who would become a mother, and Ana is the one who is Bi. This creates some risk for the relationships. Though to be fair it would still be risky even if she wasn't, some relationships are about love, others just scratch that itch that becomes a need. The 4 of them were inseparable during their school years and they do 'love' each other, in one form or another. The potion will make it so by DNA he is a minor contributor but it will be his 'form' that is assumed during s/e/x. I know this isn't a h/e/n/t/a/i where having s/e/x makes you a slave to your partner but the pleasure and chemicals the body creates during it could be enough to reasonably shift or influence Ana's feelings, from love to a friend to one of a l/o/v/e/r. I'm not saying it will make her love him, but l/u/s/t is a reasonable outcome and maybe and unavoidable one. Now would it be just a one-time thing, would they work it so it is 100% going to get her pregnant or would it need to be repeated until it succeeds? Even if it is a 'sure thing' if they want another kid, do they do the same again? Depending on how it works it can become a very poor choice for a solution. Would it not be better to use the potion to make them look like a 'normal' couple to adopt. That or just use magic or telepathy to force it through since once the paperwork is done they can do as they like afterwards. I am assuming they were going to the 'muggle' world to adopt I can't imagine there being a lot of orphanages in wizarding Britain. They used their psychic powers to over-take a secret agency and to mind control the King when he was being a pain, so I really don't see why using it to help now hasn't been considered. Well regardless, from the way the chapter ended, I feel it doesn't need to be changed as Darla hasn't given her response yet. So it can be worked around in the next chapter or clear up some of the potential issues to make it a more acceptable solution. The novel is great and I do hope your depression never reaches a level where you can't write or communicate with your readers. This comment is because it felt to me as you were setting yourself up a fall with all the potential issues and negative feedback that could come from this chapters plots. Maybe you already had considered these issues and already had solutions planned but if not, then now is the time to think about them and how to handle them.

3 years ago
Replied to Ryofu

I like the idea of Warcraft but it is a very hard one to write about. There is so much lore and so many events that happen, it makes it almost impossible to plan for. The only good way to do is by picking a certain event or boss that would be the focus and leave after it is done or you would be there forever. Lich King would probably the best one as the races involved haven't gone daft yet (Pandora) and while difficult he is more reasonable an enemy than some of the future ones. The idea that most of them are undead or corrupted should make it easier to handle for anyone who might join him. With that said, I'd probably make it an option for later when he has a few companions to join him. As for Shanks going One Piece I'd either skip it or go to a different time line as in, before Luffy's adventure. I guess you could also make it an AU and authors Shanks replaces the original due to some kind of world laws and only one can exist in any one time line.

  • Plots, Self-inserts and What-ifs? original

    Plots, Self-inserts and What-ifs?


    Just me deciding to give life to some ideas. None of which I will ever personally develop further. Some of the what-ifs will be from Fanfics, other novels, anime, games and more. They will each provide the details within the chapter giving reference to the original source. I seek no profit from anything written within, as 90% will not be mine just edited to create the scenes I want to display.

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