really Happy about the timeskip, was needed for the Natural Power growtg. especially because of the time conversion it feels much better
i Like how the Plan unfoldes step by step!
lets at least not get eaten alright?
i mean at least it increased to 1.5 a day
obviously the Dragon hast little choice but to try breaking trough the void domain - unknown chance to survive tue domain is much better than certain death through the shrinking barrier
cant wait for the dragon slaying
i think as Long as he doesn't move fromm the very Center he wont be affected?
spends 100 Chapters describing a "perfect relationship" - does the equivalent of the "we need some time appart to find oneself" relationship breakup
considering they want to split the Empire according to contribution, this might be surprisingly accurate...
Im truely disapointed in the Prince. While He was annoying, i still thought he was a decend being beyond his inborn arrogance
Supremacy Games
Sci-fi · MidGard