It's fine bro. We all knew this was gonna come eventually. Just keep on keeping ln brother 👍
Ahh another person killed by their greed.
This is what your greed gets you, you rat.
pls no
Ce chapitre a été supprimé.
Video Games · Killer_Slut
From what I can remember we have now caught up with the author. That's the reason why the release is slow.
She still sus tho. No reason to trust this suspicious treaty from a woman who threatened to kill him a while ago.
Homophobia - dislike against gay people Hemophobia - fear against blood
Another bullshit they tend to use as an excuse is the "greater good" when they themselves are just in the same league as those they are trying to fight.
welcome back
Note: It's been a while since I last posted a chapter, hahaha.
Creating games in the future
Others · just_a_potato_soul