with my voice bitch how else
"Good evening, Father. How have you called me today?"
Others · Yesnth
Urek Mazino leaned forward on his bean chair and crossed his fingers together as if he was going to give Winston a deal he could not refuse.
Others · Yesnth
I'll say it. It sucked. I was skimming through most of this chapter because what I was reading just sounded like nonsense. A complete tone shift from the previous chapter without any lube to ease me in. A dream chapter that was fairly pointless to read except for the non dream part at the end. Very wordy for a sequence of events that seemingly led to nothing other than finally waking up and continuing the story. Hey, maybe I'm the stupid one and didn't get whatever meaning the author meant to convey cause the little dream about random shit was just boring to me. Bring the hate my friends since it looks like I'm the only one who didn't like it.
A/N: I went a bit too poetic on the earlier parts of this chapter.
Others · Yesnth
Could have sworn it said he was crying a few paragraphs back....
"I don't know... if I cried, father would only hit me harder." The boy looked to the window, where the stars were beginning to appear atop a canvas of black.
Others · Yesnth
Everyone hating on him, but ain't no one likes it either when work calls you to come in on your day off for a stupid meeting that could have just been a text message.
"If you like to waste the time of Slayers like this, Lord Hellam, I suggest you simply send a message and do not call for a meeting like this." With that, he began to walk out.
Others · Yesnth
That all sounds cool... until he gets tricked again to move the plot along like what happened with Rachael or that weird 'dwarf' guy.
It allowed him to very effectively judge any sort of deception, find any loopholes, see through all illusions, make large illusions, create dreamscapes for sleeping targets, manipulate the environment, decrypt any sort of mystical phenomenon and simultaneously record it and other miscellaneous stuff. Winston aptly decided to name it, 'Gaze of Fallacy.'
Others · Yesnth
"You have eight, but I have nine. So I'm stronger than you."
Anime & Comics · Bleam
Bro says to listen to him, but 5 seconds ago was thrusting his hand through peoples heart saying talking time is over.
"So, will you listen to me now?" Neji asked, his face expressionless as he scanned the group before settling his gaze on Hiashi.
Anime & Comics · Bleam
Make Cloud Village Great Again
"Cloud Village will be revived under our hands."
Anime & Comics · Bleam
now that's a word you don't see often.
Tiara laid on the ground, unmoving. In Utter bamboozlement.
Tower of God: Sequence Strength
Others · Yesnth