Yuuup. Let's just say it's canon divergence~
As he walked away, he couldn't help the faint shiver that traveled up his spine with a certain realization. He had never had any inkings whatsoever that Kaminari was, in fact, a spy. If this wasn't just his paranoia, then he truly was fearsome. Like a viper slinking around in the dark, and so incredibly lethal. He would have to be more careful from now on.
Anime & Comics · C_Sunlight
Saya senang hal ini memberikan dampak positif (melalui Google Translate) ♡
well uh there's approx 109 chapters of content left, so he isn't actually dead, believe it or not
Power thrummed in the air, and with that power came a swirling mass of darkness. Unknown and unseen, a boy merely 14 years of age slipped through the cracks of space itself. When the towering and overbearing power dissipated, nothing was there. That day, the boy known as Midoryia Izuku vanished from the world itself.
Anime & Comics · C_Sunlight
Go ahead
Nope ୧( ˵ ° ~ ° ˵ )୨
-Your Amazing Author
Anime & Comics · C_Sunlight
As an actual high schooler (at present anyhow, graduation is coming dangerously quick) this is great, haha. I'm really glad you like it <3
Thank you ❤️ I'm happy to hear you picked it up again, despite the obvious 'ehh, makes me icky inside and a bit sludgy'. I would hate reading what I wrote, personally, haha. But we authors get our special brand of character apathy. It's how we kill so many, pfft. As for original work, I actually have something in the works right now. It's simply on a beta reader basis through PDFs and discord at the moment, but we'd love to have you if you're interested~
Thank you ❤️
danka, I felt like I should address it given the topic at hand.
Hello, author here. This is more a TLDR than anything else, didn't want the synopsis to get too bloated. I also gave myself 5 stars because, well, why not? Arrogance gets you everywhere. This is a character! driven!! plot!!! Emphasis on character. Cool things will be done and madness abounds, but it's also really damn depressing. As you could expect from a cosmic horror fantasy... And as you would expect from me, presumably. The first three chapters alone address child death, starvation, abuse, identity loss, disability (loss of senses), loss of autonomy, and immolation. I will never touch sexual assault in my writing, but everything else is fair game. Please respect your own mental wellbeing and your boundaries. With that clarified, please comment and review. The likelihood of me continuing this on a semi-regular basis depends on how much engagement I get.
Ways of Extinction
Fantasy · C_Sunlight