

LV 7

I love reading.

2017-07-03 Joint United States
Badges 15

Moments 189
16 days ago

How’s he suppose to notice a perverted old man using a magic ball to spy on him?

As Sora headed home, mind whirling with new ideas and knowledge, he failed to notice the amused gaze of a certain Hokage watching from his crystal ball.

Naruto: The Crimson Error

Naruto: The Crimson Error

Anime & Comics · Desire96

18 days ago
Replied to Dao_Of_Dough

The ninjas from the land of snow used Ice Release, though that version wasn't a kekkei genkai as they had to use pre-existing ice for their techniques.

(Water and Wind chakra natures can be combined to achieve Ice Style, it requires great mastery of water and wind chakra natures to do so which mc is capable off)

Konoha: The Template System

Konoha: The Template System

Anime & Comics · Tobi_444

20 days ago

Thanks for clarifying.

20 days ago

Good to see you back. Quick question, you were #2 last week with only two chapters due to the storm; are we still getting the reward?

1 months ago

Most likely he meant to say features gears 2.

The crew nodded, preparing for the fight. Nojiko clenched her fists while small explosions occurred in them, ready to fight. Robin created wings on her back with the power of the Hana-Hana no Mi. Chopper took a pill and swallowed it. Bepo was taken by surprise while Robin created arms on his back and put a Black Power on his head, making the mink go from a scared look to someone confident. Hachi drew his six swords. Baby-5 transformed her arms into weapons. Vivi prepared by transforming her hands into wind, Alvi donned his hat while placing his club on his shoulder. Lucy made her feathers generate movement, while her body began to turn pink and she started to emit steam. And finally, Shirahoshi just clung to Luffy's neck, keeping on his back while her tail swayed.

One Piece - I Am A Different Luffy!

One Piece - I Am A Different Luffy!

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague

2 months ago

Dear author, I enjoyed reading the story and the world you built around the MC. While you may have thought the ending was rushed due to the MC’s power level, I’d like to disagree. It was a good way to end the story after he had achieved high rank 7 as dragging it out could have caused issues depending on how you decided to stretch out the story. While I would have possibly liked a filler chapter about what his friends were doing while he was managing his territory, the story was great overall. I can’t wait to see what you do with your other stories with what you’ve learned from writing this one.

5 months ago

japanese school year is divided into three terms separated by three breaks: 1st term (april - july) > summer break (july - august) > 2nd term (september - december) > winter break (december - january), 3rd term (january - march).

In the anime show, although he and his classmates passed the final exams and summer camp, they still called 1-A. What's funnier was that they had more training arcs for many months after an academic year, and they still 1-A.

In MHA With a Dimensional Trading Quirk

In MHA With a Dimensional Trading Quirk

Anime & Comics · blazuki

6 months ago

What is the author trying to say?

"If it's really a lightning logia, its user has been without the power for hundreds of years, so it will be quite troublesome." Kuzan commented with his cold breath.

One Piece - I Am A Different Luffy!

One Piece - I Am A Different Luffy!

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague

6 months ago


Though his combat suit was a result of Symbiote transformation, in terms of style, it was strikingly similar to those used by government agencies.

In the Marvel Universe as Wonder Woman's boyfriend

In the Marvel Universe as Wonder Woman's boyfriend

Anime & Comics · XElenea

6 months ago

Think FF8 Balamb Garden.

While everyone else familiarized themselves with ATs, Izuku sat off to the side with Melissa, smiling relaxedly as she prattled on about all the things she had been working on in the week or so they had been apart. He was a little surprised to learn the school had a shielding and propulsion system that allowed it to rise out of the ground like a literal floating fortress out of a fantasy novel, but, in hindsight, he should have expected as much from Nezu...

BNHA: Singularity

BNHA: Singularity

Anime & Comics · Einlion