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92.85% Yuta Okkotsu / Chapter 13: the fight

Chapitre 13: the fight

"You were the AI's bodyguard?!" Yeah, I thought this might happen.

After killing 4 grade 2 curses, I immediately ran to the top to capture the grade 1 curse.

Not because I want to exorcise it, but because I want this to be an actual team battle instead of just a find-the-easter-egg kind of game.

Because of that, the second I found the grade 1 curse, 'Fortunately, it's not that big,' I tell Rika to pin it to the ground while I sit on top of a boulder.

Having a guardian angel is fun.

And then I see Todo and Mechamaru pull up on me. I told them to stop and wait until their friends come so they can fight me all together.

Mechamaru agreed because that is the most logical answer anyone will think of in this situation.

While Todo needed a bit of persuasion from me.

And that's the story of how Todo began to see me as a god.

"Yeah, look. Here are some of the private photos that I took with her for her birthdays.

This is when she was on vacation, you know, those 3 months of hiatus? Yeah, she was going around the world trying to have fun.

And this is when she graduated; she looks so happy in this picture." I show the idol enthusiast the picture of Ai on my phone.

Of course, Aqua and Ruby were nowhere to be seen in those pictures because the manager was very strict about that and forbid the three family members to be in the same photo.

Ai pouted for a while because of that.

"This, this is unbelievable. Is this photoshopped?" Looks like the big muscular guy still doesn't believe me.

"Todo! What are you doing?!" Looks like they are finally here.

The rest of the Kyoto students finally arrive at the scene. Mechamaru also booted up after sensing their presence.

"My brother was Ai's bodyguard!" Todo exclaimed loudly.

"What? No, I don't want to know. Anyway, shouldn't we fight?" Mai said, dragging us back to the actual reason why we are here.

"Right, right, fighting. Anyway, since this is a test, technically you don't need to fight me," I said as I got off from the boulder.

"I can just give the curse to you if you want. This event has nothing to do with me because what are they gonna do? Demote me?

They put me in my rank solely because of Rika. They don't even know what I can do, but after the few missions I did, there is no way they'll demote me.

So I thought, what if instead of the boring test the teacher gave us, we just do a team battle right here and now," I explained my reasoning to the Kyoto students.

"And why do you want that? If this has nothing to do with you, then shouldn't you just give up and let us take the win?" Mai asked.

"Because I want you to be promoted," I answered her, raising her eyebrows in surprise.

"Look, the whole point of this event is to judge 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 ability, not mine. If I just gave up, then how are you supposed to show your ability to fight together? The last event would be a one-on-one battle, which is fine, I guess.

As I said, this whole event has nothing to do with me, so you can either fight me and show the teacher your teamwork ability, or just go and kill the curse. I am fine with either," I gave them the option to choose whether or not they want to fight me.

This in itself is also a test from me. A test to see if they have the courage to fight me, someone with a clear advantage against them, with little to no chance of them winning.

If they are not brave enough to do that, then I can't nominate them for promotion.

"We are fighting," suddenly one of them spoke up, his voice filled with courage and bravery as he uttered those words.

"Todo!" Another one speaks, but this one seems to not agree with Todo's decisions.

"We are fighting! Or rather, I am fighting! If you want to join in, then suit yourself. I refuse to win anything with a handout!" Todo's voice boomed around the forest, his conviction about winning the event with his own hands made me smile at him.

"Right, winning with a handout would mean nothing. We need to show the teacher that we are worthy to be promoted," Noritoshi also agreed with Todo, along with the other students as they began to get ready for the fight.

Until finally, they all decide to fight and take their victory

'This should be fun' I thought


3rd person POV

"Let's set up the rules first" Yuta raised up his finger, gaining the kyoto students attention as they listen carefully to what he is about to say

"First, Rika is not going to join the fight" Todo widen his eyes in shock, his face looks visibly enraged as he speak

"Are you underestimating us, brother?"

Yuta smile at him, he looks calm as if the entire situation is not much of a challenge for him

"I am sorry Todo, but Rika herself is a special grade, combined with me then technically you will be fighting against 2 special grades. I don't think that would be fair.

Furthermore, someone needs to keep the grade 1 curse trapped and Rika is the best person to do the that. Therefor she needs to stay out of the fight" Yuta explained his reasoning and they look at the white queen of curses on the back, trapping the curse with her bare hand

"But that gets us to the second rule, no attacking either Rika or the grade one curse until only one of us remain standing" The kyoto students nodded their head at the last rule

Meanwhile on the oberserver room, the teachers are dumbfounded by the development of the event.

"That boy, without any permition he changed the rule of this event" the wrinkly old principal said, displease are obvious from his tone

"But this is good isn't it? This way we can actually see how the students would fight against a superior opponet" on the back, the white haired teacher wearing blind fold responded to the old man

"Satoru, even if Yuta is a special grade his opponets are now an entire school. are you sure he can beat them without Rika?" The principal of the Tokyo school ask the teacher and he smiled widely.

"Well, Let's just say....

He can take a punch from me without vomitting" he answerd


"What are you guys waiting for?! Let's start this battle!" After finishing the new rules announcement, Yuta declare that the battle is now starting

Todo quickly shoot himself from the ground, intending to do a lariat at the tokyo students.

And yet Yuta stood still


The resulting blow make a loud thud as Todo hit Yuta directly on the neck whilr Yuta is not doing anything at all

He sent Yuta a few meters back until the tokyo boy finally collide with a tree like a ragdoll

The kyoto students look at the scene with a newfound hope on their hearts, they begin to thibk that they stood a chance

But Todo himself knew it was wrong

He looked at his left bicep, the place where he use to strike at Yuta's neck felt as if he was stricking an iron pole. the numbness begin to creep from his bicep, making his left arm quiver in pain

"Wow, You hit harder than even Kinji senpai. Looks like those muscles are not just for show" from the rubble of the tree, Yuta begin to stand up and dust his clothes off as if nothing ever happend

"If it was me 4 months ago, then that attack might be a problem. especially for my neck" He caress his neck, there doesn't seems to be a bruised or anything as he crack his head and began and smile smugly at them

"What did you teach that boy?" Utahime look at the screen in surprise, Yuta just took a neck lariat head on and he seems to suffer no damage from that at all

"Just the usual stuff, reinforcement and the three aspects and all that" Gojo replied to her and she looks confused, but her pridefull mind prevent her from asking what those are

"Eh~? Do you not know? The three force are the thing that cursed energy do when you use reinforcement.

One of them harden your body, the other push your target forward to increase the power of your blow and the last one recoiled back to your own body. You must know about them right~?" Gojo teasingly explained to his old friend while Utahime grit her teeth in annoyance

"So He harden his body to take on Todo's attack?" Utahime asked with an annoyed tone

"Among other thing, you see. Yuta have so much curse energy it won't make sense for him to just harden his body and turn it to steel.

That might sounds like a good idea but it require a precise control of his cursed energy as to not blew himself up

So instead, he create a protective armor around his body. It kinda work like my infinity but anyone can pierce through it with enough force.

That armor slowed down Todo's attack, weakening it in the process so when it reach Yuta's neck, it become nothing but a hard push. And a simple hardening can take on a hard push"

Back to the fight

The kyoto students stood in shock, they don't move as they are much too preplexed by the scene to do anything

Until someone decide to something



A gun shot are heard as Mai shot the Tokyo students soon as he sees him standing from Todo's attack

But unfortunately for her, Yuta dodged

"That's scary! Why are you bringing a gun to a sorcery fight?!" Yuta exasperately yell at the crazy woman that just shot him with a pistol

𝘉𝘢𝘯𝘨! 𝘉𝘢𝘯𝘨! 𝘉𝘢𝘯𝘨!

"Shit shit shit!" The girl keep sending shot after shot at the boy as Yuta try to run from her relentless attack

"What are you standing there for idiots?! Go! Attack him!" Mai finally get fed up of her classmate just standing beside her and not helping her take down the boy

The the three close combatants being Noritoshi, Miwa, and Todo begin to pursue the boy that is currently running from Mai's attack

Yuta runs from the shot, until he finally notice someone pursuing him and he smile as he now confident that Mai would stop shooting at him with her three friends being so close to him

'not like I am gonna die from it, but bullets can pierce my armor more easily than a punch considering the little ammount of surface area it hit

Though it won't matter if I put more layers into it, but that seems a little too execive for a simple event' Yuta thoughts

"Revenge!" Yuta suddenly turn around and face his pursuer head on with his right hand pulled back, ready to punch the unfortunate soul behind him

Noritoshi open up his eye and a red mark formed around it as he uses his flowing red scale as he tried to tanked Yuta's punch


But the punch never come

Suddenly Yuta found himself behind the monk looking boy, he fall to the ground as his balance was off from his punch

"Tch" He clicked his tongue in annoyance, knowing full well what just happen

Without missing a beat, Miwa quickly form her simple domain right beside the boy

This prevent him from using his cursed technique, and also to prepare herself up for her quick draw slash

"Haah!" She screamed as she pulled her sword from it seeth, quickly slashing at the fallen tokyo's boy head while he is still not ready yet

'Is she actually intending to cut his head off?' Momo thought


But it got shattered to pieces

"Okay! Now this stupid, are you people really trying to kill me?!" Yuta once again yelled exasperatedly as he got spooked when Miwa tried to hit his head with a Katana

"Stop whining! You are a special grade!" Mai screamed from the back

"Hey! I might be strong but that is a sword she just hit me with! And you shot me!" While for others the attack launched at Yuta doesn't seems scary at all since he looks to be able to tanked all of it.

But for the one being shot at it is still a scary experience

Yuta does a sweep kick to the blue haired girl, making her fall to the ground and force her simple domain to closed


But once again Todo switch his place up with the fallen girl and now Yuta is the one falling

And while falling down, Yuta sees a muscle man jumping at him, intending to drop kick him while he is down


Todo stomped the ground with his whole mass, making it crack a bit as he uses his whole body to deliver a devastating blow at Yuta

But he is not there anymore

"Okay, I am starting to think this is not fair" Todo look at where Yuta's voice are coming from and see the special grade boy looking a bit surprised.

'we have a chance!' They thought


'How can I beat them?' after the combo Yuta just got from the Kyoto students, he begin to think that his cursed energy might not be enough to defeat them.

Sure, if they all lined up nicely and let him punch them just once then he can end the fight right then and there

after the improved control he got over his cursed energy (no thanks to the teddy bear as He refuse to aknowledge it) his punch is now much, much stronger than it was before.

But the problem remain, even if he can beat them in one punch so long as that punch never comes then they'll win.

And it's all thanks to Todo.

'as I thought, he is the most troublesome of them all' Yuta thought

He tried to remember how Todo's boogie woogie works, trying to find a flaw on his ability

'he can swap people's places within his range, how? can he lock them in and swap them? Does he need to see them with his eyes? All of his sense? Cursed energy sense?' Yuta's mind begin to think

The kyoto students is still not aproaching him, they now realise that it is better to let Yuta attack first and and let Todo mess with his balance before attacking him.

After a few seconds, Yuta smiled

"I figure it out!" He suddenly screamed at no the sky while pumping his hands up in joy

"Your cursed technique work on sense! If it's not then every time you clapped, everyone should swap places. But no, you can swap just two person out and let the remaining people in place

This either means that you can exclude the people inside of your range, or you need to lock your switching target up before swapping them.

The former is unlikely, the ammount of cursed energy you need to do the former would be too much for you to use it simulatinously.

But if it's the later, THEN I JUST NEED TO BE FASTER THAN YOU CAN SENSE ME!" and with that declaration, Yuta begin to move


The ground beneath Yuta cracked as he launch himself straight at Todo like a balistic missile, moving fast enough to break the sound barrier

he turn himself into a human bullet

Reinforcement are made of three parts. The first one that harden your body, the second that push your enemy forward, and the third one that recoil back at you.

Using the combination of first and second will increase your attack power by a lot, as it not only let you hit your opponet full force without caring for the damage to yourself, but also increased the force you give to your enemy with the second

But.... Why the third? Why would anyone want to increase the 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘪𝘭 of their attack? Wouldn't that just hurt yourself more?

The answer Is simple, what if, it is 𝘯𝘰𝘵 an attack?

The third aspect of reinforcement are used for 𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨! It helped you propel yourself towards your enemy as you steped to the ground and increase the recoil you receive from your step!

Effectively giving you a boost depending on the ammount of cursed energy you use and how you use it.

"Combined with the first aspect of hardening, then the recoil you receive from your step would do no damage to you but still increased the propeling force of yourself" on the observer room, Gojo just explained the subject further

"Most sorcerer don't know about this as they are not that sensitive towards cursed energy. and the force would sometime cancel each other out as they move on the opposite direction

I found out about this through my six eyes. And I decide to teach my students about it too

And while it should take him a while to figure out how to increase each aspect seperately. that boy is quite the genius after all~"

Back to the fight

Yuta launched himself straight at Todo, the muscular guy instantly tried to clap his hands to swap Yuta's place with anyone the furthest back and let him fly off the mountain

"Not gonna happend!" But before his hand can meet each other, Yuta is already there

With the speed of sound Yuta charge at Todo's chest, head first as he catched Todo's wrist to prevent him from swapping place before he can hit him.

With no choice or a way to protect himself, Yuta sucessfully hit Todo and drag him along with himself as they both fly off at high speed


Until they finally collide with a tree

"Yes! Ahaha! What a great attack!

What should I call it? Human missle? Self missle? Propeler shot? Ah doesn't matter, Anyway Todo! You good?" Yuta even after colliding head first with a tree, he is still acting as if he is not hurt

Well the body cushion he got from Todo also help with that aspect

Yuta look down at the tree trunk, he found Todo inside of a dent that he create by propeling himself at the muscular dude

And the tree is not the only thing with a dent

"Oh shit he is not breathing" Yuta checked the dude and see that the front of his chest was dented in directly where Yuta put his head on

He must have broken his ribs and those ribs must have puncture his insides.

"Shit, shit" Yuta quickly put his hand on the dented chest and quickly apply RCT at Todo

It might not be perfect, but it's enough to make sure he'll survive until he is brought to Shoko

At the observer room

"He is too reckless" said principal Yaga

"Should we get Him healed?" Asked Utahime

"It looks like the boy has stopped his internal bleeding, but it's better to get him to Shoko as quickly as we could" Principal Gakuganji answerd

"Right, I'll get him out of there" Gojo chimmed in and he suddenly dissapear from his seat

Back to the forest

"I'll get him out of here" Said Gojo before picking up the fallen man

"Thank you sensei!" Said the culprit of the fallen man.

The rest of the Kyoto students look at the exchange of the two strongest with sweat trickling down their forehead,

Before Yuta begin to attack them they thought they stood a chance, but now?

After seeing the same person move at the speed of sound while dragging their strongest classmate through numurous trees until finally stopping and leaving a huge dent in his chest?

"I give up" Mai raise her hands in the air as she don't want to fight anymore

"Wha-?! Why?!" Yuta look back to the person giving up and asked them in surprise

"Why? Look at that damage and tell me, What can any of us do against a human Railgun?" The Maki's twin response to his question as if he was stupid.

"Technicaly a railgun move at Mach 7, That was only about Mach 1, probably 2." the human railgun responded back

"Whatever, I am done. You win now" And thus the first day of sister school event come to an end, a quite swoop really as there is nothing any of them can do to even injure Yuta.

His defence are too much, his extra armor provide him with a defense similar to Gojo but instead of infinity, it's a sheet of metal.

He can move at the speed of sound and is still not injured by the damage he create by breaking the sound barrier.

Imagine a tank that can move at the speed of sound. What do you think any of them can do against such an opponet?

The best thing they can do is make Yuta unable to hit them back with Todo's cursed technique, but they also can't hurt him enough that it matters.

And so, with Todo being put of the equation. The fight was over

~~~~~~~~~ To be continued ~~~~~~~~~

Hi! This is one of the 6 chapters that I said I already wrote but haven't edited yet.

So I thought since I am dropping this anyway might as well throw out the garbage along with it.

Also, when I said 'next monday' I meant the monday after tommorow. Not tommorow monday.

Sorry for the confusion, but hey, at least you have something to read along the way right?

next chapter
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