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7.31% Yu-gi-oh 5D's-V / Chapter 3: chapter 3

Chapitre 3: chapter 3

The three emperors of Iliaster even changed the tournament so that their team could be a part of it. Yusei revealed that Iliaster had the power to change the past and present, and they recently did it to allow them to enter the WRGP. Despite these changes, Team 5D's were determined to battle Team New World and know what their plan is.

Trudge and Mina came in, needing to talk with the Signers. Trudge and Mina explained that the World Racing Grand Prix might be canceled. Lazar listened from inside a box he was hiding as Mina explained that there have been complaints from the public against the tournament after the preliminary rounds and the steering committee decided it would be best to cancel the tournament. After what happened before with the Ghost Army, Trudge doesn't find it impossible that it had come to this. He tried everything he could, but they wouldn't listen. Mina explained that Goodwin's seat has been vacant and nobody knows where Lazar was, thus leaving Sector Security too weak to convince the tournament committee. Yusei and Jack grumble that if it is canceled, they will lose their chance to fight the three emperors.

However, Lazar decided to step out into the light and take the director's seat and allow the WRGP to continue. He told the Signers that he would fight his own way against the three emperors. Later that afternoon, Yusei was watching the sunset, wondering what his father meant by "the place which leads to the destruction of mankind and the last Ener-D". He recalled the time when his father saved him from the souls of the Netherworld in the old system, before coming to a sudden realization of a possibility concerning his father.

The next day, Leo met with Team 5D's next opponent, Team Sun, with three members. Three young men called Taro Yamashita, Yoshizo Hayashi and Jinbei Tanigawa. They lived in the countryside with their families, until Taro heard of the WRGP and decided they should have a shot at it. They created one Duel Runner for all of them to use in the WRGP. They were also fans of Team 5D's

Leo brought Yusei and Bruno to Team Sun, who helped make their Duel Runner better. Taro, Yoshizo and Jinbel reminded Yusei of himself when he was creating his Duel Runner back in the Satellite. They even understood that low level cards had incredible potential if played right. They earned Yusei's complete respect. The two teams looked forward to their Duel and promised that no matter the outcome, they'd have no regrets.

However during their time with Team Sun, Yusei, Bruno and Leo missed Jack's Exhibition Duel against Team Ragnarok's Dragan. Dragan had the choice to pick any opponent and he chose Jack for some reason. Jack's Red Dragon Archfiend clashed with Dragan's Thor, Lord of the Aesir, creating a powerful shockwave which canceled the Duel. Soon the day came for Team 5D's to face Team Sun, though they were surprised to see that they would face each other so soon. Yusei told the team that he saw Team Sun's deck when they asked for his autograph and didn't even see one rare card, but that didn't mean the match would be easy.

Jack didn't consider them a threat, thinking that Team Ragnarok was who they really needed to watch out for. He recalled his Duel with Dragan and how powerful his Thor, Lord of the Aesir was. During his match, he saw somekind of mark appear on Dragan's eye. Soon the time for the Duel to begin came.

Jack went first and faced off against Yoshizo. Yoshizo Dueled in an interesting way, using low level monsters and only using them in DEF mode with the only effect monster being Hand-Holding Genie, and relying on Speed World 2 to deal damage. However, they seemed to be drawing out the Duel for some reason.

Eventually, Jack defeated Yoshizo and went on to face Jin. Jin proved to be a tougher opponent than Yoshizo, proving that by both outsmarting and defeating Jack. Jack passed the baton over to Crow, who avenged Jack and defeated Jin. Only Taro remained and he had to face Crow and Yusei alone, with cards he inherited from his friends. However, Yusei began to understand what Team Sun's plan was for the Duel the whole time.

They were waiting to summon a powerful monster, a monster called Zushin the Sleeping Giant. This monster was known to have powers that rival the Egyptian God cards, but could never be summoned because the condition to summon it was high. In order to summon it, a Level 1 monster needed to remain on the field for 20 turns and Team Sun had kept Key Mace for a very long time.

Team 5D's warned Crow, who quickly tried to stop Taro, but failed. On Taro's turn, Team Sun's hope, Zushin the Sleeping Giant appeared, and the counterattack began. Zushin proved to be too much for Crow and was defeated. Now it was up to Yusei to once again do the impossible and defeat Zushin.

And once again, Yusei accomplished the impossible. He used an incredible combo of his Shooting Star Dragon, Jack's Monster Baton and Crow's Blackwing – Boreas the Sharp to defeat Zushin and win the match. Despite their lost, Team Sun celebrated with the crowd cheering for them.

Team 5D's next opponent was to be Team Ragnarok and their ace monsters, the three gods of Aesir. Yusei, Jack and Crow met the three members of the Rune Eyes, Halldor, Dragan and Broder. The three had come to stop Iliaster, Halldor, their leader had gathered his teammates from around the world to accomplish this goal.

Yusei tried to form an alliance with them, but Halldor's Odin, Father of the Aesir wouldn't allow it. Odin thought Yusei was curse because his father caused Zero Reverse and it wouldn't ally with the Crimson Dragon. Dragan revealed what his connection to Jack was. Dragan Dueled Jack a long time ago when he was the Turbo Dueling champion and purposely lost against him because Goodwin blackmailed him into doing. Goodwin promised Dragan if he lost to Jack, he would pay for Dragan's father's recovery, who was hurt when they went searching for Thor, Lord of the Aesir.

It was settled that their Duel would decide who would face Team New World and save the world from them, and for Jack and Dragan's score to be settled. Jack didn't believe what Dragan told him so he went to Lazar to find out if what he said was true. It was true, Dragan lost to Jack on purpose and Jack's pride as a Duelist took a blow. Yusei had a talk with his rival and told him that to prove to himself that he was the Duelist he believed he was, he needed to defeat Dragan.

The next day the Duel between Team 5D's and Team Ragnarok began with Jack and Dragan going first. It was a hard fought battle against Dragan and Thor, but Jack and Red Nova Dragon defeated them. However, Thor would be sticking around because of his ability. Team Ragnarok's Broder took over and instantly defeated Jack. Jack passed the baton over to Crow and he battled Broder.

Crow and Broder were actually very alike, they both fought for children. Broder used to be a treasure hunter, but changed after seeing island children suffer. Broder was reminded of the kids he looked after when he saw Crow's kids cheering for him. The two Duelist respected each other and fought with everything they had and it ended in a draw.

Both teams' leaders, Yusei and Halldor battled with Halldor starting off with Dragan's Thor and Broder's Loki, two lords of the Aesir cards and Yusei had nothing. Halldor didn't waste anytime and Summoned Odin, leaving Yusei to fight all three Aesir cards by himself. The Duel was incredible; Yusei had to use both Majestic Star Dragon and Shooting Star Dragon, but once again he accomplished the impossible and won.

Everybody cheered for Yusei and Team 5D's victory. Halldor and the Aesir cards accepted Yusei and the rest of the Signers as friends and allies and trusted them to defeat Team New World. The next day, Yusei, Jack and Crow were discussing their upcoming battle with Team New World. The three were determined to defeat the three emperors and make that temple that appeared in the sky disappear.

While the three were thinking about their upcoming battle, Leo, Luna and Akiza helped Carly with an article about the WRGP. They started off by introducing their team's name, its members, about their pasts, what's happened, the Crimson Dragons, their status as Signers and their dragon monsters. They even talked about Bruno. However that all went down the drain.

Back with the guys, they went to the stadium and met up with the rest of Team 5D's. They stared at the black temple in the sky. Leo was able to see it by making hand contact with Luna. Jakob, Primo and Lester appeared on the hologram before Team 5D's and explained that the island they see is called the Divine Temple. They explained that its purpose was to destroy New Domino City and recreate the world.

Team New World disappeared; leaving Team 5D's restless. Team Ragnarok came out of nowhere and confirmed that to save the world, they needed to defeat Team New World. With their goal clear, Team 5D's was ready. The next day, the WRGP's final match between Team New World and Team 5D's and the battle for the fate of the world began.

Things were going well at first. Jack went first and defeated Lester and Primo, but something didn't feel right to Yusei. They were being protective of a Trap Card called Infinite Aura. Yusei warned Jack to try to destroy it, but Primo kept him from doing that.

When Jakob went out, everything went wrong. Team New World spent the whole Duel preparing for when Jakob took his turn. Jakob didn't waste time and summoned Meklord Emperor, Grannel. It's ATK Points were equal to Jakob's Life and Infinite Aura was used to gather counters so that they could increase Jokob's Life Points all the way up to 12000.

Jokob defeated Jack instantly, Grannel absorbed Red Nova Dragon, and then Crow went out. Crow did his best, but he was defeated as well. Once again, the fate of the world was in Yusei's hands again, thought Crow left Yusei with his Black-Winged Dragon and a face down card, while Jack left a face down card. Jack and Crow's battles against Jokob left them injured so badly that they were sent to the infirmary.

Black-Winged Dragon was destroyed by Grannel, but Yusei used Crow's face down, Shadow Impulse to summon Stardust Dragon. Yusei was determined to keep fighting, but that spirit made Jakob show Yusei, Bruno, Akiza, Leo, Luna, Crow and Jack the future, the same chaotic one that Yusei and Bruno saw before.

The stone tablets stabbed on the ground were actually Synchro Monster cards. Then, things turned horrifying when they saw the center New Domino's bridge network, meaning that this future was New Domino City's future. Then Jakob, Lester and Primo appeared before them, who explained and showed what happened.

Before Armageddon, New Domino City had advanced very much and people became obsessed with Synchro Summoning. They taught, Dueled and lived by Synchro Summon, and that evolved the world. Synchro Summons were the symbol of prosperity, and helped the evolution of the world. Then one day, the world was invaded by Meklord Emperors.

They attacked New Domino City and killed millions of people. Team 5D's was in disbelief at what they were seeing. They also saw that Primo, Lester and Jakob 'were from' the future. Lester lost his parents, Primo lost the woman he loved and Jakob was alone at the end. The Ener-D from that area began rotating backwards as if it could feel the people's hearts and destroyed the world.

Team 5D's and New World returned to the present with Yusei and Jakob continuing their Duel. Yusei refused to believe that was their future and continued to fight. Yusei believed that their bound will open the future and Accel Synchro Summoned Shooting Star Dragon. Yusei used Shooting Star Dragon's ability and drew five Tuner monsters, allowing Shooting Star Dragon to attack five times.

Shooting Star Dragon attacked, freeing the captured Red Nova Dragon, reduced Jakob's Life Points and destroyed Grannel. However, Jakob, Lester and Primo weren't finished yet. They merged to form their original person, Aporia. Aporia's Duel Runner was a combination of Primo's, Jakob's and Lester's Duel Runners. Aporia was more powerful than Jakob and summoned the ultimate Meklord Emperor, Meklord Emperor Astro Mekanikle.

Astro Mekanikle was so powerful that it created lightning and attacked New Domino City. It even absorbed Shooting Star Dragon. Thinking his victory was assured, Aporia told the tale on how he separated himself into three. He showed Team 5D's his past, when he was in his Jakob stag and was in despair from being alone, he was saved from that pain by three cloaked figures.

Aporia joined them on their mission to bring back hope to their future. They searched for ways to restore humanity and their destroyed world, but they all failed. Two of the four passed away, soon Aporia was going to join them. He requested a request from the last member, a person he called Z-one.

His heart was made of three despairs, losing his parents, the woman he loved killed and having no one left to love. He asked Z-one to split his heart into 3 despairs and use them as his minions. He entrusted his hope to his remaining friend Z-one, who honoured his request and promised to do it.

They all returned to the present, where Aporia revealed that Jakob, Lester and Primo were his three despairs and created Iliaster. Aporia planned to wipe New Domino city from history, he demonstrated his power by destroying more of New Domino City and forcing the Turbo Duel off the circuit. They Dueled on public road.

However Yusei wouldn't give up hope and continued to fight. Yusei lured Aporia to the old BAD area so that innocent bystanders wouldn't get hurt. Yusei fought, having needed to destroy his beloved Shooting Star Dragon to survive. However he managed to resummon it to fight again, and in a way to keep it safe from being absorbed. However, Aporia had a counter measure for this.

Seeing Yusei in danger, Jack and Crow left the hospital, boarded their damaged Duel Runners and went off to join Yusei. Jack reminded Yusei about his set card, giving Yusei hope. Jack's Trap Twin Soul increased Shooting Star Dragon's DEF Points and saved Yusei. Aporia summoned both Red Nova Dragon and Black-Winged Dragon to Yusei's field and absorbed them.

Yusei fought back with everything he had. He summoned Black-Winged Dragon, Red Nova Dragon and Shooting Star Dragon, the three dragons that represented him, Jack and Crow.

Once again, Yusei accomplished the impossible and defeated Aporia. Aproia was sent into the ocean from the force of the attacks from the three dragons, and Team 5D's was declared the winner of the WRGP. Team 5D's, Team Ragnarok celebrated their victory, even Elsworth came back to congratulate them. However, things weren't over yet.

Aporia may have lost the Duel, but he completed what he was really aiming for. He summoned the Divine Temple. Lazar come dashing over to Team 5D's, warning that they must hurry over to Sector Security, so they can come up with a strategy. Elsworth joined them and they all went to Sector Security headquarters.

A large group of workers were analysing the situation. The power level from the Ener-D was going down and continued to drop. At this rate, the workers estimate that the Ener-D will reach a standstill. Lazar ordered a check be run on the system's program, asking them to search for any strange patterns or disturbances in the system. They tried, but the power went off, along with the whole city's power. They quickly switched to the backup power.

They learned that the old Ener-D had reactivated in the old BAD area and was spinning in the opposite direction. A man named Zigzix made contact and told the gang that three Planetary Particle gears were producing a large amount of Ener-D. Zigzix explained that since it's rotating in reverse, it is producing minus Ener-D. Jack hypothesised that it is using that to take control of Ener-D in New Domino, which Zigzix confirmed.

However, Zigzix added that that wasn't the most frightening problem at the moment, as the Cradle was slowly descending onto the city. He calculated that if things continue as is, the structure will hit ground level within twelve hours, producing a shock wave, destroying everything within a radius of several hundred kilometres, including the entire city.

Everyone was shocked at what they learned. Lazar quickly ordered an evacuation for everyone in New Domino City, but it would take 24 hours, not enough time. Still, Lazar decided to try anyway and evacuate as many people as he could, but he would stay. Team 5D's used Sector Security's monitors to learn as much as they could about the Divine Temple, but learned something shocking. The Divine Temple was actually the old Satellite!

They tried to find a way to stop the Divine Temple, until Bruno explained a way that could work. They needed to turn the Divine Temple's negative spin into a positive spin, but without Ener-D energy, they couldn't do it. However, Team Ragnarok came with a solution.

Their Rune Eyes allowed their Duel Runners to function, so Team 5D's Duel Runners would still function as well because of the Crimson Dragon's powers. They tested it out and they were right. Yusei decided to go to the Divine Temple and stop this. However, Sherry appeared on Yusei's screen and warned them to not try to stop it.

She told them if Yusei went to the Divine Temple, he'll die.

Everyone was in disbelief at what Sherry said, some refused to believe it. However Sherry told them that Z-one, the god of the Divine Temple showed her the future. She revealed that Z-one was the floating eye that she, Yusei and Bruno met before and was the one that 'gave' Yusei Shooting Star Dragon.

Worse of all, Sherry joined Z-one and was fine if New Domino City was destroyed, because in her words, thousands of lives will be saved. Yusei tried to convince her to change her mind, but she was firm on her decision. However, despite her warning, Yusei was determined to save New Domino City.

The others didn't want Yusei to go to the Divine Temple because they didn't want Yusei to die, especially Leo, Luna and Akiza. It really warmed Yusei's heart to see that everyone cared so much for him, but he couldn't agree to their request. He remembered what his father told him and set off to stop the Divine Temple. Team Ragnarok agreed to help Yusei with the power of their Aesir cards to create the Rainbow Bridge Bifrost to take Yusei to the Divine Temple.

Team Ragnarok would use the old Ener-D reactor to create Bifrost at the Daedalus Bridge. To accomplish this, Yusei asked Bruno for his help without telling the others. Yusei was willing to go to the Divine Temple alone, but the others wouldn't allow it. They quickly chased after Yusei to aid him.

Soon it was go time. Team Ragnarok summoned the three gods of Aesir and created Bifrost for Yusei. However, the rest of Team 5D's came along for the ride. Yusei tried to convince them to evacuate, but the others wouldn't budge. Instead they convinced Yusei to let them go with him to the Divine Temple. Soon they were heading towards the Divine Temple on Bifrost, however they had an unexpected ally join them.

Vizor joined them on their adventure to the Divine Temple. They arrived safely, though barely. They all journeyed to the center of the Divine Temple, where Z-one welcomed and separated them.

The gang was split into three teams. Yusei was with Vizor, Jack was with the twins and Akiza and Crow were together. Vizor showed that the separate paths they'd take would lead them to three separate Planetary Gears. If they don't shut those Planetary Gears down, the Ener-D's main gear would keep rotating and they won't be able to change it to a positive rotation. Vizor explained that they don't have much time, so Yusei told the others that they'd have to split-up and stop the gears.

Although they didn't like it, everyone agreed and set off, though Crow told Yusei that he better not die. The gang set off to stop the Planetary Gears and save New Domino City, though opponents awaited them at their destinations.

Akiza and Crow faced off against Sherry, but not before Crow gave her the Z-one Spell card. Sherry tried to use trickery and false promises to both turn and defeat Crow and Akiza, but the two remained strong and soon defeated Sherry. During the Duel, they learned that Sherry joined Z-one so that he could change the past and revive Sherry's parents.

Crow managed to convince Sherry that her parents wouldn't want her to kill thousands of people just to have them back and to believe in the future that they can bring. Sherry, after remembering something important her father told her, decided to aid them in stopping the Divine Temple and joined Akiza and Crow to the central gear.

Jack, Leo and Luna battled Aporia, who Z-one had retrieved and healed back to 100%. Things were going terrible as Jack, Leo and Luna's life force were connected to their Life Points. If they were defeated, they would die. Leo did many moves to help his teammates, but Aporia used every chance to instead make things worse for Luna and Jack.

Leo began to doubt himself and thought he shouldn't have come, but Jack and Luna helped him. In order to protect his friends, Leo was willing to give his life. He started his counterattack, giving up Life Points and his life. He summoned both Power Tool Dragon and Ancient Fairy Dragon, but that activated Meklord Astro Dragon Asterisk's effect.

Leo's Life Points dropped to 0 and he died.

Jack and Luna tried to call out to Leo, however Luna started to slowly die as her Life Points dropped slowly. However, Leo's Morphtronic Lantron's effect activated. It was a chance through luck. If successful, Leo would come back with 100 Life Points. And they were successful and Leo come back to life.

However, something unbelievable happened. The Crimson Dragon's marks appeared on Leo's back as a new mark was formed. The mark of the heart was created. Leo was revived and evolved into the first sixth Signer, something Leo had always wished he would become someday.

At seeing Luna's Life Points dropping slowly, Leo called on the power of the Crimson Dragon to save her. Leo tuned his Power Tool Dragon to his Morphtronic Lantron. The Crimson Dragon appeared before them, surprising everyone as the Crimson Dragon freed Power Tool Dragon from his mechanical binds and returned him to his real world.

The final Signer Dragon, Life Stream Dragon.

Life Stream Dragon turned everything around. He stopped Aporia from inflicting Effect Damage and restored Leo, Luna and Jack's Life Points to 2000. Life Stream Dragon had restored hope for them all, but Aporia didn't believe in hope and said their actions were a waste because there was no hope.

But the three Signers' resolves were unwavering as they continued to fight. Aporia tried to stop them from Synchro Summoning, but Ancient Fairy Dragon destroyed his plan. With Synchro Summoning secured, Jack first summoned Red Dragon Archfiend, then Synchro Summoned Red Nova Dragon.

Red Nova Dragon battled Meklord Astro Dragon Asterisk. Aporia tried to increase his monster's ATK Points to destroy Red Nova Dragon, but Leo and Luna stopped him. Red Nova Dragon destroyed Astro Dragon Asterisk and reduced Aporia's Life Points to 0000. With Aporia defeated, the Planetary Gear shut down. The room began to collapse, so the three Signers quickly escaped.

However, during their Duel with Aporia, they returned hope to him. He disappeared from the three Signers' sight with a smile full of hope. Now only one Planetary Gear was left.

Yusei and Vizor arrived at their Planetary Gear, but unlike the others, no one awaited them there. Four glowing orbs of Ener-D appeared and went towards Vizor. They engulf him and made him remember who he was. Vizor revealed two things to Yusei that shocked him.

Vizor was Bruno the whole time and he was an ally to Z-one. He was to be Yusei's opponent. Bruno's real name was Antinomy and he is the one, who shall protect the Planetary Gear and the Divine Temple. Yusei told him not to joke around; he was their friend, Bruno. However Antinomy told that Yusei he was wrong; he is Z-one's friend, Antinomy.

Antinomy refused to let Yusei pass, so the two of them Turbo Dueled. The setting suddenly changed to outer space with the two of them racing along a white path. The loser would disappear forever. This Duel was unlike their last Duel because Antinomy was Dueling to win and Yusei had to dodge leaping flames.

In their Duel, Yusei questioned Antinomy just who is Z-one. Antinomy began by explaining his past. Antinomy used to be a pro Turbo Duelist. His hope derived from the dreams he had of showing people all over the world the magnificence of Dueling and he had never doubted his beliefs.

One day his manager tried to tell him to stop using Synchro Summoning, but he refused. He believed that Synchro Summoning was their salvation, but was wrong. The Meklord Invasion happened and Antinomy wondered if Synchro Summoning was what caused this. A Meklord Emperor Grannel appeared before him and was about to kill him, but Z-one appeared and saved him.

He was lost in despair and when saw Z-one fighting with hope, it gave him hope. He joined Z-one in his quest to save the future. It took him his whole life and when his life reached its end, he asked Z-one to revive him as his servant. Z-one granted his request.

Once revived, Antinomy was given the mission to protect Yusei and aid in his growth. He admitted that he didn't think Yusei would progress this far and didn't think that he himself would be the one to crush him himself.

Yusei questioned if Antinomy considered him to be no more than a gear in his plans. Antinomy replied that the Divine Temple had surfaced and New Domino City's destruction is as good as confirmed, so the creation of a new future was all but assured. However the completion of that plan allowed no room for Yusei to advance any further.

Yusei demanded Antinomy to not talk like that and pointed out that it wasn't just him Antinomy deceived, but everyone in Team 5D's. He asked if Antinomy honestly saw hope in this future he was trying to create by sacrificing this world. He demanded Antinomy to answer. Antinomy replied that similar to how Team 5D's were connected by a strong bond, him, Z-one and his friends have formed a strong bond within the pit of despair and his very mission is to aid Z-one.

Yusei asked if that was what Antinomy really wanted to do and called him Bruno one last time. He repeated that his name was Antinomy. Yusei vowed to defeat him for the sake of the future and his friends. The two continued their Turbo Duel, with Yusei's Accel Synchro Monster Shooting Star Dragon going up against T.G Blade Blaster.

But then Antinomy revealed something shocking, an advanced form of Accel Synchro called Delta Accel Synchro and summon a monster called T.G Halberd Cannon. Yusei was in disbelief that there was an advanced Accel Synchro. Things started going from bad to worse for Yusei as Halberd Cannon pretty much sealed all his moves before he made them and to put the icing on the cake, a black hole appeared and wouldn't disappear until it got one of the two Duelist.

It seemed hopeless for Yusei. His Life Points had been reduced to 100 and Shooting Star Dragon's ATK Points had been reduced to 100 as well. However, Yusei wouldn't give up, he continued on. Yusei used an incredible combo of his Shooting Star Dragon, Balance Blaster, Necro Defender and Enduring Soul, which won him the Duel.

However both Yusei and Antinomy was absorbed into the black hole, where they had their final conversation. Antinomy begged Yusei to save both the world and Z-one. Antinomy explained that after seeing Yusei do the impossible so many times, he made a decision, to believe in Yusei's potential. He believed in Yusei, so he Dueled him to show him the power beyond Accel Synchro, thinking that he can find his own Delta Accel Synchro.

Antinomy wished he could have met Yusei in different circumstances and believed they could have been true friends. But Yusei told him that they were friends and called him Bruno. Antinomy was in disbelief as he remembered the days he spent with Yusei and Team 5D's, those were the best days he ever had.

Bruno used the last of his Duel Runner's power to push Yusei out of the black hole and to safety. Yusei cried out Bruno's name, who disappeared with a smile on his face, happy that Yusei would be safe. Yusei was teleported back to the Divine Temple as the Planetary Gear stopped spinning. He got back on his feet, before he spotted Bruno's broken visor. He saw an image of Bruno in them, causing him to weep over his friend's death.

Yusei carried on to the main Planetary Gear, where he met up with everyone. He saw that Leo became the sixth Signer, but he was still feeling heartbroken because of Bruno's death. Akiza asked where Vizor was, and Yusei told them the truth about their friend Bruno and what happened between them.

Of course everyone was in disbelief at what they heard. Yusei told them that despite their battle, Bruno was really their friend and only battled him to show him a new power. Their resolve remained firm as they continued on to Z-one and finish this.

Team 5D's and Sherry drove up a long spiral stairway, filled with gears, where Crow spotted the old Ener-D reactor. They pressed on and found themselves in what appeared to be a junkyard, where they met Z-one. Sherry was correct when she told Yusei that he was the one he met in the other dimension.

Z-one revealed that he was behind everything, including Zero Reverse. He even revealed that he was the one that sent Paradox to destroy Duel Monsters. Enraged at everything he did, Yusei swore to stop the Divine Temple and Z-one. Z-one told Yusei that all he needed to do was defeat him in a Duel and the final gear would shut down.

Yusei was ready to Duel Z-one, but surprisingly Aporia came out of nowhere. He was damaged by his Duel against Leo, Luna and Jack, but was still alive. However, to everyone's surprise, he challenged Z-one. He learned something in his Duel against the three Signers, despite all his sufferings, he kept holding onto hope.

Everyone was surprised by Aporia's answer. Aporia explained that even though he was in despair, he believed there was still hope. He wanted to help his friend remember the hope he had for Yusei, once again surprising everyone. Aporia believed that Team 5D's could continue to evolve enough to save the future, and that was what he believed Z-one believed when he sent Bruno to Yusei and everyone, he entrusted his final hope to humanity's potential.

Aporia questioned his friend why he was trying to kill Yusei and everyone, which Z-one answered that he saw hope as nothing but an illusion. Aporia didn't believe him and believed that Z-one kept holding onto hope. He was damaged, but was still willing to Duel Z-one. Before his battle, he told Leo that he saw hope in him.

Leo's bond with Team 5D's was the hope he searched so long for, and now that he has hope, he would fight for it. Leo tried to stop Aporia from endangering himself, but Jack told him to let Aporia fight his friend. A device shot up from inside the scrap heap, causing Team 5D's and Sherry to be thrown back. The device separated into three components. Two of them floated next to Z-one as arms and the third floated just in front of him. The Duel Monsters tablets in the scrapyard flew towards the third device. The stone shattered from around them, making them large, but otherwise regular cards. The cards stack up in the device, ready for Z-one to use as his Deck. Aporia told Team 5D's to watch closely and see Z-one's strength.

Z-one was powerful, but Apoira continued to fight, keeping the hope that Leo gave him close to his heart. Things started to get bad when Z-one started summoning monsters called Timelords. However, Aporia continued to fight. He used a unique strategy to use a card called Afterglow.

He destroyed his own deck so that Afterglow could be his last card and use its effect to deal 4000 points of damage to Z-one, but Z-one stopped the strategy and defeated Aporia. Team 5D's rushed over to the defeated Aporia. He apologised for not being able to defeat Z-one, but Team 5D's reassured him that he gave them hope to defeat Z-one.

Their words gave Aporia hope. With the last of his strength, Aporia transferred his power over to Yusei's Duel Runner, granting it wings and the ability to fly. Aporia then died with hope for the future. Leo shed tears for Aporia, forgiving him for what he did to him in their Duel. Leo questioned Z-one why killed his friend, who replied that the 'Aporia' he Dueled was a copy and not the real thing.

Angered, Yusei challenged Z-one to a Duel, who accepted. Z-one caused the dome they were inside of to disappear. Up above them, they all saw New Domino City and realized that they were upside down and the Divine Temple had a separate source of gravity, holding them on. Z-one introduced himself to the people of New Domino City by having monitors show him to them.

Z-one explained to the people that New Domino will be destroyed by the Divine Temple soon and a new future shall be created. He advised the citizens to prepare themselves for the moment of their death. Z-one told Yusei that their battlefield will be the sky, telling him that Aporia gave his Duel Runner the ability to fly.

Team 5D's gave Yusei encouraging words, before something unbelievable happened. Jack, Crow, Akiza, Leo and Luna gave their dragons to Yusei, entrusting their hopes to him. Yusei accepted his friends' wishes and took their dragons, before he took flight on his Duel Runner and began his Duel against Z-one.

Z-one spoke to Yusei, saying that he was like Yusei's god. He changed Yusei's life by causing Zero Reverse. He said that all their accomplishments was to summon the Divine Temple, but Yusei's resolve remained firm. He swore to overcome Z-one, before their Turbo Duel began.

Z-one didn't waste time and summoned a Timelord straight away, but Yusei wouldn't back down. He Synchro Summoned Black-Winged Dragon, then Red Dragon Archfiend. Their Duel had the evacuating civilians stop evacuating, and they wouldn't move. Then, MC appeared and broadcasted the Duel for the civilians, allowing them to watch the Duel and evacuate.

The monsters Yusei used to summon Black-Winged Dragon and Red Dragon Archfiend kept him from attacking and negated Red Dragon Archfiend's destruction effect. Z-one began to speak, saying that Yusei doesn't want to attack him. Everyone was confused by his words, before Z-one made his move.

Z-one revealed that Yusei wasn't gonna attack and wait for a chance to attack him directly, which Yusei revealed it was true. Z-one began shaving away at Yusei's Life Points slowly, but Yusei stayed strong. Yusei next Synchro Summoned Black Rose Dragon and using a combination of it and a trap called Synchro Barrier Force to damage Z-one by 1500 points.

Z-one was slammed into a building, but he came out unharmed. However his mask was damaged, before it crumbled away and showed his face to the world.

Z-one's face was…Yusei's face!

Z-one 'explained' that he was Yusei from the future, much to the disbelief of everyone. Z-one took his turn, summon three Timelords, restored his Life Points to 4000 and returned Yusei's three dragons to the Extra deck, leaving Yusei's field empty and damaged him by 1500 points. Z-one began to tell more of his back-story, on how he came to the past and how he's Yusei Fudo.

Z-one was both Yusei Fudo and not Yusei Fudo. Z-one was a scientist looking for a way to save the world from destruction. In order to stop the machine army, he had to make people behave and not wish destruction. However, he believed that he couldn't do it. He thought about Yusei, who was New Domino's savior, a legendary hero who never gave up despite what he faced.

He decided to become Yusei Fudo to save humanity.

Z-one did science to transform himself into Yusei and succeeded. He became Yusei Fudo. Everyone was in disbelief at what Z-one was revealing, Yusei especially. As Yusei Fudo, Z-one began to change things, saving people and fighting back with Shooting Star Dragon and Clear Mind. Z-one tried to spread the power he acquired to the people.

Eventually, his people remembered to help one another, understand one other and the machine army stopped attacking. Z-one began to feel hope. However, there wasn't enough time for other people to learn. Due to people's negativity, the Ener-D spun negativity towards destruction.

The Ener-D destroyed the machine army, the world and thousands of people. In the end, Z-one couldn't save even one person. He believed it wasn't possible to change people's hearts and he reached his current conclusion. For him to save humanity, he will destroy Ener-D.

Everyone in New Domino City was in disbelief at what they learned. Yusei, though shocked, continued to fight against impossible odds and save the future and the people of New Domino City. Yusei took his turn, but all he could do was set a face down. Z-one took his turn and replenished his hand, but that allowed Yusei to use the trap Tailsman of Reversal. Yusei's Trap allowed him to replenish his hand, giving him more of a fighting chance. Yusei used a combo that allowed him to Synchro Summon Ancient Fairy Dragon to his field in DEF Mode.

Z-one countered by summoning 5 Timelords, much to the disbelief of everyone. Z-one attacked with all five Timelords, one of them returned Ancient Fairy Dragon to the extra deck, but despite that, Yusei survived and summon Power Tool Dragon thanks to a monster called Synchro Keeper.

Despite surviving Z-one's assault, pieces from the Divine Temple began to rain on New Domino City, meaning there wasn't much time left. Yusei remained strong and kept holding onto hope, however Z-one made things difficult when he played a trap called Infinite Light, which kept his Timelords on the field.

More pieces of the Divine Temple began to fall; a few of them hit Yusei and forced him off his Duel Runner. Everyone gasped in fear for Yusei. Lazar, Elsworth and the MC arrived on a rooftop just in time to see Yusei falling. As Yusei fell, he wondered if there really was no way for him to save everyone. He closed his eyes and apologised. Over at the Old Ener-D, a light shot out from the generator, heading towards Yusei. The light hit Yusei and sent him somewhere. Yusei awoke to see his father Dr. Fudo before him.

Yusei asked if he lost, but Dr. Fudo told him that the Duel wasn't over yet. Yusei tried standing up, but said it was impossible; his body just wouldn't move. Dr. Fudo tried encouraging his son not to give up. Yusei had fought with all his might, but this time it was impossible and he could no longer fight.

Dr. Fudo suddenly slapped Yusei in the face and reminded him that he still had work to do. Like how the Planetary Gear linked gear to gear, Dr. Fudo told Yusei that he connects people's feelings and in the end, he will reach a new stage; that was his role. Yusei smiled at his father's words and called him strict. He stood up and thanked his father for bringing him to his senses. He vowed to return to his friends and fight without giving up. Dr. Fudo said "That's my son" with a smile. He advised him to believe in the future. He began to vanish, saying that this will be the last time he will be able to help his son. Yusei tried grabbing him, but Dr. Fudo disappeared and told his son that he will always be by his side.

Yusei returned to reality, where he was still falling. His Duel Runner flew towards him, allowing Yusei to hop back and flew up right before he made contact with the ground. Yusei thanked his father as he picked up his card from the Duel Runner's monitor. Tears run down the MC's eyes as he told New Domino City that Yusei had been resurrected. Everyone throughout the city started to celebrate his survival.

Yusei flew towards Z-one and told him that the fight was not over yet. He began his turn and summoned Power Tool Dragon's true form, Life Stream Dragon. Life Stream Dragon restored Yusei's Life to 2000, having been reduced to 750 earlier.

Z-one called Yusei's straggling pointless and that it was New Domino City's destiny to be destroyed. However, Yusei refused to believe that. In order to save the future, Yusei explained that everyone's hearts must go in the right direction and have a future which can be changed alongside Ener-D. Yusei told Z-one that with no present, the future cannot be saved and asked him if that was correct.

In order to save the world, Yusei vowed to find a new stage. He remembered what his father said to him about connecting people's hearts. Yusei thought of everyone depending on him and asked them to lend him their strength. He heard everyone's voices calling out to him, supporting him and giving him strength. He flew upwards towards the sky and realized that in order to pass his limits and advance to a new stage, his strength alone was not enough. He needed to connect Team 5D's bonds. He remembered Bruno's words that he can find his own Delta Accel Synchro. He found his answer as he flew above the Earth's surface.

Yusei activated "Speed Spell - Synchro Panic". Since he had more than seven Speed Counters, it allowed him to Special Summon as many Synchro Monsters as possible from his Extra Deck that were used in the Duel with their effects negated and ATK reduced to 0. He Summoned Ancient Fairy Dragon, Black Rose Dragon, Black-Winged Dragon and Red Dragon Archfiend back to the field.

Using the effect of Life Stream Dragon, Yusei changed the Level of all his other Synchro Monsters to 1. Yusei called out to Jack, Crow, Akiza, Luna and Leo, telling them that in order to save the future, he will connect their bonds. Jack, Crow, Akiza, Leo and Luna all raised their arms as they lend Yusei their power. Their marks disappeared from their arms and relocated on Yusei's back, forming the full Crimson Dragon mark.

Yusei and his Duel Runner turned gold as Yusei finally entered his new stage, Over Top Clear Mind. The Crimson Dragon appeared alongside Yusei as he tuned Ancient Fairy Dragon, Black Rose Dragon, Black-Winged Dragon and Red Dragon Archfiend to the Synchro Tuner Monster Life Stream Dragon.

Yusei Limit Over Accel Synchro Summoned his new monster, Shooting Quasar Dragon.

It was the most beautiful monster Yusei had ever seen in his life. He returned back to the Duel with his new monster. He told Z-one that this was Team 5D's final stage and their evolution's proof.

Z-one was in disbelief at seeing Shooting Quasar Dragon, having never heard of it from his time. With his new dragon by his side, Yusei began his counterattack. Shooting Quasar Dragon first destroyed four of the Timelords, before attacking Sandaion, destroying it and itself.

However, that allowed Yusei to summon Shooting Star Dragon and direct attack Z-one, reducing his life points to 700. Yusei ended his turn by placing a face down. Though Yusei's direct attack seemed to tick off Z-one as he summoned the most powerful Timelord.

Sephylon, the Ultimate Timelord.

Just as Yusei brought his ultimate monster out, so did Z-one. Sephylon brought out four more Timelords with all of them having 4000 ATK Points. Sephlyon's effect allowed it to power up by the Timelords' ATK Points, powering him up to 20000. Selhlyon attacked Shooting Star Dragon and destroyed him.

However, that wasn't the end of the Duel. Yusei activated a Trap called Converging Wishes, it negated the damage and allowed him to summon his ace monster, Stardust Dragon. Converging Wishes' second effect powered Stardust Dragon up by the ATK Points of the Synchro Monsters in Yusei's graveyard, powering the Synchro Monster all the way up to 23000, not to mention super sized him!

Converging Wishes' last effect allowed Yusei to return Ancient Fairy Dragon, Black-Winged Dragon, Black Rose Dragon, Life Stream Dragon and Red Dragon Archfiend to his extra deck and in exchange, Stardust Dragon could battle Sephylon. Sephylon's last effect allowed Z-one to remove from play Timelords on his field to negate its destruction and battle damage, but it was pointless.

Stardust Dragon battled Sephylon five times with the fifth being the last one. As Yusei prepared for the final attack, he remembered all his friends, opponents, rivals, enemies, Bruno and even Jaden and Yugi, before he declared his final attack. During its final attack, beams of energy from all over the planet travel towards Stardust Dragon. Using that energy, Stardust Dragon launched a powerful Cosmic Flare at Sephylon, destroying it and many of Z-one's mechanical parts. Z-one was in disbelief that he lost as his Life Points dropped to 0.

Everyone in New Domino City cheered for their hero Yusei, who watched Z-one fall down the sky. Remembering what Bruno asked him, Yusei rushed over to help him. The Ener-D in the Divine Temple went out and it stopped moving downwards. However, the buildings on it started to break off and fall towards the city. Team 5D's and Sherry ran to their Duel Runners to try and get to safety, but the ground below them collapsed and they start to fall. However, the Crimson Dragon suddenly appeared and saved them.

Yusei landed his Duel Runner to where Z-one had crash landed and rushed over to his opponent, asking if he was okay. He tried to help Z-one, but he told Yusei that it was no use as the device that prolonged his life will soon shut down. He told Yusei that it was okay since his life was already at its limit. He told the truth that he wanted the future that Yusei was going to change, but didn't had the time to do that. Z-one's mouth started to bleed, as Yusei tried to tell him not to talk.

Z-one told Yusei that he was lonely for a long time, but by remembering the bonds that he had with his comrades; Paradox, Aporia and Antinomy, he tried to fight alone. He asked Yusei if the things he did were wrong. Yusei shook his head and told Z-one that all he was doing was trying to open up his own future and now, the warnings that he gave out has been inscribed in people's hearts and as long as they don't forget them, the future will change. In the final moment of his life, Z-one told Yusei that he was able to see him open a new future. He believed with all his heart that Yusei can lead the people to this future.

After feeling a tremor from the Divine Temple, Yusei knew what he had to do to save New Domino City and all his friends. Z-one asked Yusei if he was planning to die. In order to save his home, Yusei explained that he must attach an Ener-D rotating in a positive direction to the Divine Temple's Ener-D, even if it meant dying. It was his final role to the city. Z-one closed his eye as Yusei flew to the top of the Divine Temple, where he previously entered it.

Yusei knew if he did this, there was no coming back, but was fine with it as long as his friends were safe. Yusei flew through a chute and soon, the old Ener-D reactor was in sight. Suddenly, Z-one broke through a wall and joined him, much to Yusei's surprise.

Z-one explained to Yusei that inside his body, he was equipped with the same Ener-D Yusei had and will insert it into the negative rotating Ener-D himself, much to Yusei's surprise. He explained to Yusei that he had been entrusted with a new future and must live on. He grabbed Yusei with one of his large hands and threw him back up the chute, with Yusei calling out his name. Z-one entered the old Ener-D reactor and was enveloped in it, dying with hope for the future that Yusei could bring.

Everything has lead to here with Yusei flying as fast as he could with debris falling on him and a bright light on his tail. 'I won't let Z-one's sacrifice go to waste! I won't die here!' The 19-year-old thought to himself, determine to not let Z-one's sacrifice go to waste. Suddenly, a huge debris began to fall towards Yusei at a fast pace, getting him to look up in surprise.

He wouldn't be able to dodge in time, meaning this might be his end. However, suddenly the aura round Yusei's Duel Runner that allowed it to fly wrapped around Yusei and his Duel Runner, making him widen his eyes. The aura fully covered Yusei and his Duel Runner from sight, before it disappeared, leaving no trace of Yusei.

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