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92.68% Yu-gi-oh 5D's-V / Chapter 38: chapter 38

Chapitre 38: chapter 38

Winner: Julia!

(Music end)

Zuzu crashed down on the ground, eyes shut and groaning in pain. Multiple screens appeared around the field, displaying images of Julia with the words "Win" underneath, announcing her as the winner. The Arc System and Action field deactivated, returning the field to normal. Even Meloetta the Melodious Maestra and Gem-Knight Ruby burst into particles and disappeared.

"Zuzu!" Yuya exclaimed in concern, before he rushed into the duel arena with Lulu, Rin and the kids behind him. Gong, Serenity and Sora stayed with all three of them looking over to the LID side where they saw Henrietta smiling in approval. Kit was grinning at Julia's victory, while Dipper was smiling a bit. And unknown to both sides of this school V.S school duel, Declan was smiling a bit in approval as well.

Inside the Duel Arena, Zuzu was sitting down on her kneels, hands on her lap and head tilted down in shame at losing. She felt so ashamed of herself for losing such an important duel for her school, especially with how this conflict could have ended if she just won. But she lost and now the score was one to one, and one more lose could spell the end of You Show Duel School.

"Zuzu, are you okay?" A familiar voice asked, catching the pink-haired girl's attention. Zuzu looked to her right and saw Yuya kneeling down there, looking at his childhood friend with concern. Lulu and Rin walked up and stopped behind the Odd-Eyes Duelist, while Allie, Tate and Frederick gathered around Yuya and Zuzu. "Guys, I..." Zuzu spoke, only to stop and tilt her head down in shame.

"It's okay, don't worry about it". Yuya said with a reassuring smile, placing his left hand on Zuzu's right shoulder. "There's still one duel left. That means we still have a chance. And besides, everyone loses every now and then. What matters the most is getting up afterwards". The Odd-Eyes Duelist told Zuzu, speaking words that caught her attention. She lifted her head to look at Yuya with wide eyes of wonder at what he said.

"Yuya's right. Trust me when I say this; I've lost a lot of duels before coming here to Paradise City. But you don't see me complaining". Rin remarked, walking around the group to behind Zuzu. "What Rin is trying to say is that... Even the most experienced and powerful duelists lose every now and then. Like what Yuya said, what matters is getting back up on your feet afterwards". Lulu said with a kind smile, walking up to Yuya's right side and crouched down.

Zuzu turned to look at her Xyz counterpart. "Don't let this defeat get to you. Learn from it and how to improve for next time so that you won't lose". Lulu told her friend, giving a small nod of support to Zuzu. The pink-haired girl grew a small smile since that peptalk worked since she's cheered up a little. "I'll keep that in mind". Zuzu told Lulu, much to the joy of Yuya and the Mistress of Birds at hearing this.

Yuya retracted his hand from Zuzu's shoulder, before they and Lulu climbed up to their feet. Allie, Tate and Frederick all came up to Zuzu with the pink-haired girl looking down at the three of them. "That Ritual Summoning of yours was awesome, Zuzu!" Tate exclaimed with a wide smile full of amazement, holding up his hands in an excited way a kid would.

"Your Saffira was so beautiful..." Allie said with a low voice filled with awe, both hands clapped together. "Where did you even learn to Ritual Summon in the first place?" Frederick asked with a curious voice, unintentionally asking an important question that nearly the whole You Show gang wanted to ask Zuzu.

The pink-haired girl slightly widen her eyes, before growing a small mischievous smile at them. "Sorry, but that's a secret for now". Zuzu told Allie, Tate and Frederick, much to their displeasure at hearing this as they all groaned. The four teenagers chuckled at their child-like behavior, before Zuzu turned her gaze over to Julia who was standing 10 feet away.

The two held eye contact for a moment or two, before Julia broke it and gaze away to the side. "You're honestly a stronger duelist than what I was expecting. I...look forward to our next match". The LID student admitted, before walking away to join her school's side of the hallway. Zuzu smiled a little at Julia's words, before gazing down at the ground.

One thing that duel with Julia made it clear to Zuzu that she needs to improve. Ritual Summoning made her stronger, yes, but there were limits with just one Summoning method. Zuzu's certain that she hasn't reached that limit yet, but she will sooner or later so it'd probably be best to start working on a new plan of action in her duels. The only question was which one, Synchro or Xyz to use.

Zuzu's mind came to a halt and she blinked upon remembering there was a third option. She turned her gaze and looked directly at Sora through the viewing window, the Fusion Duelist blinking at seeing Zuzu's gaze on him. 'That's right... Fusion Summoning! Sora can teach me how to Fusion Summon!' Zuzu shouted out inside of her mind, heartfelt resolve filling the teenage girl at the thought of using Fusion Summoning herself.

At this point of time, Zuzu had no idea why she chose Fusion Summoning over Synchro or Xyz. Later she would realize it's because she still feels guilt for what she tried to do to Yusei, and that her deck's true power relied on Fusion Summoning over the others.

Lulu took notice of Zuzu's staring and slightly turned her head and saw that she's staring at Sora. The Mistress of Birds slightly widen her eyes, yet didn't speak since she didn't want to tip Sora off. Whatever Zuzu's planning, Lulu only hopes it doesn't end in disaster.

A little bit later; the whole You Show and LID schools were back in the hallway, facing one another. "Well, I must admit that this little competition of ours has been entertaining to watch. I'm almost sad that it has to end". Henrietta chuckled, hiding half her face behind an unfolded fan she's holding with her right hand. She unfolded it, then gestured to Kit beside her with the hand.

"But it's time for our last duel. This time, you'll be facing LID's best Synchro Duelist". LID's Chairwoman declared, right as Kit took a step forward, both arms crossed and wooden sword attached to his back. "The name's Kit Blade. And I'm the slickest Synchro Summoner you'll meet". The brown-haired teenager said with pure confidence in his voice. "Not to mention the most feral looking one there is". Rin remark with a mischievous grin, her words causing Allie, Tate and Frederick to laugh and Serenity to giggle.

Kit let out a small growl at Rin's jab at his appearance, yet didn't let it get to him. "So, who do I get to beat?" LID's Synchro Duelist asked with an eager voice, ready to duel and win against his opponent. "That's a good question". Yuya stated, turning his head right to look where Lulu, Rin and Sora were standing. The You Show gang and Gong all turned their gazes over to the three and stared at them, wondering which of them will take up the challenge.

Sora, Rin and Lulu knew what the others were think, and the Fusion Duelist wasted no time giving his honest opinion. "Yeah, I think I'm gonna sit this one out". Sora stated with an uncaring shrug of the shoulders, earning a disappointing glare from Rin. "You're really a lazy bum AND unhealthy chump, you know that?" The green-haired girl stated, words that got an anime glare from Sora.

"I'm not lazy or unhealthy. I just get the feeling I'm not the right match up for this guy". Sora shot back at Rin, but she just gave a scoff in response. Lulu watched the two with an uncomfortable smile as they began arguing with each other, before she turned to look at Kit and saw him waiting patiently. Just as she was about to open her mouth to announce she'll be Kit's opponent, a large hand was placed on her right shoulder.

Lulu looked and saw that it was Gong, standing there with his left hand on her shoulder. "Gong? What is it?" The Mistress of Birds asked with a confused blink, wondering if he had something to say. "Lulu... Gong knows that this is a big favor to ask, but let Gong duel this guy". Gong requested, much to the surprise of not just her but the entire You Show gang at hearing this.

"Gong?!" Zuzu gasped in surprise, left hand resting on her chest. "You're not a member of the You Show Duel School, remember? You can't duel for us". Sora reminded the Superheavy Samurai Duelist, but he didn't so much as flinch at his words. "Gong knows that... But Gong can't just sit around and watch as his friends fight hard". The Superheavy Samurai Duelist said with passion in his voice. He brought up his right hand and turned it into a fist.

"So Gong begs you Lulu, let Gong duel this guy and win for the You Show Duel School. There's no way Gong's gonna lose with all of your support!" Gong exclaimed with a growing grin, the sight made Lulu grow her own smile since she could see how serious he is about this request of his. "Okay... You can duel in our place. Besides, it's been a while since we last saw you duel". The Mistress of Birds told Yuya's best friend, much to Gong's absolute delight at hearing this.

"Thanks, Gong's not gonna let you regret this!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist declared, giving the thumbs up with his right hand. Lulu giggled a little at her friend, neither of the two noticing Sora's unimpressed face with this decision. "The only thing that's a certainty from this is that Gong's gonna lose". The Fusion Duelist remark with an unimpressed expression at Lulu's choice of allowing Gong to duel instead of her.


Out of nowhere; Rin up and slammed her right fist down on Sora's head, inflicting a great deal of damage to the 13-year-old. Duel Academy's spy let out a cry of pain, both hands going right where Rin hit him and rubbed the sore gently to ease the pain. He crouched down, while Rin stood over him with a disapproving frown. "You haven't seen Gong duel, so don't go mouthing off like that". The green-haired female told her "friend", which Sora just gave a groan in response.

Allie, Tate and Frederick laughed at the two, while Serenity giggled. Yuya, Zuzu, Lulu and Gong smiled at Rin and Sora, before they looked over to LID's side. Henrietta, Julia and Dipper were gathered around in a circle, having a discussion while Kit was off down the hall doing stretches with his wooden sword in hand. "You gonna be okay out there, Gong? That guy's a Synchro user, just like you and Yusei". Yuya said, turning to look at his best friend in mid speech.

"Don't you worry, Yuya. Gong's got this in the bag. Gong's got some experience with Synchro users through his training with Yusei". Gong said with pure confidence, raising his right fist up a bit. "Okay Gong, but keep your head up. These LID guys are more tricky than expected". Zuzu told her old friend, yet her words only seemed to "fire" Gong up.

"NOW GONG'S REALLY FIRED UP! GONG'S FIRE IS SET TO MAXIMUM, THERE'S NO FIRE THAN BURNS MORE THAN GONG'S!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist exclaimed with spirit, flames surrounding him as a sign of his strong will to win. The sight of it made Yuya, Lulu and Zuzu sweat drop a little, although the Odd-Eyes Duelist couldn't help himself from thinking that Gong's "flames" were small compared to the flames of Yusei's friend.

"Hey?!" Kit spoke up, somehow magically standing in front of Gong instead of where he was a few seconds ago and now holding his wooden sword over the right shoulder. "Hm?" Gong blinked at the rather feral looking teenager standing in front of him. "I don't have all day, big brows! If you're chicken, save us both some time and get someone else to duel, ya got it!" LID's Synchro Duelist said with an impatient voice, but that only ticked Gong off.

"How dare you! Nobody calls the great and powerful Gong a chicken and gets away with it! Gong will show you who's chicken!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist exclaimed with narrowed eyes, bringing out his dark gray Standard Dimension Duel Disk out of nowhere and placed it on the left forearm, deck already slotted in. The screen lit up as it shifted into battle mode.

"Now... let's get dueling!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist cried out, taking a stance with his Duel Disk. Kit was not amused or impressed by Gong's little show, just grinned with both eyes closed. "If you think for one second that I'm gonna role over and lose like the wannabes that got beat before, grab a reality check big brows". LID's Synchro Duelist said with a hint of arrogance in his voice, tapping the wooden sword against his shoulder.

Gong grunted at Kit's words, yet didn't interrupt him. "See, I'm a totally different duelist. I actually know what I'm doing!" Kit stated, opening both eyes to reveal not a single trace of doubt in them. "Somehow, I doubt that very much". Rin remark, earning another a glare from the brown-haired teenage at what she said. "I don't like you, big mouth". The LID Synchro Duelist declared, no clue whatsoever about the mistake he just made.


The next second; Kit was lying down on the ground on his back, groaning with twitching eyes, a bright red bruise in between the eyes, noise and forehead, his stick missing. Rin was standing right in front of the down feral looking duelist, holding up her right fist and Kit's wooden stick in the left hand, glaring down at Kit's down form with a frown.

Everyone else, except Henrietta, winced. 'I feel sorry for that guy. The first thing about Rin is to never insult her like that with the words "big mouth, or that's gonna happen'. Yuya thought to himself, taking a small gulp at the thought of Rin doing that to him. He has experience with Rin and Zuzu, but that doesn't mean he's immune to their ridicules strength.

"I was ticked off about what he said about us a few seconds ago, but now I'm just feeling sorry for him". Dipper remarked, gazing down at the Synchro Duelist's form in pity. He then looked over to Julia and saw her staring down their friend without a trace of pity, instead looked more impressed. "Honestly, I'm more scared of her than you Julia". The Xyz Duelist told Julia, earning an unimpressed face from her.

Rin glared down at Kit, holding the male Synchro Duelist's wooden sword over her right shoulder. "Next time you insult me like that, I'll do much worse than just give a little tap like that. I'll even snap your toy-sword in half". The Witch of the Wind threatened Kit, much to his terror. He started sweating a waterfall anime style, taking a mental to never tick off this woman in front of him ever again.

(A minute and a half later)

After everyone "sorted" things out, Gong and Kit were ready to begin their Action Duel. The two were standing across each other in the duel arena, Duel Disks equipped and decks slotted in. Not to mention that Kit has his wooden sword back, carrying it on his back now. Their Duel Disks were activated with Kit's one being a yellow Standard Dimension one with a green edged blade. Everyone else was watching through the viewing windows, the You Show side feeling a bit tense from the situation.

In the control room; Yusei sat with his arms crossed as he looked down at the Arc System's screen while Skip sat behind him. Earlier, Zuzu's father freaked out at Zuzu's defeat, but Yusei managed to calm him down, a little difficult that was. Now, Satellite's Shooting Star was deciding the Action Field for the two Synchro Duelists to duel.

'I'm tempted to pick a Field where Gong has the advantage, but he won't like that. Knowing him, he'd want a duel where both sides were equal. In that case, this Action Field will do'. Yusei thought to himself, uncrossing both arms and pressed a single button on the keyboard. "Action Field; Dark Cemetary!" Yusei called out, turning his gaze over to the screen right as it displayed Dark Cemetary's card.

The Arc System underneath the field began to activate with beams of light erupting out. "Augmented Reality Combat System Energized! Generating Action Field!" The Ai called out as the Duel Field began to glow a yellow colour.

The field transformed into a dark wasteland that looked like a battlefield from the Sengoku era. There were swords stabbed in the ground, sky covered by dark clouds, dying trees and mountains in the distance. Kit was standing on ground level, while Gong was standing on a small mountain, looking down his opponent. "Gong, you know what field this is! And you know what you need to do! Bury his Life Points!" Skip cried out through the microphone to the Superheavy Samurai Duelist. Gong gave a short nod of the head since he had every intention of doing that.

Henrietta gave a chuckle at Skip's words since they were amusing to her. "Say what you will, but if we win the You Show Duel School's star students and teacher will belong to the Leo Institute, along with their cards. Correct, Yusei Fudo?" The Chairwoman of LID spoke, turning her gaze over to Yusei. Satellite's Shooting Star narrowed his eyes at Henrietta, before giving a short nod.

"Of course. Just remember that if our side wins, you uphold your end of the wager". Yusei told LID's Chairwoman with an icy cold voice, one that almost made Henrietta flinch. Yet she still gave a nod of the head. "Of course, you have my word". She reassured Satellite's Shooting Star, and she meant it since nothing serious was at risk.

The two turned their attention back to the duel as Gong and Kit were about to begin. "Hope you're ready to get a serious butt whooping!" LID's Synchro Duelist said with a sort of feral grin, yet Gong wasn't intimidated whatsoever. "Gong's gonna be the one serving you the butt whooping!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist shot back at Kit, no need to waste time and get straight to business. "Let's duel!" Both Gong and Kit shouted out, drawing their starting hand and beginning the Duel officially.

Gong Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

Kit Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

(Play Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Jack Atlas theme)

Everyone watching from the viewing section all narrowed their eyes, feeling a sort of pressure because this duel would break the tie. Declan remained silent and hidden from sight, watching with a calculating gaze. "Gong will be taking the first move!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist declared with a loud voice. He took a card and held it out, revealing it to be a Monster card.

"Gong starts this off by Summoning Superheavy Samurai Flutist in attack mode!" Gong exclaimed, before swiping the card down on the Duel Disk's blade. A portal appeared in front of Gong, before Superheavy Samurai Flutist appeared and blew on its flute.

Superheavy Samurai Flutist ATK: 500/ Level: 3.

"Flutist is blowing the flute because Gong's gonna be winning this thanks to its ability! When Superheavy Samurai Flutist is Normal Summoned, Gong can tribute it..." Gong began to explain, taking Flutist's card and sending it to the Graveyard. "And Summon a new Superheavy Samurai from Gong's hand!" He finished explaining, before holding up Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei's card. "Gong Summons one of his big hitters! Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei!" The Synchro Duelist declared, before slamming the card down.

Superheavy Samurai Flutist's whole body sudden turned into a bright golden light. It started growing larger and wide for a few seconds, before eventually clearing to reveal Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei. The Machine-Type monster spun its spear around with both hands dramatically, before taking its stance.

Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei DEF: 3500/ Level: 8.

"Alright! Gong's got one of his strongest monsters out!" Frederick cried out in joy, growing a bigger hope for their victory at the sight of Big Benkei. "Why wasn't Gong Synchro Summoning straight away?" Tate questioned with a confused voice, honestly thinking that Gong should Synchro Summon straight away and not waste time. Allie turned to look at her blue-haired friend with a confused face, before looking over to Lulu for an explanation.

The Mistress of Birds noticed Allie's stare and indulged her unspoken request. "Gong must be sizing him up before going all out without restraints. He wants to see what kind of cards Kit plays and see what kind of approach he should take". Lulu explained, turning to watch the duel once she finished speaking. "Ohhh!" Allie, Frederick and Tate all breathed out in awe, before returning their attention to the duel.

"Gong ends his turn here! Show Gong what you're made of!" Gong declared, frowning down at Kit and making no move from his spot atop the small mountain.

Kit Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

"Ha! I admit that it's impressive that you managed to Summon a Monster with 3500 DEF Points, but that isn't gonna stop me!" Kit said with a smirk, a little bit impressed with Gong's skills so far. "Gong's gonna be the judge of that! Not quit talking and start dueling!" Gong shot back at the Synchro Duelist of LID, crossing both arms. "Ohhh... I'll get to dueling alright! But you're gonna regret it! I draw!" Kit cried out, drawing his card in a dramatic fashion by throwing the right hand out.

Kit looked through the corner of his right eye, then smirked at seeing what he drew. The LID student then swiped his right hand out, revealing the card to be XX-Saber Boggart Knight. "To start this off, I'm Summoning XX-Saber Boggart Knight!" The brown-haired teenage called out, before swiping it down on his Duel Disk's blade. A portal appeared on the ground in front of Kit, before XX-Saber Boggart Knight emerged from it with a grunt with two red Xs behind it.

XX-Saber Boggart Knight ATK: 1900/ Level: 4.

At the sight of XX-Saber Boggart Knight, Rin let out an emotionally exhausted groan. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me! This guy uses the X-Saber deck!?" The green-haired girl groaned out, much to Yuya's curiosity. He turned to look at Rin and tilted his head. "Something tells me you don't like that deck, do you?" Yuya said, earning a scoff from Rin. "Whatever gave you that assumption". Rin said with a sarcastic voice, but that just screamed "Yes" to Yuya's question.

"I activate Boggart Knight's special ability! When this card is Normal Summoned; I can Special Summon "X-Saber" monster from my hand!" Kit explained with a smirking face, then held up another card. "So say "hello" to XX-Saber Fulhelmknight!" The brown-haired male called out, placing it down right beside Boggart Knight's card. Fulhelmknight appeared in a way just like Boggart Knight, spinning its weapon around dramatically.

XX-Saber Fulhelmknight ATK: 1300/ Level: 3.

"A Tuner monster!?" Rin stated, eyes narrowed in a deep frown at the sight of Fulhelmknight. "It's a Level 3 and Boggart Knight's Level 4, meaning he can Synchro Summon a Level 7 Synchro Monster". Yuya said, realizing that Kit wasn't wasting time and getting straight to the punch right away. "Gong can handle it. His deck is one of a kind, after all". Lulu said with a smile full of belief in their friend, certain that he can handle whatever Kit throws his way.

"Since I control 2 "X-Saber" monsters on my field, I'm allowed to Special Summon XX-Saber Faultroll from my hand!" Kit cried out, taking another card, held it out with his right hand's index, middle and ring fingers before placing it down beside Fulhelmknight's card. Faultroll appeared in a way just like its fellow XX-Saber monsters, letting out a battle cry.

XX-Saber Faultroll ATK: 2400/ Level: 6.

"This is exactly why I hate the X-Saber deck. It's just pure power and Summoning. No tactic or defense". Rin remark with an annoyed frown, increasing the curiosity of Yuya, Lulu and Zuzu at why she seemed to dislike that deck so much. "Do you have a bad history with someone that used the same deck as Kit?" Lulu asked her "sister" with a curious voice.

"No, I don't. I just really don't like how that deck works". The green-haired girl answered, turning to look at Lulu first before crossing both arms. "It's style just never suited me, and the same goes for the duelists that use them. They get overconfident from the deck's power and don't give a second thought about defense, tactics or anything. They just focus on outnumbering the opponents and overwhelming them with power". Rin explained why she dislike Kit's deck, turning to watch the duel again once she's finished speaking.

"I guess that's understandable. On its own, the opponent just needs to Summon a powerful enough monster and it'll be trouble. But in an Action Duel..." Yuya spoke, looking over the Action Field in search for Action cards. "All Kit needs is a bit of luck to get an ATK boost Action card and Gong's gonna be in trouble". Zuzu stated, frowning at Kit since he's gonna be troublesome for Gong.

"Now! Level 3 Fulhelmknight tunes with Level 4 Boggart Knight!" Kit declared, pointing forward with his right hand's index finger. Fulhelmknight leaped into the air and begun spinning around, before suddenly transforming into three bright lights. The lights flew around, suddenly turning into 3 green rings that lined up together and descended towards Boggart Knight.

They soon went over Boggart Knight, the Beast-Warrior-Type monster turning orange transparent with four stars lined up inside of its body. The body disappeared, followed by the four stars flying around widely for a moment. They lined up inside the rings, electrical energy coming out of them that eventually transformed into a bright beam of energy.

4 + 3 = 7.

"Wielder of crossed blades of light, trample over this mountain of corpses! Synchro Summon! Come forth! Level 7! X-Saber Souza!" Kit chanted, right as something sliced the energy beam in a "X", clearing it away to reveal the Synchro Monster; X-Saber Souza. He spun around, slicing the air with his blades, before taking a stance with both swords with a giant "X" behind him.

X-Saber Souza ATK: 2500/ Level: 7.

At the sight of Kit' Synchro Monster, Rin gave an unimpressed scoff with a wave over the shoulder with her right hand. "Saw that coming". The green-haired female stated, catching Lulu's attention. "Is that monster bad news for Gong?" Lulu asked Ray's Synchro fragment with a curious voice. "Yup, not to mention one of the only threats. By releasing a monster Kit controls, Souza can automatically destroy any monster it battles right before the damage step this turn". Rin explained, much to the dread and concern of Allie, Tate and Frederick at hearing this.

"And I'm not done yet!" Kit declared, throwing his right hand up into the air. "Once a turn; XX-Saber Faultroll can Summon a Level 4 or below X-Saber from the Graveyard!" LID's Synchro Duelist explained, Faultroll turning its sword around into a reverse hold with the blade pointing downwards. It then stabbed its sword into the ground, causing a bright yellow light to appear.

The yellow light transformed into a portal with a familiar Tuner monster leaping out of it. "I'm calling out XX-Saber Fulhelknight!" Kit stated, looking up at Fulhelmknight as the Tuner monster smirked and pointed its sword at Gong.

XX-Saber Fulhelmknight ATK: 1300/ Level: 3.

"Oh great, here comes another Synchro Summon". Yuya remark, certain that Kit was going for another Synchro Summon with how he brought back his Tuner Monster. "There's no Level 10 X-Saber Synchro Monster that I know of, so his only option is a Level 9". Rin commented, having personally seen all kinds of X-Saber Monsters back in her home dimension and never saw a Level 10 X-Saber Synchro Monster.

"You called it! Synchro Summon one more time!" Kit cried out, throwing his right hand into the air once more. Fulhelmknight ascended into the air, spinning its chain sword around itself this time. "Level 3 Fulhelmknight tunes Level 6 Faultroll!" The brown-haired teenager declared, right before Fulhelmknight transformed into three bright lights. The lights flew around, suddenly turning into 3 green rings that lined up together and descended towards Faultroll.

It was exactly like before with Boggart Knight, only with Faultroll this time. The stars were six as well and eventually, a bright beam appeared from the electrical energy created from the 3 rings and 6 stars.

3 + 6 = 9.

"Let your silver armor shine and crush the hope of everything that opposes you! Synchro Summon! Come forth! Level 9! XX-Saber Gottoms!" Kit chanted, right before the beam cleared to reveal the Synchro Monster; XX-Saber Gottoms with an orange aura around it. Gottoms swung its blade around a bit, before resting it on its right shoulder with the aura bursting out.

XX-Saber Gottoms ATK Points: 3100/ Level: 9.

(Music end)

"That's the X-Saber's strongest monster when it comes to ATK Points. It has an ability of sacrificing an X-Saber Monster to force the opponent to discard a card". Rin explained Gottoms' special ability to her friends, much to the relief of the kids at hearing its ability wasn't that dangerous. "Gong's Big Benkei has higher DEF Points than Kit's monsters, so he's safe from attacks!" Tate called out with a hopeful smile, only for it to quickly fall once Lulu spoke.

"You've forgotten that this is an Action Duel. Kit just needs an Action to power up Gottoms and destroy Gong's defense". The Mistress of Birds stated, frowning a little at Kit because the brown-haired teenager was grinning with confidence. Without warning, Kit took off running to his right, much to the alarm of Allie, Tate and Frederick at seeing this. "He's searching for an Action card". Serenity uttered to herself, growing a worried face as she spoke.

(Play Yu Gi Oh OST - jonouchi)

As he ran; Kit drew his wooden sword with the right hand and held it out. He gave a cry and swung it, releasing a powerful gust of wind forward. It spread out through the many swords in front of Kit, before a single Action card got sent flying from its hidden place. "It all gets decided, right here!" The X-Saber Duelist stated, jumping over and grabbed the Action card with his right hand.

Kit turned the card over and grew a smirk at seeing it was exactly what he needed right now. "You're in trouble now. I activate the Action Spell; Great Wing!" LID's Synchro Duelist declared, holding the card out before inserting it into his Duel Disk. A large copy of the Spell card appeared in front of Kit, before both it and XX-Saber Gottoms both gained a green outline.

"This Action Spell increases the ATK Points of a Monster I control by 1000! And the best part is that this is a permanent power up!" Kit explained Great Wing's effect, right before his ace monster powered up.

XX-Saber Gottoms ATK Points: 3100 + 1000 = 4100.

"4100 ATK Points!?" Tate gasped with wide eyes of shock at Gottoms' high ATK Points that surpassed Big Benkei's DEF Points. "Oh no... Now Kit can get to Gong..." Allie uttered to herself in deep concern for their chances now. "Gong! Look for an Action card!" Frederick cried out to the Superheavy Samurai Duelist, a cry that Gong ignored and continued focusing on Kit.

"That isn't gonna happen". Yuya stated, eyes narrowed in a frown. "Yuya's right. Using Spells or Traps, even moving from his spot is something Gong isn't gonna do". Zuzu said, then turned to look at the children. "That's not Gong's style and he isn't gonna change that". The pink-haired female added, increasing their concerns at learning this. "Don't worry. Even if Kit gets to his Life Points, Gong'll still have some left". Lulu informed them, giving a reassuring smile at Allie, Tate and Frederick.

That seemed to calm them down a bit as they resumed watching the duel. Yuya, Zuzu and Lulu resumed watching the duel as well, right as Kit continued his move. "Now Gottoms, tear that hunk of junk into pieces!" The LID student commanded, an order that Gottoms was happy to obey. It took its sword into both hands, before charging to Big Benkei.

The Machine-Type Monster held its spear up in a defensive stance. Once in front of Big Benkei, Gottoms raised its blade up and swung it down, slicing right through Big Benkei with the Machine-Type Monster exploding. Gong remained where he stood despite the shockwaves hitting him, not so much as flinching at Big Benkei's destruction.

With its job done, Gottoms returned to Kit's side. "Now that your big friend is out of the way, I'm coming for you now! Souza, attack him directly!" LID's Synchro Duelist commanded, pointing at Gong with his right hand's index finger. Souza let out a cry, rearing both hands up and swung his swords down, firing an orange "X" shape energy slash attack.

The attack drew closer to Gong, who remained completely still and made no movement at all. But then he took a card from his hand and held it up, revealing it to be Swift Scarecrow. "Gong activates Swift Scarecrow from Gong's hand!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist declared, before discarding the card.

A larger copy of Swift Scarecrow's card appeared in front of Gong, its image gleaming brightly. Swift Scarecrow shot out of the bright light at the speed of sound and clashed against Souza's energy attack, resulting it its own destruction yet took the attack with it. "What the!?" Kit cried out with wide eyes, wondering what that was just now that took Souza's attack.

"By discarding Swift Scarecrow when you attack Gong, your Battle Phase ends automatically!" Gong explained the Machine-Type Monster's special ability, much to Kit's annoyance at hearing this. "Lucky break...!" He growled out, then looked at his remaining hand of 3 cards. He took two of them with his right hand, then inserted them into the Duel Disk one at a time.

"I'll throw 2 cards face-down and call it a turn!" Kit declared, two face-down cards appearing in front of him and quickly disappeared from view.

(Music end)

Gong Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 2.

Allie, Tate and Frederick all sighed in relief at Gong's last-minute escape. Yuya, Zuzu, Lulu and Rin, however, were frowning at Kit and his monsters. "This is gonna be a tough situation to get out of. Gong's got nothing on his field, while Kit's got two powerful monsters with one of them having over 4000 ATK Points". Zuzu said with a low voice, considering this situation to be a tight one.

Lulu turned to look at Sora, who had been watching silently for the last few minutes. The Duel Academy spy was still watching, enjoy a large lollypop stick right now, but didn't really seem that invested in the duel. 'Does he think they're not a threat at all? I'm gonna enjoy the look on his face when Gong proves him wrong'. Lulu thought to herself, turning back to the duel. While she hated the knowledge of Sora learning more of Gong's moves, Lulu's content with him realizing that even Standard Dimension duelists can be a threat to Duel Academy.

"Kit's turn should have told Gong everything he needed to know. I'm certain he's not gonna pull his punches anymore now". Yuya said, growing a confident smirk as he spoke. "He better not, or else he's gonna be target practice on Kit's next turn". Rin commented, turning her gaze over to Gong right as he moved his right hand to his deck. "I wonder how he'll turn this duel around". Serenity said with an eager voice, feeling excited to see how Gong makes his big comeback.

"Gong draws!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist cried out, drawing his card with powerful force that released a strong gust of wind. He looked through the corner of his right eye, then turned the card over to see what it was. It was a Monster card as expected; its image showing a black and green machine tank with two cannons and four wheels on both sides. The biggest attention-grabbing detail was the grappling hook on the back of its upper body.

Gong gave a grin at seeing the card, before he held it out. "Gong activates the special ability of Superheavy Samurai Refuel Tank on his Draw Phase!" Gong declared, right before the card he's holding began gleaming.

(Superheavy Samurai Refuel Tank/ Level: 2/ Attribute: EARTH/ Type: Machine/ Effect/ ATK: 0/ DEF: 300/ Effect: If you draw this card for your Draw Phase, you can reveal it to your opponent and draw 2 more cards. Once per turn, you can either: Target 1 "Superheavy Samurai" monster you control; equip this monster from your hand to that target, OR: Unequip this card and Special Summon it in Attack Position. While equipped by this effect, it gains 300 DEF. If a "Superheavy Samurai" Monster equipped to this card destroys an opponent's monster in battle, you select one Machine-Type Monster in your GY and add it to the hand.)

"If Gong draws this card on his Draw Phase, Gong can reveal it and draw 2 more cards!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist explained Refuel Tank's special ability, much to Kit's alarm at hearing this. "Say what!?" The X-Saber Duelist called out in surprise, not expecting a monster with an ability like that. Gong added Refuel Tank's card to his hand, before drawing the top two cards of his deck.

'Okay, calm down Kit. He got a bunch of new cards, big deal. It won't help him'. Kit thought to himself, before looking down at his Duel Disk's screen. 'I got my two Trap cards; Synchro Spirits and Synchro Zone. If he destroys one of my Monsters with an effect, Synchro Spirits will Summon back my X-Sabers and next turn Summon a new Monsters. And if he tries to destroy them through battle, Synchro Zone will stop him in his tracks. Good luck trying to get through this'. LID's Synchro Duelist thought to himself, looking over to Gong with a confident smirk.

Gong looked at what he drew and nodded in approval at seeing what he got. He added both cards to his hand, then took one of them and held it out. "Gong activates the special ability of Superheavy Samurai Motorbike from Gong's hand!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist declared, then discarded his card. "If Gong has no Spells or Traps in Gong's Graveyard, Gong can discarded Motorbike to add a new "Superheavy Samurai" from the deck!" Gong explained, looking down at his deck right as it began shuffling.

After a few moments, it stopped shuffling and a single card slotted out. Gong grabbed hold of it and held the card out. "Gong picks Superheavy Samurai Scales! And when Gong's opponent's got two or more monsters, Gong can Special Summon this card!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist explained, before slamming the card down on his blade. A portal appeared beside Gong on his right, before Superheavy Samurai Scales emerged from it.

Superheavy Samurai Scales ATK: 800/ Level: 4.

"That's not all! When Scales is Summoned, Gong can Summon another Superheavy Samurai from the Graveyard! And Gong choses the one he just sent there, Superheavy Samurai Motorbike!" Gong explained, throwing his right hand out. A portal appeared on Gong's left this time and Superheavy Samurai Motorbike shot out of it and crashed down onto the ground, kicking up a bit of dust.

Superheavy Samurai Motorbike ATK: 800/ Level: 2.

"Alright, Gong's got a Tuner monster out now. He's got all he needs to Synchro Summon". Tate stated, growing a small grin as he spoke. "Even if he did, he doesn't have a Level 6 Synchro Monster that's strong enough to destroy Kit's Gottoms". Rin pointed out, arms crossed and her right leg's tips gently tapping the ground. Allie, Tate and Frederick all grew concern at hearing this, but it won't last for long.

(Play Yusei Battle Theme)

"Now Gong Summons Superheavy Samurai Trumpeter!" Gong called out, slamming a card down right beside Scales' card. A portal appeared in the sky and Superheavy Samurai Trumpeter emerged from it. The Machine-Type Monster spun its horn around a bit dramatically, before blowing it strongly.

Superheavy Samurai Trumpeter ATK: 300/ Level: 2.

"But he won't be staying for long! Because he and Scales are hitting the road and saying "bye-bye" because Gong's tuning them together!" Gong declared, throwing his right hand into the air. "What!?" A completely shocked Kit exclaimed with wide eyes full of shock at what his opponent just said.

Scales took to the air, while Trumpeter blew its horn once more right before transforming into two green rings. The rings ascended and flew after Scales, circling around and scanning the Machine-Type monster. Scales turned orange transparent, before 4 lights appeared, followed by a thin light in between the lights and beams. It then suddenly turned into a bright and powerful beam.

4 + 2 = 6.

"Rise your war cry. Divine ogre! Show yourself. On this battlefield infested by evil! Synchro Summon! Now depart for the front! Level 6! Superheavy Samurai Ogre Shutendoji!" Gong chanted, holding up a card with the right hand's thumb, index and middle fingers before slamming it down on the Duel Disk's blade. The beam cleared to reveal a bright red star in the sky, before it fell and revealed to be the Synchro Monster Superheavy Samurai Ogre Shutendoji. Gong's Synchro Monster spun its spiked bat down on the ground as it landed in a cross leg sitting position, letting out a cry.

Superheavy Samurai Ogre Shutendoji DEF Points: 2500/ Level: 6.

"You know how to Synchro Summon?!" Kit questioned Gong, having been under the impression that he didn't know any of the Extra Deck Summoning methods. "That's right! Gong learned this from a great man that taught Gong an important lesson to evolve!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist answered, looking over his right shoulder to the control room where Yusei was.

Gong owed much to Yusei for all he's done, not just for him, but for Yuya as well. He's helped Yuya grow into a stronger duelist and person, even helped Gong to evolve his dueling style as well. That's why Gong will fight with everything he had to keep Yuya and Yusei from being taken away against their will.

Gong faced forward again, then threw his right hand out. "When Gong has no Spells or Traps in the grave when Ogre Shutendoji is Synchro Summoned, all your Spells and Traps are destroyed!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist explained Shutendoji's special ability, much to Kit's horror at hearing this. "Are you kidding me?!" Kit exclaimed, looking down to see both his face-down cards appearing only to burst into sparkles.

"Nicely done! Now Kit's got no defense against Gong's attacks!" Allie called out with a wide smile, and this time there's no need for the teenagers to rain on her parade. "Get him Gong! Go on and attack!" Frederick called out to the Superheavy Samurai Duelist, growing excited and wanting to see Gong go on the attack.

"Not just yet! Gong still has something left to do". Gong stated, now displaying a confident smirk of his own. "Gong activates Superheavy Samurai Motorbike's special ability! Once a turn, this bike can rev up its engine and increase the Level of a Machine-Type monster by 2! And Gong's ogre is getting that level up!" The teenage boy explained, holding up his right fist. Orangish brown auras appeared over both Ogre Shutendoji and Motorbike, the Synchro Monster's Level going up.

Superheavy Samurai Ogre Shutendoji Level: 6 + 2 = 8.

"Now Gong tunes Level 2 Motorbike to Level 8 Ogre Shutendoji!" Gong declared, punching the air with his right fist. Shutendoji narrowed its eyes and suddenly leaped into the air, kicking up dust. Motorbike drove forward for a few seconds, before bursting into two bright light that quickly transforming into green rings. The rings ascended and flew after Ogre Suttendoji, circling around and scanning the Machine-Type monster. Ogre Shutendoji turned orange transparent, before 8 lights appeared, followed by a thin light in between the lights and beams. It then suddenly turned into a bright and powerful beam.

8 + 2 = 10.

"Raging deity, in unison with the soul of a thousand blades, come forth in a spiraling wave! Synchro Summon! Now come before us, Level 10! Superheavy Samurai Warlord Susanowo!" Gong chanted, bringing his fist down and punched the ground below him. Something sliced the massive beam from the inside, blowing it away to reveal one of Gong's most powerful Synchro Monsters; Superheavy Samurai Warlord Susanowo. It swung its blade around a bit, before it spun around and took a seat with both legs crossed.

Superheavy Samurai Warlord Susanowo DEF: 3800/ Level: 10.

"Now Kit's in trouble!" Yuya remark, displaying a smirk from seeing his best friend Synchro Summon Warlord Susanowo. "You got that right. Susanowo is one of his most powerful monsters". Lulu said with a nod of the head, growing a bit excited. "But it's DEF Points are still lower than Gottoms' ATK Points". Tate pointed out with a concerned frown at the difference in points. "Don't worry about it. Gong has a plan in mind". Serenity told the young boy, sparing a quick glance at him before watching the duel.

"Get ready, because Gong's coming after your Life Points!" Gong declared, before holding up a single card. "Gong activates the special ability of Superheavy Samurai Refuel Tank! Gong can equip this card from the hand to a Superheavy Samurai monster Gong controls!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist explained, inserting the card as if it were a Spell or Trap card.

A portal appeared on the solid ground, before Superheavy Samurai Refuel Tank emerged from it. Steam came out of the monster, right before the top suddenly detached from the body and shot out to Warlord Susanowo, while the body dispersed into sparkles. Refuel Tank's top attached to Susanowo's back with the cannons going over its shoulders, acting as shoulder blasters. "When equipped, Refuel Tank increases the DEF Points by 300!" Gong informed Kit, right before Warlord Susanowo powered up.

Superheavy Samurai Warlord Susanowo DEF: 3800 + 300 = 4100.

"Gong's not done yet! Now he equips Warlord Susanowo with Superheavy Samurai Soulbeads!" Gong declared, holding out another Monster card before slotting into his Duel Disk. A bright flash appeared around Warlord Susanowo's neck, clearing away to reveal Superheavy Samurai Soulbeads around the Synchro Monster's neck. "This won't power Warlord Susanowo up, but it you'll see what it does later!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist exclaimed, then punched the air with his right fist.

"Now go Superheavy Samurai Warlord Susanowo and attack X-Saber Souza!" Gong commanded, taking Kit by surprise. "You can't do that! Your Monster's in DEF Mode!" LID's Synchro Duelist exclaimed, yet that just made Gong grin. "Warlord Susanowo has the power to attack in DEF Mode and use its DEF Points for damage". The Superheavy Samurai Duelist explained Warlord Susanowo's special power, much to Kit's inner shock.

"Go, Swinging Sword Slash!" Gong commanded his Synchro Monster. Warlord Susanowo's blade began gleaming, before the Synchro Monster swung it and hurled an orange energy slash that went and hit X-Saber Souza, exploding on contact and destroying it. (4100 - 2500 = 1600)

Kit Life Points: 4000 - 1600 = 2400.

The shockwaves hit Kit, yet he kept his footing. Once the shockwaves died down completely, the brown-haired teenage glared at his opponent and waited for his next move. "Refuel Tank's special ability activates! Since a monster equipped to it destroyed an opponent's monster, Gong can now add a Machine-Type Monster from the Graveyard to the hand!" Gong informed Kit, looking down at his Duel Disk right as a card slotted out of the Graveyard Zone.

Gong picked it up and held the card up, showing it to be Superheavy Samurai Scales. "Gong adds back Superheavy Samurai Scales!" Gong declared his choice, adding the card back to his hand and making it a hand of 2 cards. "Gong ends his turn here. You're up, Kit!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist told LID's Synchro Duelist, crossing both arms.

(Music end)

Kit Life Points: 2400/ Number of cards in hand: 1.

"We're in the lead now! Gong's got this totally in the bag!" Tate called out with a wide smile on his face, Allie and Frederick nodding in agreement to their friend's words. "You Show's gonna be saved!" The little red-haired girl exclaimed cheerfully, throwing both hands into the air. "How delightful!" Frederick cried out, clapping both hands together with his eyes closed in a joyful manner.

"Don't get over confident now. The duel isn't over yet, so Kit can still make a comeback". Zuzu said with a serious voice, catching the three kids off guard. They returned to watching the duel, hoping that everything ends well for their side. Lulu remained silent, looking at Sora through the corner of her right eye and saw him watching with more interest than before.

'He's starting to see that Standard Dimension duelists can become strong duelists, and a threat to Duel Academy. I just hope that Gong doesn't reveal all his tricks in this duel'. Lulu thought to herself, looking down at her bracelet with a concerned frown. She can only hope that everyone goes right in the future and that Paradise City isn't reduced to a wasteland like her home.

Back with the duel; Kit glared at Gong and his Superheavy Samurai Synchro Monster, mentally kicking himself for underestimating him earlier. 'This guy's a lot tougher than I thought. I'm gonna need to bust out my A game if I'm gonna win this thing. And I've got just the monster to do that'. The brown-haired teenager thought to himself, growing a sort of feral grin.

"I draw!" Kit exclaimed, drawing his card in a dramatic fashion with the right hand's index and middle fingers. Kit looked at the card through his right eye's corner and smirked at what he saw. "I Summon XX-Saber Boggart Knight!" The brown-haired teenage called out, before swiping it down on his Duel Disk's blade. A portal appeared on the ground in front of Kit, before XX-Saber Boggart Knight emerged from it with a grunt with two red Xs behind it.

XX-Saber Boggart Knight ATK: 1900/ Level: 4.

"I'm sure you remember Boggart Knight's special ability of allowing me to Summon another X-Saber Monster from my hand". Kit said with a smirk, taking the last card in his hand and held it up. "I Summon XX-Saber Ragigura!" The brown-haired boy called out, swiping his hand over the Duel Disk's blade and placed his card right beside Gottems' card. A portal quickly appeared on the ground and XX-Saber Ragigura emerged from it, giving out a small cry.

XX-Saber Ragigura ATK: 200/ Level: 1.

Frederick gave a laugh at the sight of Ragigura. "It's just a pathetic little lizard man with 200 ATK Points". The little boy laughed out, both hands folded behind his head. "You kids should know by now that monsters with low Levels and ATK Points can be dangerous. And that lizard is more dangerous than you think". Rin said with a cold voice, staring at Kit's XX-Saber Ragigura with narrowed eyes. Frederick lost his smile at Rin's words and grew a bit worried.

"When XX-Saber Ragigura is Normal or Special Summoned successfully, it's ability activates and I add an X-Saber from my Graveyard". Kit explained Ragigura's special ability, the mention monster raising its right fist into the air with its blade still in hand. XX-Saber Faultroll's card slotted out of Kit's Graveyard Zone. "I'm picking... XX-Saber Faultroll!" LID's Synchro Duelist declared, taking the card and held it up.

"And I can Summon my Faultroll!" Kit stated, throwing the card down right beside Ragigura's card. Faultroll appeared in a way just like before, letting out a battle cry.

XX-Saber Faultroll ATK: 2400/ Level: 6.

"I'm not done yet! I activate Faultroll's special ability to bring back Fulhelmknight!" Kit called out, pointing forward with his right hand's index finger. Faultroll turning its sword around into a reverse hold with the blade pointing downwards. It then stabbed its sword into the ground, causing a bright yellow light to appear.

The yellow light transformed into a portal with a familiar Tuner monster leaping out of it. Fulhelmknight smirked at being revived once more and pointed its sword at Gong and Warlord Susanowo.

XX-Saber Fulhelmknight ATK: 1300/ Level: 3.

"Now he's got a full field of monsters". Serenity pointed out, blinking a bit in surprise to see a field full of monsters like that. "He's got his Tuner Monster, too. Now he can do another Synchro Summon if he wants". Yuya said with a curious expression, wondering what Kit's planning to Synchro Summon next. "With the monsters he's got, it'll be a Level 4, 7, 9 or 10". Rin calculated for everyone, much to Allie's surprise before he started counting his fingers.

(Play Sherry Battle (V2) - Yu-Gi-Oh! 5DS unres OST)

Kit dramatically threw his right hand into the air dramatically. "Level 3 Fulhelmknight tunes with Level 6 Faultroll and Level 1 Ragigura!" The brown-haired teenager declared, speaking with spirit. Fulhelmknight grinned, before spinning its chain blade forward like a tornado before bursting into 3 bright lights. They ascended into the air and transformed into green rings.

The rings lined up, before Faultroll and Ragigura ascended into the middle of them, turning orange transparent. 6 stars appeared in Faultroll's body, while a single star was in Ragigura's body. Both monsters' bodies disappeared, right before the seven lights lined up together. Electrical energy came out of the rings that eventually transformed into a bright beam of energy.

3 + 6 + 1 = 10.

"I Synchro Summon! Level 10! Baronne de Fleur!" Kit cried out, slamming a card down on his Duel Disk's blade. The beam suddenly cleared to reveal a Synchro Monster that looked to be an evolved form of Sherry's Synchro Monster; Chevalier de Fleur. The armor was upgraded, the pink rose helmet's roses were larger than before, it wielded a blade with the right hand and a shield blade with the left hand. Finally it was mounted atop a white multi coloured armor horse with holden hair.

The Synchro Monster; Baronne de Fleur let out a cry as it came down and landed in front of Kit. The armoured horse let out a fierce cry, standing up on its hind legs with its rider raising her sword into the air.

Baronne de Fleur ATK: 3000/ Level: 10.

Yusei widen his eyes in surprise and almost let out a gasp at seeing Kit's Synchro Monster, but managed to stop himself. 'That monster...' Yusei thought to himself, mind flashing back to the day he met Sherry and his first duel against her. She and her butter Elsworth helped Akiza and Mina save him from a group of punks that got the drop on him and try to kidnap him for the World Racing Grand Prix.

He and Sherry dueled with Akiza along for the ride with the whole experience awakening her desire to become a Turbo Duelist herself. The duel was intense and fun for Yusei, but it never had an end because the duel was interrupted and ended before a winner could be decided. Sherry was complicated at first for Yusei, but eventually became a friend despite her siding with Z-one in the final battle. But that was all she is, a friend to Yusei. Akiza was the only woman that he had feelings for and nothing will change that.

The You Show gang blinked at Kit's Synchro Monster, honestly surprised that he had a none X-Saber monster. "Huh... That's new". Rin commented, having never seen that Synchro Monster before. "It's so beautiful!" Allie cried out, clapping both hands together and stared at Baronne in awe. "It's a Level 10 Synchro Monster. Better watch because those things are powerful". Yuya remark, speaking from experience since he's faced a lot of high level monsters and how powerful they were.

Kit started laughing, before rearing his right hand back. "Time to get payback for that attack last round and I'm gonna pay you back triple!" The brown-haired male shouted out, thrusting his right hand forward with the index finger out. "I activate Baronne's special ability! Once a turn; this monster can target and destroy 1 card on the field!" Kit explained Baronne de Fleur's special ability, much to the alarm of Allie, Tate and Frederick at hearing this.

Gong, on the other hand, didn't flinch at hearing this. "Not gonna happen on Gong's watch!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist stated, taking a card from his hand and held it up. "Gong activates Effect Veiler from Gong's hand!" Gong declared, sending the card to his Graveyard. Effect Veiler appeared in front of Superheavy Samurai Warlord Susanowo, looking see-through as it faced Baronne de Fleur.

"During the opponent's Main Phase, Gong can send this card to the Graveyard to negate the effects of an opponent's monster until the end of this turn". Gong explained Effect Veiler's special ability, much to the delight of the kids at hearing this. Unfortunately for them; that joy was about to go down the drain. "Think again! I activate Baronne's other special ability!" Kit declared with a confident smirk, throwing his right hand out to the side.

Baronne raised her shield blade, right before a green light erupted out of it and shined down on Effect Veiler. "When a card or effect is activated, Baronne can negate and destroy it once per turn". The brown-haired teenager explained, causing Allie, Tate and Frederick to all cry out in dismay. Effect Veiler cried out, eyes shut and arms up to block out the bright green light until it eventually disappeared.

With Effect Veiler gone, Baronne's shield ceased its glowing. The Synchro Monster then held out its blade out to Warlord Susanowo, right before a green aura appeared over it. "With that out of the way, your Warlord's about to be dethroned!" Kit exclaim with a smirk, looking forward to the destruction of Gong's Synchro Monster. Baronne de Fleur then released a bright green beam at Warlord Susanowo.

It moved like lightning and struck Warlord Susanowo, creation an explosion on contact. Kit started laughing a bit crazy-like. "Hahaha! Say bye-bye to your monster and all your chances of winning this duel!" The brown-haired teenage laughed out, waiting eagerly as the smoke from that explosion slowly cleared to reveal... Superheavy Samurai Warlord Susanowo unharmed.

Kit gasped, while Allie, Tate and Frederick all cried out in joy. "What the heck!? How is your monster still around and not scraped?" Kit questioned Gong, staring at the taller male with wide eyes. Gong grew a grin and chuckled, before holding up Superheavy Samurai Soulbeads' card. "If a monster equipped to Soulbeads would be destroyed, Gong can send this card instead to save that Superheavy Samurai monster". The black-haired male answered, sending Soulbeads' card to the Graveyard with the necklace monster around Susanowo bursting into sparkles.

"Way to go, Gong!" Yuya praised his best friend, a compliment that the Superheavy Samurai Duelist head and gave the Odd-Eyes Duelist a grin. Kit grit his teeth in frustration at how his move was countered perfectly. 'At this point, all I can do is rely on Action cards now'. The brown-haired teenager thought to himself, grabbing hold of the wooden sword on his back and drew it.

He reared his right hand in and then swung the wooden sword, creating a powerful gust of wind that shot forward. It blew through the swords between him and Gong, blowing them away and a single Action card was sent flying as well and began falling back to the ground. However, it was closer than to Kit, much to his alarm. "Oh no! It's all the way over there!" The X-Saber Duelist exclaimed, taking off into a run.

"It's right near Gong!" Tate stated, growing a wide smile at this fortunate turn of events. "Hurry and grab it, Gong!" Frederick called out to the Superheavy Samurai Duelist, only to be surprised at Gong's response. "Gong isn't moving". Gong stated, closing both eyes in acceptance at what's about to happen. "HUH!?" The two kids cried out in surprise, both wondering what the heck he's doing. "Saw this coming". Rin remark with a grin, enjoying the looks on their faces right now.

"If you don't take it, I will!" Kit cried out with a grin, leaping up into the air and caught the Action card with his right hand. "No... Kit picked it up". Allie said with a worried expression, wondering why Gong didn't take the Action card when he could have. "There's still the matter of that Action card being what Kit needs. If it isn't one he's hoping for and instead something else, he won't be able to use it or get a new Action card". Lulu stated, reminding everyone that it was still a game of luck it came to Action cards.

Kit landed on his feet in a small couch. He stood up on his feet fully and looked at the Action card, growing a feral grin. "How lucky and talented can one guy get?" He said with an amused voice, before looking over to Gong and Warlord Susanowo. "Now Gottoms, attack Superheavy Samurai Warlord Susanowo!" Kit commanded, pointing at Susanowo with his right hand's index finger and keeping the Action card down with the other fingers.

Gong raised an eyebrow at Kit's rather surprising command, while the You Show gang, Dipper and Julia taken by surprise. "What's that guy doing!?" Dipper called out with wide eyes, watching as XX-Saber Gottoms took his blade into both hands. "Honestly, no idea". Julia answered, crossing both arms and narrowed her eyes.

"Now, I activate the Action Spell I just picked up! The Action Spell; Rejuvenation!" Kit exclaimed, throwing his right hand out and revealed the Action card. Rejuvenation's card began gleaming, followed by a brownish orange aura appearing over Gottoms. "This Spell card increases the ATK Points of a battling monster I control by 800 during the damage step, not to mention keep it from being destroyed in battle as well". Kit explained the Action Spell's effect, sending its card to the Graveyard.

"Oh no! Now Kit's Synchro Monster will be strong enough to destroy Gong's Susanowo!" Tate exclaimed in concern, only for it to turn into confusion when Rin scoffed. "Stronger, yes. Destroy? No". The green-haired girl stated, looking over to Gong through her left eye's corner and gave a grin. "She's right. Kit has no idea that card is about to be used against him". Yuya remark with a smirk, much to the confusion of the three kids.

"Say "Goodbye" to your big hunk of junk". Kit taunted Gong, something that the Superheavy Samurai Duelist had a retort for. "Gong's Synchro Monster isn't going anywhere! Gong activates Warlord Susanowo's special ability!" Gong declared, throwing his right hand out. "First if Susanowo is in DEF Mode and there's no Spells or Traps in the Grave, Gong pays 500 Life Points..." He began to explain, a purple aura briefly appearing around him and draining Gong's Life Points.

Gong Life Points: 4000 - 500 = 3500.

"Then Gong picks a Spell card in your Graveyard and uses it as if it were Gong's card!" Gong finished explaining, now pointing his right hand's index finger at Kit. "Say what!?" Kit shouted out, eyes wide and jaw feeling a bit heavy all of a sudden. "You heard Gong! And Gong choses the Action card you just used, Rejuvenation!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist responded, right as a brownish orange aura appeared over Susanowo.

XX-Saber Gottoms then leaped into the air, holding its blade up with both hands with the intention to strike. It was at that moment that both monsters powered up.

XX-Saber Gottoms ATK: 4100 + 800 = 4900.

Superheavy Samurai Warlord Susanowo ATK: 2400 + 800 = 3200.

Gottoms swung its blade down and Susanowo swung its spear. The result being both blades clashing against, sparks coming out and a powerful gust of wind erupting out of the clash. Both monsters grunted as they tried to overpower one another, but eventually the clash pushed Gottoms back and ended the power struggle.

XX-Saber Gottoms ATK: 4900 - 800 = 4100.

Superheavy Samurai Warlord Susanowo ATK: 3200 - 800 = 2400.

Gottoms landed in between Kit's two other monsters with all three of them facing Warlord Susanowo. The Machine-Type Synchro Monster retook its stance and stared at them, giving an unspoken taunt for them to try attacking again. 'This is not going well for me. I'm out of cards in my hand, meaning I have to rely on Action cards to survive for my next turn'. Kit thought to himself, then let out a pent-up breath of air.

"I end my turn here. Your move". The brown-haired duelist declared, no move left to make with all that he's done.

(Music end)

Gong Life Points: 3500/ Number of cards in hand: 1.

"Haha! Gong's got this duel in the bag!" Tate laughed out, feeling confident of Gong's victory over Kit on this turn. "Kit's out of cards in his hands and no face-down cards. The only real concerns are Action cards and that Level 10 Synchro Monster". Serenity said with a small smile, relived that everything was going so well now. "All Gong needs to do now is attack that knight and he'll win". Frederick said with a wide smile on his face.

"Gong draws!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist declared, drawing his deck's top card in a dramatic fashion. He brought the card up, then nodded in approval. He added it to his hand, before taking Superheavy Samurai Scale's card and held it out. "When Gong's opponent's got two or more monsters, Gong can Special Summon Superheavy Samurai Scales!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist explained, before slamming the card down on his blade. A portal appeared beside Gong on his right, before Superheavy Samurai Scales emerged from it.

Superheavy Samurai Scales ATK: 800/ Level: 4.

Kit grit his teeth at seeing that monster again because he knew how frustrating its ability is. "Gong activates the special ability of Scales!" Gong declared, but Kit had no intention of letting that happen. "I activate the special ability of Baronne! When a card or effect is activated, Baronne can negate and destroy it once per turn". The brown-haired teenager called out, before pointing at Superheavy Samurai Scales.

"Destroy Superheavy Samurai Scales!" The brown-haired teenage called out. Baronne raised her shield blade, then fired green energy from it in the shape of an arrow. The arrow pierced through Superheavy Samurai Scales and the Machine-Type Monster burst into sparkles. "There goes your strategy of Summoning more monsters!" Kit said with a forced grin, a single bit of sweat dropping from the right side of his face.

Gong didn't look discouraged, instead he was smirking. "That may be true, but that wasn't what Gong was aiming for! What he was aiming for was this!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist cried out, before holding up a Monster card with the left hand. "Gong activates the special ability of Superheavy Samurai Soulbuster Gauntlet!" Gong declared, then inserted it into the Duel Disk.

A large copy of Superheavy Samurai Soulbuster Gauntlet's card appeared in front of Gong, right before its image began glowing a bright white light. Superheavy Samurai Soulbuster Gauntlet launched out of the light like a rocket, flying up into the air. "Gong can equip this card to a Superheavy Samurai he controls and increases its DEF Points by 400!" Gong explained, watching as Soulbuster Gauntlet came down to Warlord Susanowo's waiting right hand and equipped itself to the Synchro Monster.

Superheavy Samurai Warlord Susanowo ATK: 4100 + 400 = 4500.

"...!" Kit grit his teeth at seeing Warlord Susanowo surpass Gottoms in points, but there wasn't anything he could do to change that. Everyone expected Gong to go onto the attack and attack XX-Saber Boggart Knight, but there were 5 exceptions since they knew Gong well enough. "Superheavy Samurai Warlord Susanowo, attack Baronne de Fleur!" Gong ordered, one that surprised Serenity, Allie, Tate, Frederick, Sora, Skip, Kit, Dipper and Julia.

"Go, Swinging Sword Slash!" Gong commanded his Synchro Monster. Warlord Susanowo's blade began gleaming, before the Synchro Monster swung it and hurled an orange energy slash that went and sliced through Baronne de Fleur with the Synchro Monster bursting into yellow particles. (4500 - 3000 = 1500)

Kit Life Points: 2400 - 1500 = 900.

Kit ignored the damage to his Life Points and glared at Gong with rage filled eyes. "What are you playing at!? You could have defeated me by attacking my Boggart Knight, but you didn't! Why didn't you?!" Kit questioned his opponent, feeling as if he was being pitied right now. "Don't get the wrong idea. Gong wants to win in his way, and that means not taking the easy way out. Gong's gonna win by beating you at your best". The Superheavy Samurai Duelist explained to Kit, earing a small gasp from him at hearing this.

"Refuel Tank's special ability activates! Since a monster equipped to it destroyed an opponent's monster, Gong can now add a Machine-Type Monster from the Graveyard to the hand!" Gong informed Kit, looking down at his Duel Disk right as a card slotted out of the Graveyard Zone. Gong picked it up and held the card up, showing it to be Superheavy Samurai Scales.

"Gong picks Superheavy Samurai Scales once more and Summons it!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist explained, before slamming the card down on his blade. A portal appeared beside Gong on his right, before Superheavy Samurai Scales emerged from it.

Superheavy Samurai Scales ATK: 800/ Level: 4.

"And don't forget that when Scales is Summoned, Gong can Summon another Superheavy Samurai from the Graveyard! And Gong choses the same one as before, Superheavy Samurai Motorbike!" Gong explained, throwing his right hand out. A portal appeared on Gong's left this time and Superheavy Samurai Motorbike shot out of it and crashed down onto the ground, kicking up a bit of dust.

Superheavy Samurai Motorbike ATK: 800/ Level: 2.

"Next Gong activates Motorbike's special ability and increases Scales' Level by 2!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist called out, throwing his right hand out to Superheavy Samurai Scales, right as a brown aura appeared over it.

Superheavy Samurai Scales Level: 4 + 2 = 6.

"Now... Gong tunes Level 2 Superheavy Samurai Motorbike to Level 6 Superheavy Samurai Scales!" Gong declared, punching the air with his right fist. Scales suddenly leaped into the air. Motorbike burst into two bright light that quickly transforming into green rings. The rings ascended and flew after Superheavy Samurai Scales, circling around and scanning the Machine-Type monster. Scales turned orange transparent, before 6 lights appeared, followed by a thin light in between the lights and beams. It then suddenly turned into a bright and powerful beam.

6 + 2 = 8.

"Gong Synchro Summons! Level 8! Superheavy Samurai Ninja Sarutobi!" Gong cried out as the bright beam cleared to reveal the Synchro Monster; Superheavy Samurai Ninja Sarutobi with the Machine-Type Monster floating down and taking a defensive stance right beside Warlord Susanowo.

Superheavy Samurai Ninja Sarutobi DEF: 2800/ Level: 8.

"Gong ends his turn here. You're up". Gong told Kit as he crossed both arms, no move left to make.

Kit Life Points: 900/ Number of cards in hand: 0.

Kit continued to glare at Gong with his teeth grit, frustrated because there was very little he could do right now. 'That guy's got some nerve sparring me like that! I'll make him pay!' The brown-haired male shouted out inside of his mind, taking hold of the deck's top card. "I draw!" Kit shouted out, drawing the top card of his deck. He quickly brought it up and gave a pleased grin at what he saw.

"I activate the Equip-Spell; Sword of Sparkles and equip it to Gottoms!" Kit cried out, holding the Spell card out before inserting it into his Duel Disk. A large copy of the Spell appeared in front of Kit, right before a bright light appeared from it. Once it died down, XX-Saber Gottoms was wielding a new weapon in its hands.

"This Spell card doesn't increase Gottoms' ATK Points, but its effect makes up for that! Now when Gottoms destroys an opponent's monster in battle, this card can destroy another one of your cards!" Kit explained Sword of Sparkles' effect, much to the horror of the kids at hearing this. "Now go Gottoms! Attack Superheavy Samurai Ninja Sarutobi!" The brown-haired teenager ordered, pointing at Ninja Sarutobi.

Gottoms let out a cry, before flying forward and stabbed its new sword into Ninja Sarutobi, piercing through it and destroying the Machine-Type monster. "With your ninja's destruction, Sword of Sparkles' affect now activates! Say bye-bye to your warlord!" The X-Saber Duelist called out with a feral grin, yet Gong's expression didn't change whatsoever.

The sword in Gottoms' hands started sparkling, before the Synchro Monster spun around and sliced through Warlord Susanowo like it was butter and severing it into two. Both pieces of Warlord Susanowo, Refuel Tank and Soulbuster Gauntlet all exploded yet Gong stood completely still atop the small mountain. "Oh no!" Serenity gasped with wide eyes full of dread.

Kit began laughing a bit crazy. "You brought this on yourself when you decided to spare me last turn, and now you're gonna regret it! Boggart Knight, attack him directly!" The brown-haired teenage commanded, throwing his right hand out. Boggart Knight let out a grunt, then leaped into the air and swung its blade down at Gong, yet he blocked it with his Duel Disk.

Gong Life Points: 3500 - 1900 = 1600.

Gong pushed Boggart Knight away with the Beast-Warrior-Type monster landing in front of Kit. "I'll end my turn here. This is your last turn, so do your best, but it won't matter". The X-Saber Duelist said with his usual feral grin, confident of his own victory now thanks to this turn of events.

Gong Life Points: 1600/ Number of cards in hand: 0.

"Well, you can't really say that Gong didn't bring this upon himself. He should have just done the smart thing and ended the duel, but now he's in trouble because he just had to do things his own way". Sora shrugged his shoulders with an uncaring smile on his face, starting to change his mind about Gong being a threat. "Even if he did go with that scenario, he wouldn't have been satisfied". Yuya spoke up, catching the Fusion Duelist's full attention.

Sora turned to the Odd-Eyes Duelist and saw him watching Gong with completely confidence in his eyes. "Gong doesn't regret the choice he's made. If wouldn't have meant anything to him if he took the easier option. It may be kind of selfish and stupid, but Gong's never taken anything easy. He takes on anything with all he's got and wins. And I'm sure that won't change now". Yuya said with a voice full of faith in his best friend. He's known Gong for a long time now and Gong's been protecting him from bullies after his father's disappearance. No matter what, he never abandoned him and that's why Yuya has full faith in him.

The You Show gang all looked over and smiled at Yuya. Sora, on the other hand, gave a scoff at the Odd-Eyes Duelist's words since to him, they were just words of an ignorant child. He had no idea of the power of bonds that's helped Yusei and his friends in their world, and how it'll greatly help Yuya and his friends in the future.

Gong had overheard what Yuya said and grew a grin at his best friend's words and the faith in them. "There's no way Gong's gonna lose now after hearing Yuya's words! Gong's gonna win this with this very card's he's about to draw!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist exclaimed, taking hold of the top card of his deck. "Gong...draws!" He shouted out, drawing by throwing his right hand out and released a powerful gust of wind.

(Play Arc-V Sound Duel 2 - 16 - Steadfast Duel)

Gong flipped the card over and his grin grew bigger at seeing what it was. The Superheavy Samurai Duelist looked forward, before holding out the card. It was a Monster card with the image showing a Superheavy Samurai Monster, but it was different compared to Gong's other monsters. It was a black armoured machine monster with a dark violet cloak over its whole body, wielding a black scythe with its right hand, face skeleton-like and had glowing purple eyes.

"So hello to one of Gong's new monsters! Superheavy Samurai Honor Bound Reaper!" Gong cried out, before placing the card down on a Monster Zone. A portal appeared on the ground, followed by Superheavy Samurai Honor Bound Reaper rising up from it and into the air. The Machine-Type monster gave a grunt, taking its scythe into both hands.

(Superheavy Samurai Honor Bound Reaper/ Level: 2/ Attribute: EARTH/ Type: Machine/ Tuner/ Effect/ ATK: 0/ DEF: 0/ Effect: If you would use this card as Synchro Material for a "Superheavy Samurai" Synchro Monster, one Machine-Type in your GY can also be used as material, but both monsters used as Synchro Material are banished.)

"Ha! Like I'd be scared of a monster with 0 ATK Points!" Kit laughed out in mockery at Gong's monster since to him, it was a weakling. "You should be scared! And here's why!" Gong shouted out, pointing forward with his right hand's index finger. "When Honor Bound Reaper is used to Synchro Summon, Gong can use a Machine-Type monster in the Graveyard!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist explained, much to Kit's great shock as his expression changed.

"Huh!?" he shouted out in bewilderment, having never heard of anything like this before. "Gong tunes Level 2 Superheavy Samurai Honor Bound Reaper with the Level 10 Superheavy Samurai Warlord Susanowo!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist shouted out, throwing his right hand into the air. Warlord Susanowo reappeared next to Honor Bound Reaper on its right.

The reaper-like monster turned to its right and sliced the space in between it and Susanowo. The scythe's blade left a sort of energy slice, right before it opened to reveal a dark portal. Both Superheavy Samurai Monsters turned orange transparent, followed by 10 stars appearing in Susanowo's body and Honor Bound Reaper turned into 2 green rings.

Susanowo's body disappeared, followed by both lights and rings flying into the black portal. They disappeared from sight completely, right before a bright and massive beam erupted out of the black portal.

2 + 10 = 12.

"Steadfast oni gods, grasp tightly on my fist's resolve, now, become the fiend of iron and run across the battlefield! Synchro Summon! Now come before us! Appear! Level 12! Superheavy Samurai Steam Train King!" Gong chanted, right as the beam cleared to reveal the of the most power Superheavy Samurai Monsters; Superheavy Samurai Steam Train King.

Superheavy Samurai Steam Train King DEF: 4800/ Level: 12.

Kit broke into a cold sweat at seeing the Level 12 Synchro Monster that outclass his Gottoms. "Alright! Gong's got his best Synchro Monster!" Allie called out in delight at seeing Steam Train King. "All board for the train to victory!" Tate called out with a joyful voice, Frederick laughing at what he just said. "Kit's in trouble now. Let's see how he'll do against this train". Rin said with an eager voice, looking forward to seeing Kit get sent flying.

Lulu looked over to Sora and saw him staring in shock at this unexpected comeback. Seeing that look on his face brought a small smile to Lulu's face because it was exactly the one Duel Academy agents make when Resistance members get the upper hand on them and win. 'That's a mistake Duel Academy agents often make. They think the outcome is decided and grow overconfident. That's when it's the perfect moment to counterattack'. The purple-haired female thought, mind flashing back to her friends that managed a comeback against Duel Academy forces they faced off against.

Superheavy Samurai Steam Train King stared chugging through the whole Action Field, its horn blowing as it moved. Once it was close enough, Gong suddenly leaped into the air. He spun around and landed on top of Steam Train King's head and crossed both arms. "He looks like a conductor!" Frederick pointed out, earning an amused giggle from Serenity at the little joke.

"Ready or not Kit, because here Gong comes! Superheavy Samurai Steam Train King, attack XX-Saber Gottoms!" Gong cried out, keeping both arms crossed. Steam Train King rang its horn in response to its master's command. 'That thing can attack in DEF Mode just like that other monster?! Darn it! I need an Action card right now!' Kit shouted out inside of his mind.

He grabbed hold of his wooden sword and drew it once more. Kit cried out and swung with all his might, creating another powerful gust of wind that sliced through the air. This time, two Action cards were sent flying into the air instead one. "Two of them?! Aww darn it, better count on luck then!" Kit shouted out, jumping into the air and reached out with his left hand.

He caught the right Action card and fell to the ground, landing on his right knee. Steam Train King passed through Kit on its way to Gottoms. Speaking of LID's Synchro Duelist; Kit looked at the Action card he picked up and grew a massive smirk. "Awww yeah, lady luck is on my side today!" The brown-haired teenage said with an excited voice, before climbing up to his feet.

"I activate the Action Spell; Double Attack!" Kit exclaimed, holding the Action Spell up into the air. Allie, Tate and Frederick all gasp at what Kit just said, while everyone else from the You Show gang narrowed their eyes. Dipper and Julia smirked, Henrietta narrowed her eyes and the hiding Declan's expression didn't change whatsoever.

Kit inserted the Action card into his Duel Disk, followed by a larger copy of it materializing in front of him above the ground. "This Action card doubles the ATK Points of a monster I control and I select Gottoms! That means it's game over for you!" LID's Synchro Duelist called out with a grin, turning around to look as Steam Train King drew closer to Gottoms.

"It is over... For you that is". Gong stated, before holding up a card over his left shoulder for Kit to see. To the X-Saber's horror, it was the Action card No Action. "Gong activates the Action Spell; No Action!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist declared, then inserted the card into his Duel Disk. Almost immediately, Kit's Double Attack Spell card shattered into pieces, all the while he had wide eyes full of panic and teeth grit.

Steam Train King continued on to XX-Saber Gottoms and rammed right into the Warrior-Type monster, it bursting into sparkles upon contact. The shockwaves from the collision went and hit Kit head on, pushing him back by 3 feet. (4800 - 4100 = 700)

Kit Life Points: 900 - 700 = 200.

Kit grit his teeth in frustration, while Allie, Tate and Frederick were surprised at what they just witnessed. "Gong used an Action card". The chubby little boy said in surprise, no memory of every seeing Gong playing an Action card before. "I thought he doesn't use those. And won't this affect his deck badly?" Tate asked with a concerned voice since he knows that almost all of Gong's monsters have abilities that work only when there wasn't any Spells or Traps in Gong's Graveyard.

"Normally that would be the case, but not with Superheavy Samurai Steam Train King on the field". Rin spoke up with a grin, already aware of exactly what Steam Train's special ability is. The three kids looked over to Rin and saw her, Yuya, Lulu and Zuzu all grinning. Sora took notice of that as well and wondered why they were smiling like that.

Kit let out a low growl, watching as Superheavy Samurai Steam Train King chugged through the Action field more with Gong back to standing with both arms crossed. "You're gonna pay for that next turn!" The X-Saber Duelist exclaimed, holding up his left fist. He had every intention to get back at Gong and win this duel. Unfortunately for him, he had no idea that this duel was over.

"There is no next turn, you're done for!" Gong shouted out, uncrossing both arms and threw his right hand out. "Gong activates Superheavy Samurai Steam Train King's special ability! During either player's turn, Gong can banish all Spells and Traps in Gong's Graveyard and you take 200 points for each card banished!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist explained, much to Kit's absolute horror at hearing this.

"S-Say...what?!" He uttered with wide eyes, realizing in just a second what this meant for him. "Kit's only got 200 Life Points left and that's exactly how much damage that effect will do... That means..." Dipper began, only for Julia to finish for him. "Game over for Kit". The black-haired girl said with wide eyes, before looking over to Henrietta, expecting to see her enraged. Instead, LID's Chairwoman appeared pleased instead.

"Gong banishes the Action Spell No Action to deal 200 points of damage!" The Superheavy Samurai Duelist called out, right as a giant copy of No Action's card appeared in Steam King's path. The Synchro Monster rammed through it with No Action's card bursting into sparkles that were absorbed into Steam King's mouth. The train's mouth opened wide, right before a single giant fireball shot out of it.

The fireball flew through the air, before going straight towards Kit, who was staring up at it with wide eyes. The fireball struck the ground in front of Kit and exploded, blasting him off of his feet. Kit cried out, flying through the air with his Life Points dropping.

Kit Life Points: 200 - 200 = 0.

Winner: Gong!

(Music end)

Kit crashed down on the ground, eyes wide and gasping for air. Multiple screens appeared around the field, displaying images of Gong with the words "Win" underneath, announcing him as the winner. The Arc System and Action field deactivated, returning the field to normal. Both XX-Saber Boggart Knight and Superheavy Samurai Steam Train King burst into sparkles and disappeared. Gong fell and landed on both feet right as the Action field returned to normal.

"Alright!" Allie, Tate and Frederick all cried out in joy, throwing their arms into the air. Serenity giggled at the kids, before looking over to the control room's window where Yusei and Skip were. Sora slightly narrowed both eyes at Gong, before bringing out a chocolate bar and tore the wrapper off. Yuya nodded in approval, Lulu and Rin turned to face each other and hi-fived their hands and Zuzu just sighed in relief.

In the control room; Skip shot up to his feet and let out a loud cry of victory. "Heck yeah! With this victory, You Show is saved!" Zuzu's father roared, both eyes shut and fists raised in victory. Yusei gave a chuckle, closing both eyes and grew a small grin. He rose up from the chair and walked out of the control room, heading down to meet up with everyone else.

Back in the now deactivated Action field; Kit sat with both legs crossed, hands on knees and glaring down in disgrace at his lost. "I lost... Even after giving it my all and everything I had. What's worse is that I got spared from defeat". The X-Saber Duelist muttered to himself, feeling utterly ashamed of himself at losing an important duel. The wager between the two schools wasn't what he meant. It was important to Kit because Yusei Fudo was watching and he wanted to prove himself to the greatest Synchro Duelist he's ever seen.

Just then; a familiar hand was offered to Kit. The X-Saber Duelist blinked in surprise before looking up to see Gong standing in front of him and holding his right hand for him to take. "Gong enjoyed that duel just now. Gong hopes we can duel again soon". The Superheavy Samurai Duelist said to Kit, then gave a smile at the X-Saber Duelist.

Kit blink in surprise, both at Gong's words and his offer to help. He then looked away, before climbing up to his feet without taking Gong's hand. The Superheavy Samurai Duelist retracted his hand, watching Kit as he turned away and began walking away. He suddenly stopped and looked at Gong over his right shoulder. "You won't be so lucky next time". He said as if he was stating a fact, continuing on his way to rejoin his friends.

Gong watched him walk away for a moment or two, before cracked a grin and chuckled. He then followed Kit to the viewers hall to rejoin his friends.

A few minutes later; the two groups were standing across each other in the hallway. Yusei stood in front of the You Show Duel School gang while Henrietta stood in front of her school's three students. Both adults were looking right at each other, Dipper was glaring at Yuya who was watching his master, Zuzu and Julia had a staring contest going on and finally Gong's watching Kit. Serenity was standing beside the children, but was staring at the back of Yusei's head.

"I must admit that the You Show Duel School students are very impressive. Even that Synchro Duelist that defeated Kit, you've trained them all well Yusei Fudo". Henrietta said with an impressed voice, gazing over to Yuya for a moment before looking back at Satellite's Shooting Star. "I just merely helped them grow stronger on their own. Their growth as duelists is thanks to their hard work and dedication". Yusei replied to the adult woman, speaking honestly because he believed that even without him Yuya and the others would have reached this level on their own. He just merely helped them grow stronger faster.

Yuya and the others smiled at Satellite's Shooting Star, while Henrietta just chuckled in amusement. "Is that so? Well, it's not too important to think about. But we are getting a bit off topic. Your side won our little bet fair and square, so I'll keep to my word and make sure all charges against Yuya are dropped". LID's Chairwoman told Yusei, much to the joy of Allie, Tate and Frederick at hearing this.

Yuya himself grew a relived smile at hearing this. He looked to his left over to Lulu and saw the Mistress of Birds sighing in relief. She looked over to Yuya and gave a relived smile at him, glad that everything ended well for Yuya after that little stunt Yuto pulled. 'I still feel a little responsible for everything that's happened. Maybe I should spend some time with him and get a gift for him'. Lulu thought to herself, making plans to spend some time with Yuya later once everything had calmed down completely.

Yusei's expression grew slightly softer than before, but he didn't fully relax just yet. "I'm glad to hear that. Now, when's the earliest that you can arrange a meeting with your son?" Satellite's Shooting Star asked Henrietta, something that slightly took her by surprise. "Sometime tomorrow, but may I ask why you're in such a rush?" The adult woman asked with a curious voice, wondering why Yusei wanted to meet her son so urgently.

Yusei grew quiet, eyes wondering over to Sora for a split second before looking back at Henrietta. "It's something important. Something I'd only like to speak with him about". The black-haired male answered, not wanting to tip off Duel Academy's spy. Both Rin and Lulu looked over at Yusei for a moment, trusting him on what he's planning to do and only hope that nothing bad happens from meeting this "Declan" Akaba".

Henrietta lifted an eyebrow once more, before she nodded. "Very well then. I'll arrange a meeting for you tomorrow". The female adult told Satellite's Shooting Star, much to Yusei's satisfaction at hearing this. "There's no need to wait that long". An unfamiliar voice spoke, catching almost everyone by surprise with the only exceptions being Yusei, Lulu, Rin, Henrietta and Sora.

(Play Yu-gi-oh! Arc-V - Akaba Reiji theme)

Everyone looked over to the corner on the You Show side of the hallway right as Declan stepped out. The young president of the Leo Institute brought both hands up and pulled his hood down to show his face to everyone.

Yusei slightly frowned at Declan, while Lulu and Rin slightly widen their eyes in surprise. They were expecting many things from Leo Akaba's son, but he looked nothing like what they were expecting or anything like the madman that kidnapped them either.

Sora raised an eyebrow out of fascination at seeing the Professor's son finally. He's heard about the young man and wondered just how much he compared to his father. And just from the sight of him, Sora could tell that Declan's sharp just like Yusei.

Yusei and Declan made eye contact with each other, both sizing one another right away. To Declan, he's learning as much as he could about Yusei from the way he stands, the look in his eyes and the aura he's giving off. For Yusei on the other hand, he's looking at Declan and something beside him through his mind's eye.

In Yusei's point of view, he saw Ray standing right beside Declan with the two siblings facing him. Declan had a strong look in his eyes, but it wasn't as strong as the loon in Ray's eyes. That was how Yusei could see that Declan wasn't as strong as his half sister, but had the potential to match her one day. 'So, this is Declan Akaba... Leo Akaba's son and Ray Akaba's younger half brother'. Yusei thought to himself, wondering if this young man before him will really become a trusted ally against Leo Akaba or not.

Yusei had a solution to finding the answer to that question... A duel between him and Declan. One where he'll reveal a secret he's been hiding from the others... A secret called "Clear Mind".

next chapter
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