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56.09% Yu-gi-oh 5D's-V / Chapter 23: chapter 23

Chapitre 23: chapter 23

Cera Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

Violet Hummingbird then took flight, lifting Lulu off of the ground and flew off with her duelist in hand. Cera took a moment to watch, before she chased after the Mistress of Birds, while Yuya and Sylvio stood across one another with their eyes locked on one another. "Not a bad move, but let me show you a real one! I draw!" Cera called out as she drew her card with her right hand, despite running at the time.

The braided hair style girl took a moment to look at the card that she drew, before holding it out. "I activate the Field Spell card; Molten Destruction!" Cera called out, stopping in her tracks as she slotted the card into her Duel Disk. The screen displayed Molten Destruction's card, before glowing a bright red colour. Then, the whole duel field began glowing a red colour as the Prison Tower of Darkville Field Spell dispersed.

The bright red light forced everyone to cover their eyes for a moment, before it eventually died down. Everyone opened their eyes and saw that the Prison Tower of Darkville field had been replaced by a mountain volcano that looked like it was about to go off at any second with lava already scorching the mountain ground.

Yuya, Sylvio and Cera were safely standing on ground that wasn't scorched, while Violet Hummingbird flew above the field and still carrying Lulu. Both males began turning their heads anime fast to look at their surroundings with wide eyes, while Cera didn't seem bothered. "As long as this Field Spell is in play, all FIRE Attribute monsters gains 500 ATK, but loses 400 DEF!" The braided hair style girl explained her Field Spell with a grin and arms crossed.

"Talk about out of the frying pan and into the fire!" Allie remarked with wide eyes, honestly glad she wasn't dueling as she was more of a water person than fire person. "They'll be okay next to a volcano, right?" Frederick questioned in concern, shaking a bit in fear. "So long as they don't touch the lava". Tate answered his friend, but honestly appeared just as frightened as Frederick.

"I Summon Evolsaur Pelta!" Cera exclaimed, taking a card from her hand and placed it on her Duel Disk's blade. A pillar of lava erupted in front of her, before it cleared to reveal Evolsaur Pelta.

Evolsaur Pelta ATK Points: 1100 + 500 = 1600/ DEF Points: 2000 – 400 = 1600/ Level: 4.

"Next up; I activate the Double Summon Spell card!" The braided hair girl called out, holding the card up as it let out a shine, before sending it to the Graveyard of her Duel Disk. "Now I can Normal Summon once more! So, arise Evolsaur Cerato!" Cera called out, throwing her right hand up as another pillar of lava appeared in front of it. It then cleared to reveal Evolsaur Cerato with the Dinosaur-Type Monster roaring out.

Evolsaur Cerato ATK Points: 1900 + 500 = 2400/ DEF Points: 1400 – 400 = 1000/ Level: 4.

Cera then suddenly jumped up high and landed on Pelta's tail, before the Dinosaur-Type monster lifted its tail up. Cera then jumped from the tail onto Cerato's head. The T-rex then reared its head up and threw Cera into the sky, much to the surprise of everyone. She spun around in mid air and gained control, before making a perfect landing on a small part of the mountain surrounded by lava that had split into two parts over it and merged back together past it. As luck would have it, there was an Action card there.

Yuya narrowed his eyes as he watched Cera kneel down and pick up the Action card with her right hand. 'She used her monsters' strength to throw herself over there to pick the Action card'. The tomato hair style boy thought with narrowed eyes, while Cera stood up on her feet. She took a moment to look at the Action card that she was holding with her right hand, before adding it to her hand. "Now; I overlay the Level 4 Evolsaur Pelta and Evolsaur Cerato! The braided hair girl declared as her two dinosaurs roared out, before they transformed into bright red lights that ascended into the air.

They danced around one another, while a red Xyz portal appeared right above the volcano. "With these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network! Xyz Summon!" The FIRE Duelist called out to the heavens as the two bright red lights entered the Xyz portal, causing an explosion of energy. "Appear! Rank 4! Evolzar Dolkka!" Cera cried out to the heavens as the Xyz Monster; Evolzar Dolkka emerged from the explosion with two red overlay units circling around it.

Evolzar Dolkka ATK Points: 2300 + 500 = 2800/ DEF Points: 1700 – 400 = 1300/ Rank: 4/ Overlay units: 2.

Yuya stared up at the Dragon-Type Xyz Monster, while Violet Hummingbird flew down and placed Lulu down on a safe part of the mountain that didn't have any lava close by. "Looks like Sylvio's friends weren't lying when they said she was an Xyz user". The Odd-Eyes Duelist remarked with slightly wide eyes. Lulu was silent as she stared up at Evolzar Dolkka. She had some knowledge of the Evo deck, but not much as she hasn't met many duelists that use them back in Heartland. She did know enough that with Evolzar Dolkka, they were in trouble.

Evolzar Dolkka flew down and landed behind Cera, kicking up lava drops from the stream going down. Magically enough, not of them struck her and Cera didn't even move a single inch. "Now I activate the Spell card; Xyz Import!" The female L.I.D Duelist called out, holding up the Spell card with her right hand, before slotting it into her Duel Disk.

A large copy of the card appeared in front of Cera, and the sight of it made Lulu widen her eyes a bit. "Terrific". She grumbled out as she narrowed her eyes at the Spell. "If I have a Xyz Monster on my field when I activate this card; I can target a monster you control with lower ATK than my Xyz Monster, it becomes an overlay unit!" The FIRE Duelist explained her Spell card's effect, before proceeding to point up towards Violet Hummingbird flying up in the sky.

"Your Hummingbird has 2500 ATK, while my Dolkka has 2800. Too bad for you". Cera said with a grin as Xyz Import's card unleashed a red beam that struck Violet Hummingbird in the chest. The Synchro Monster gasped, before she transformed into a red overlay unit that shot out and began circling around Evolzar Dolkka.

Evolzar Dolkka Overlay units: 2 + 1 = 3.

Lulu grit her teeth at seeing this. If Violet Hummingbird had been destroyed, her ability would have Summoned back the monsters used as Synchro Material for her, but thanks to Xyz Import, that was no longer possible. "I was expecting better than this. If I could have attacked this turn, you would have lost all your Life Points that you gained on your turn". Cera said to the Mistress of Birds, catching Lulu's attention as she looked towards the FIRE Duelist and narrowed her eyes.

'Even if you could have, I would have been prepared'. Lulu thought to herself, shifting her gaze towards the 4 cards in her left hand. Among them was a Monster card called Lyrilusc – Violet Swift. The card's image showed that Violet Swift was 5-year-old girl with purple eyes, snow white skin and wearing a violet Swift bird outfit with her hands as her wings and black talons.

(Lyrilusc – Violet Swift/ Level: 1/ Attribute: Wind/ Type: Winged Beast/ Tuner/ Effect/ ATK Points: 0/ DEF Points: 0/ Effect: When your opponent's monster declares a direct attack, you can Special Summon this card from your hand and end the Battle Phase.)

'Violet Swift could have negated and ended your Battle Phase'. The Mistress of Birds thought to herself, before shifting her gaze towards Cera as the braided hair style girl jumped up onto Dolkka's open right claw. "I end my turn here. You're up!" Cera declared her turn over as Dolkka took flight into the air.

Yuya Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

(Play Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V OST - White Hot Fighting Spirit Extended)

"Time to shift things over to our favor!" Yuya exclaimed as he placed his right hand on the top card of his deck. "I draw!" He added, drawing the card in a dramatic fashion by swiping his right hand out. He looked through the corner of his right eye and flipped the card around to see what it was, before holding it out. "I'll start off by Summoning Performapal Skullcrobat Joker!" The Dueltainer called out, before swiping the card onto the blade of his Duel Disk. A portal appeared and out came Performapal Skullcrobat Joker, giving tilt of its hat.

Performapal Skullcrobat Joker ATK Points: 1800/ Level: 4.

"At this moment, I activate the effects of Performapal Helpprincess and Skullcrobat Joker!" Yuya declared, holding up Performapal Helpprincess' card with his right hand. "When I Normal Summon a Performapal Monster; I can Special Summon this card from my hand!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist explained, before placing the card on the blade. With a flash, Helpprincess appeared with a wink of her right eye.

Performapal Helpprincess ATK Points: 1200/ Level: 4.

"Now Skullcrobat Joker's effect! When this card is Normal Summoned; I can add a "Performapal", "Magician" or "Odd-Eyes" monster from my deck to my hand!" Yuya further explained, yet Cera wouldn't allow this. "At this moment; I activate Evolzar Dolkka's special ability!" The braided hair girl declared, throwing her right hand out as Dolkka are one of its red overlay units.

Evolzar Dolkka Overlay units: 3 – 1 = 2.

"When a monster activates its effect; by using an Overlay Unit that effect activation is negated and the monster is destroyed!" Cera explained her Xyz Monster's effect. Yuya widened his eyes in surprise as Evolzar Dolkka unleashed a stream of fire breath at Performapal Skullcrobat Joker, incinerating the Pendulum Monster to ash. The Odd-Eyes Duelist gritted his teeth as he took Skullcrobat Joker's card and placed it face-up in his Extra Deck.

Sylvio gave a smug laugh as he held his hands out to the sides. "Too bad, so sad. Whatever plan you were thinking of just went down the gutter". The brown-haired male remarked with a smirk. Yuya, however, didn't look displeased or angered at the destruction of his monster. "Not yet it hasn't!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist exclaimed, before taking hold of a card from his hand and held it right beside his face.

"By releasing a DARK Monster like my Helpprincess…!" Yuya began to explain as Helpprincess transformed into purple coloured sparkles. "And sending an Odd-Eyes Dragon from my hand, deck or face-up on the field…" The tomato hair styled boy continued as a card slotted out of his deck, which he grabbed with his right hand's index and middle finger, holding it up in front of the other card, showing that it was indeed Odd-Eyes Dragon, before sending it to the Graveyard Zone of his Duel Disk.

Odd-Eyes Dragon then appeared in front of Yuya, before the purple sparkles from Helpprincess were absorbed by him, causing the Dragon-Type monster to begin glowing a dark colour that covered its appearance completely. "I can Special Summon this card from my hand! Arise and show your magic; Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon!" Yuya finished, swiping the card onto the blade.

The glowing covered Odd-Eyes flashed a bright colour, before it cleared to reveal that it had undergone a transformation. Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon had dark silver armour all over its body, dark red skin underneath and wing blades. Its spikes had even changed as well as they pointed upwards now. Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon roared as it floated above the ground.

Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon ATK Points: 2500/ Level: 7.

Lulu, Tate, Frederick and Allie looked at Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon in awe as this was the first time that they were seeing that monster in action. Even Cera looked slightly surprised, while Sylvio just narrowed his eyes at the Dragon-Type monster. Yuya then picked up 2 cards of his remaining 3 and slotted them into his Duel Disk. "I'll throw 2 face-down cards and call it a turn!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist declared his turn over as two face-down cards materialized in front of him.

Sylvio Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

A stray bit of light came down and went underneath Sylvio's left foot, causing him to comical cry out as he hopped away from it. He then gave a small growl, before looking up towards his tag partner and narrow his eyes at her. "Note to self; never duel with a crazy pyromaniac as a partner ever again!" The brown-haired male growled out, before placing his hand on his deck.

"Watch how a true Duelist Duels!" Sylvio exclaimed, before taking his hand off of his deck and instead picked up a card from his hand and flipped it over. "I activate the special ability of The Legendary Swordmaster Black Luster Soldier!" He declared as the card began to glow a blue colour. This made Yuya and Lulu widen their eyes in shock at what the card was called. "Black Luster Soldier?!" The Mistress of Birds questioned in disbelief at what she heard. "How does he have cards like those?" The Odd-Eyes Duelist questioned, narrowing his eyes as he spoke.

Black Luster Soldier cards were legendary rare cards that pro duelists of the past had used. Cards like those would be worth a fortune to buy and use, so to see someone like Sylvio have them was a bit shocking. The male LID student gave a smug chuckle at his two opponents. "Being the son of the next mayor has its privileges: such as getting rare cards like these". Sylvio remarked with a smug voice, while his deck began shuffling.

"During the Draw Phase; I can reveal this card from my hand and give up my draw, in exchange I can add a Ritual Spell from the deck". The brown-haired male explained, returning Legendary Swordmaster Black Luster Soldier's card back to his hand, before picking up the card from his deck and held it up, revealing it to be Super Soldier Ritual. "I add the Ritual Spell card; Super Soldier Ritual". He declared his choice, before adding the card to his hand.

He then picked another card from his hand and held it out, revealing it to be a Monster card. "I Summon Black Luster Soldier – Twilight Shield!" Sylvio exclaimed, before placing the card on the Duel Disk's blade. A portal appeared in front of him, before a black and gold shield came out of it.

Black Luster Soldier – Twilight Shield ATK Points: 500/ Level: 4.

"This shield is PRETTY handy as when this card is Summoned; I can add a LIGHT or DARK monster from the deck to my hand". Sylvio explained his monster's effect as his deck began shuffling once more, before stopping with a single card slotted out. He grabbed hold of the card with his right hand's index and middle finger, before holding it up. "I chose the LIGHT attribute Evening Twilight Knight". The brown-haired boy declared his choice, before pressing the card against his palm with the ring and pinky fingers as he picked up another card from the hand.

"Now; I activate the Ritual Spell; Super Soldier Ritual!" The LID Duelist exclaimed, holding the Ritual card out before slotting it into his Duel Disk. A ritual seal appeared on the ground below him, followed by two platforms on Slyvio's left and right. "With this Spell card's power, I can now Ritual Summon any "Black Luster Soldier" Ritual Monster by releasing monsters that's total Levels equal 8". Sylvio explained, before holding up the cards of Black Luster Soldier – Twilight Shield and Evening Twilight Knight.

"I release the Level 4 Black Luster Soldier – Twilight Shield and Evening Twilight Knight!" The brown-haired male declared, before discarding them to the Graveyard. Twilight Shield floated above the right platform, while Evening Twilight Knight appeared above the left one. The two of them then turned into black and white sparkles, before they went down and entered the Ritual seal underneath. A pillar of black light then shot out of the seal and struck the sky above.

"One soul shall merge with light! The other soul shall merge with the darkness! Between light and darkness, the gate to chaos is opened! Ritual Summon! The Black Luster Soldier descends!" Sylvio chanted, holding a single card up with his right hand, before he brought it down and placed it on the blade. A figure began to emerge from the pillar behind the male L.I.D Duelist, before it shot out and landed on the mountain ground on its left knee. It was the legendary Ritual Monster; Black Luster Soldier with the Ritual Monster rising up to his feet fully and glared at Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon.

Black Luster Soldier ATK Points: 3000/ Level: 8.

Sylvio's lackeys cried out in applause at seeing Sylvio Ritual Summon, while Tate, Allie and Frederick stared at Black Luster Soldier in awe. "Wow…" Frederick said slowly with wide eyes directed at the Warrior-Type Ritual Monster. "Black Luster Soldier… One of the very first Ritual Monsters in existence…" Tate commented, having wide eyes just like his pier. "It's…kinda overwhelming…" Allie remarked before she turned to look towards Yuya and Lulu in concern.

The two teenagers were in awe just like the kids, but they kept their composure and guard up. "This is becoming incredibly difficult. The Duel's just started and we're already against heavy hitters like Black Luster Soldier". Yuya remarked with narrowed eyes, before looking at the single card in his hand. "Tell me about it". Lulu commented, before looking at her four cards in hand.

"I'm afraid it gets worse for you two. When Evening Twilight Knight is used to Ritual Summon a Black Luster Soldier Monster, it gains two new effects. One of them is banishing from your hand until your next End Phase. The other is banishing a monster that you control". Sylvio informed the two You Show students, much to their annoyance at hearing this.

"Just great". Yuya remarked with narrowed eyes, while Lulu looked around her surroundings. She then spotted an Action card nearby, lying on the ground. She quickly took off towards it, while Sylvio pointed towards Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon with his right hand. "I activate the inherited effect of Evening Twilight Knight to banish your Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon!" The LID student declared, while white energy surrounded Black Luster Soldier's blade. The Ritual Monster held its blade out towards the Dragon-Type monster, intending to fire the energy surrounding its blade.

However, Lulu managed to reach the Action card and pick it up with her right hand. She took a look at it, before holding it out. "I activate the Action Spell; Invisibility!" The Mistress of Birds called out, before slotting the card into her Duel Disk. Black Luster Soldier fired the white beam, while Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon turned see-through with the beam passing through it.

"Thanks to this Spell, a monster I control is unaffected by cards and can't be targeted by them. And since this is a Tag Duel, Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon counts as a monster that I control". Lulu explained the Action Spell card's effect, grinning a little as Sylvio grit his teeth a bit. "Thanks Lulu". Yuya thanked his tag partner, which Lulu just gave him a wink in response.

"I may not be able to do something about Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon, but I can still do something about you. I activate the second inherited effect of Evening Twilight Knight to banish a card from your hand!" Sylvio declared, throwing his right hand up into the air as one of Lulu's 4 cards began glowing, causing her to look down and see that it was her second Lyrilusc - Cobalt Sparrow. "Don't worry, you'll get it back at the end of your turn. For now, I'll end my turn here". Sylvio declared his turn over, bringing his right hand up to play with a stray bit of his hair.

(Music end)

Lulu Life Points: 5900/ Number of cards in hand: 3.

"My turn now! I draw!" Lulu called out as she drew the top card of her deck with her right hand. She brought the card in front of herself to see what it was, before giving a small smile at what she saw. She added the card to the hand, before picking up another one and held it out with the index and middle fingers. "I Summon Lyrilusc - Violet Swift!" The purple haired female cried out, before placing the card down on the blade. A portal in the sky, before a violet coloured blew shot out and flew around a bit, before stopping to reveal that it was Violet Swift, who had a small smile.

Lyrilusc - Violet Swift ATK Points: 0/ Level: 1.

"Oh no, a Monster with 0 ATK Points! Whatever will we do?!" Sylvio called out in mockery at Violet Swift with a grin on his face. "You'll freak out, that's what. Thanks to this!" Lulu called out, taking a card from her hand and held it out forward. "The Spell card, Lyrilusc - Bird Strike!" The Mistress of Birds exclaimed, before the card began to glow a purple colour.

Purple coloured auras appeared over Black Luster Soldier and Evolzar Dolkka with the two monsters groaning, causing their Duelists to look at them in surprise. "If I control a "Lyrilusc" monster when I activate this card; Bird Strike negates the effects of all your monsters!" Lulu explained her Spell card's effect as she discarded the card to the Graveyard zone of her Duel Disk.

Sylvio and Cera gasped at hearing this as now Evolzar Dolkka can't use its ability anymore and Black Luster Soldier was sealed off from using the inherited effects of Evening Twilight Knight. "Way to go, Lulu!" Yuya called out in praise to his tag partner, something that made Lulu smile. "Thank you, but I'm not done just yet". The Mistress of Birds declared, before looking down at her hand and picked up one of the remaining 2 cards in her hand. "Next, I activate the Lyrilusc - Bird Call Spell!" Lulu called out, before slotting the card into her Duel Disk.

A large copy of the card appeared in front of her and began glowing. "This Spell allows me to take a Lyrilusc monster from my deck..." The Mistress of Birds began to explain as she took her deck out of the Duel Disk's deck zone and began searching through it. She then picked up a single card with her right hand, before turning it over to show that it was a Monster card.

It showed the image of a black skin 5-year-old girl with dark eyes, wearing a black vulture bird outfit. Her headset was designed after a vulture and was white, while the rest of the uniform except the talons were pitch black. Her hands were her wings with black feather dropping and her talons were a yellow colour. "I can add it to my hand, or send it to the Graveyard! I send Lyrilusc - Vulture of Beyond Rival to the Graveyard!" Lulu declared, before discarding the card to the Graveyard.

(Lyrilusc - Vulture of Beyond Revival/ Level: 1/ Attribute: WIND/ Type: Winged Beast/ Effect/ ATK: 100/ DEF: 0/ Effect: If this card is face-up on the field, you cannot use it for a Xyz Summon. If this card is in your Graveyard, you can remove from play this card; Xyz Summon a WIND Attribute Xyz Monster using "Lyrilusc" monsters in your GY.)

"But in exchange, I can now Special Summon a different Lyrilusc Monster from my hand!" Lulu finished explaining as she returned her deck into the deck zone of her Duel Disk, which shuffled for a moment. She then took the last card in her hand, before holding it out in between the index and middle fingers. "I Summon Lyrilusc - Celestine Wagtail!" The Mistress of Birds exclaimed, before placing the card down on the blade. A portal appeared besides her, before Lyrilusc - Celestine Wagtail came out of it with a bright smile.

Lyrilusc - Celestine Wagtail ATK: 200/ Level: 1.

"Since Celestine Wagtail was Special Summoned, I can now activate her special ability! When this card is Special Summoned; I can add a "Lyrilusc" Spell or Trap card from my deck to the hand!" Lulu explained her monster's special ability, before her deck began shuffling once more. It soon stopped shuffling with a single card slotted out, which Lulu picked up with her right hand's index and middle fingers.

She held the card up, revealing it to be a Trap card. "I add the Trap; Lyrilusc - Phantom Feathers!" The Mistress of Birds declared her choice, before adding the card to her hand.

Yuya cracked a grin at hearing what card she selected, having seen that card in action and knew that it was big trouble for Slyvio and Cera. Lulu then swiped her right hand into the air and held it up. "I now Overlay the Level 1 Lyrilusc - Violet Swift and Celestine Wagtail!" The purple haired female called out as her two monsters transformed into 2 bright green lights that ascended into the air.

A red Xyz portal appeared in front of Lulu, creating a gust of wind that made her hair and skirt blow in the breeze. "With these two monsters; I build the Overlay Network! Xyz Summon!" The Mistress of Birds exclaimed with the two green lights descending down into the Xyz portal, causing a twister to erupt out of it. "Appear! Rank 1! Lyrilusc - Recital Starling!" She announced as the twister dispersed to reveal the Xyz Monster; Lyrilusc - Recital Starling, having a happy smile with two green overlay units circling around it.

Lyrilusc - Recital Starling ATK: 0/ Rank: 1/ Overlay units: 2.

"An Xyz Monster with 0 ATK Points as well? Sorry, but that doesn't impress me in the slightest". Sylvio remarked with a grin on his face, causing Lulu to narrow her eyes at him. "An important lesson; ATK Points aren't everything! Just watch; I activate Recital Starling's special ability!" The purple haired female declared, thrusting her open right hand out. Both Recital Starling and Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon both began to glow a light green colour.

"When Recital Starling is Xyz Summoned; I can target one face-up monster on the field and it gains 300 ATK and DEF Points for each Overlay Unit she has! Since Recital Starling has 2, that's 600 ATK and DEF Points for Odd-Eyes!" Lulu explained her Xyz Monster's ability, grinning a bit as the glow around Odd-Eyes intensified a bit.

Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon ATK: 2500 + 600 = 3100/ DEF: 2000 + 600 = 2600.

This caused Sylvio to cry out in alarm, while Cera narrowed her eyes a bit. "Okay, now THAT'S caught my attention!" The brown-haired male called out in panic, while Yuya laughed a little as he looked towards his teammate. "Lulu, go ahead and attack using Odd-Eyes!" The Dueltainer told the purple haired girl, which Lulu nodded to him with an appreciated look.

"I will Yuya, just need to take care of 2 things first". Lulu replied to the Odd-Eyes Duelist, before she took the single card in her hand and held it up. "I'll set a face-down card..." She began, slotting the card into her Duel Disk with a face-down card appearing in front of her. "Then I'll activate Recital Starling's second ability!" The Mistress of Birds declared as Recital Starling absorbed one of its overlay units into her right wing.

Lyrilusc - Recital Starling overlay units: 2 - 1 = 1.

"By using an Overlay Unit; I can add a Level 1 Winged Beast from my deck to the hand!" Lulu explained her Xyz Monster's effect as Recital Starling waved her right wing forward, creating a gust of wind that shot out. It blew through the field past Yuya, Sylvio and Cera with Lulu's deck beginning to glow green as it shuffled.

However, the gust of wind also blew an Action card into the air, something that Yuya took notice of, before he began running towards it as the card began floating down. Lulu's deck ceased glowing and shuffling, before a single card slotted out.

Lulu took hold of the card with her right hand and held it out, revealing it to be a Monster card. The card's image showed a little girl wearing a mango coloured, toucan designed outfit. She had hazel coloured eyes and peach skin, while the outfit's headset had the long orange beak of a toucan, while the talons were a blue colour. "I add the Level 1 Lyrilusc - Mango Toucan!" The Mistress of Birds declared her choice, before adding the card to her left hand.

(Lyrilusc - Mango Toucan/ Level: 1/ Attribute: Wind/ ATK: 200/ DEF: 0/ Type: Winged Beast/ Tuner/ Effect/ Effect: During your Main Phase, you can Normal Summon 1 "Lyrilusc" monster in addition to your Normal Summon/Set. (You can only use this effect once per turn.) When this card is sent to the graveyard, you can draw 1 card from your deck.)

"Time to brawl now! Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon, attack Evolzar Dolkka!" Lulu commanded, throwing her right hand out. Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon gave out a fierce cry as it spread its wings, before flying high into the sky. Meanwhile, Evolzar Dolkka flew down and landed on the ground gently, before Cera jumped off and landed on her feet. She tilted her head up as Dolkka took flight once more. "That won't be happening! I activate the Action Spell; Evasion!" The braided hair style girl called out, holding the Action card that she picked up earlier, before slotting it into her Duel Disk.

The card appeared in front of her, the sight of it caused Lulu to narrow her eyes a bit. "With this Spell; your attack is negated!" Cera explained the Action Spell's effect with a grin on her face. "Think again!" A familiar voice called out, catching the attention of both Lulu and Cera as they looked over to see Yuya holding up the Action Spell; No Action. "By using the Action Spell: No Action; your Evasion is negated and destroyed!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist explained, swiping the Action Spell into his Duel Disk and activating the card.

Evasion's card then shattered into pieces, causing Cera to take a step back, while Lulu smiled a bit. "Thank you Yuya. Odd-Eyes, resume your attack with Spiral Magic Strike!" Lulu commanded as Odd-Eyes Wizard dragon gathered dark purple energy in its mouth, before releasing a similar attack to Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon's Spiral Flame Strike, only dark purple. The attack struck Evolzar Dolkka right on the chest, causing the Xyz Monster to explode. Cera shut her eyes as she withstood the force from the explosion. (3100 - 2800 = 300)

Cera Life Points: 4000 - 300 = 3700.

Tate, Frederick and Allie all cried out in joy upon seeing this. "They've taken the lead!" Allie called out with a wide smile on her face at seeing the duel shift to Yuya and Lulu's favor. "Not only that, but dealt first blow and emptied out that LID girl!" Tate pointed out, holding his hands up a bit to express his joy. "They've got this like a candy wrapper!" Frederick commented as his body shivered a little.

Lulu and Yuya made eye contact with each other and nodded, while Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon flew down above its duelist. "I end my turn here!" The Mistress of Birds declared, before holding up her right hand as Lyrilusc – Cobalt Sparrow's card appeared, and she took hold of it. "Since it is my End Phase, my Cobalt Sparrow now returns to my hand". She reminded her opponents, before adding the card to her hand.

Cera Life Points: 3700/ Number of cards in hand: 1.

Cera gave a chuckle as she placed her right hand on the top card of her deck. "Not bad, you guys are good teammates. But the Duel isn't decided yet! I draw!" The braided hair style girl called out, drawing the card in a dramatic fashion by swiping her right hand out to the side. She took a moment to look at it through the corner of her right eye, before holding it out. "I play the Spell card; Spell Books from the Pot!" The FIRE Duelist called out, before slotting the card into her Duel Disk.

A large copy of the card appeared in front of her, before it began to glow a white colour. "With this Spell card activated; all players draw 3 new cards!" Cera explained the Spell card's effect as Spell Books from the Pot's card shattered, before she drew the top 3 cards of her deck, bringing her hand to a total of 4 cards. Lulu drew 3 new cards as well, granting her a total of 5 cards in hand. Yuya drew as well, now having 4 cards in hand. Finally, Sylvio drew 3 more cards and had a total of 6.

Cera looked at her new card and gave a grin at seeing the new options that she had. She picked up one of her cards and held it up. "I Normal Summon Evoltile Najasho!" The braided hair style female called out, before placing it down on her Duel Disk's blade. From a nearby pool of lava, Evoltile Najasho emerged from within it and gave out a fierce cry.

Evoltile Najasho ATK Points: 100 + 500 = 600/ DEF Points: 2000 – 400 = 1600/ Level: 2.

"But he won't be around for long. Because I'll be using him for this! The Spell card; Evo-Force!" The female LID student called out, holding the Spell card out with her right hand, before slotting it into the Duel Disk. A large copy of the card appeared besides Cera, before Najasho suddenly shattered into pieces.

Yuya and Lulu widened their eyes at the sudden destruction of Najasho, while Cera just gave a grin. "Evo-Force allows me to tribute an Evoltile monster and exchange; I can Special Summon another one from my deck". Cera explained her Spell card's effect to her opponent, before shifting gazes down to her deck as it began shuffling. After a few moments, it stopped shuffling with a single card slotted out, one that she picked up. "Come on out; Evolsaur Vulcano!" The FIRE Duelist cried out, swiping the card onto her Duel Disk's blade. A pillar of lava appeared, before it cleared to reveal Evolsaur Vulcano with the Dinosaur-Type monster crying out.

Evolsaur Vulcano ATK: 1200 + 500 = 1700/ DEF: 1000 – 400 = 600/ Level: 4.

"Another thing; the monster Summoned through Evo-Force is treated as if it was Summon by the effect of another Evoltile monster! Which means I can activate Vulcano's special ability! When this card is Special Summoned through the effect of an "Evoltile" monster, I can target an Evolsaur monster in my Graveyard and Special Summon it!" Cera explained her monster's effect as Evolsaur Pelta's card slotted out of her Duel Disk's Graveyard Zone.

She picked the card up with her right hand and held it up. "So, welcome back Evolsaur Pelta!" The braided hair style female called out, before swiping the card onto her Duel Disk's blade. Another pillar of fire emerged from next to her, before it cleared to reveal Evolsaur Pelta.

Evolsaur Pelta ATK: 1100 + 500 = 1600/ DEF: 2000 – 400 = 1600/ Level: 4.

"I'm not done yet! Najasho's special ability activates now! Since it was tributed while on the field, I can Special Summon an Evolsaur from my deck!" Cera explained as her deck began to glow a red colour, before it began shuffling. After a few moments, it ceased shuffling with a single card slotted out, which she picked up and held with her right hand's index and middle fingers. "I choose Evolsaur Diplo!" Cera declared her choice, before placing the card down on her Duel Disk's blade. A pillar of fire erupted out of the ground, before it cleared to reveal Evolsaur Diplo.

Evolsaur Diplo ATK: 1600 + 500 = 2100/ DEF: 800 – 400 = 400.

"When this card is Special Summoned through an Evoltile's effect, I can target a Spell or Trap card you control and destroy it!" Cera explained, before pointing her right hand's index finger towards Yuya. "Yuya Sakaki; I choose one of your cards!" The braided hair style girl declared her choice, which Diplo cried out as it breathed out fire towards Yuya. The stream of fire struck the ground in front of the Dueltainer with a face-down card appearing underneath it. The stream of fire cleared to reveal the face-down card was burnt and face-up now, revealing it to be Performapal Pinch Helper, before it shattered.

Yuya slightly narrowed his eyes at seeing his Trap card destroyed, but remained silent. Cera then ran towards Diplo, before she jumped on its tail and run up to Diplo's back, passing through the spikes. Cera then stopped right at the middle, right before Evolsaur Diplo began walking towards the top of the volcano. "I Overlay the Level 4 Evolsaur Pelta and Vulcano!" The FIRE Duelist exclaimed, holding up her left hand into the air.

Both Evolsaur Pelta and Vulcano transformed into bright red lights, before they shot out into the air. A red Xyz portal appeared right about the volcano with the two bright red lights flying into it. "With these two monsters; I build the Overlay Network! I Xyz Summon!" Cera called out, before an explosion of energy erupted out of the Xyz portal. "Ascend! Rank 4! Evolzar Laggia!" She cried out to the heavens as the Xyz Monster; Evolzar Laggia emerged from the explosion of energy with two red overlay units circling around it.

Evolzar Laggia ATK: 2400 + 500 = 2900/ DEF: 2000 – 400 = 1600/ Rank: 4/ Overlay units: 2.

"She's pretty good at Xyz Summoning, I'll give her that". Lulu commented with narrowed eyes, slightly impressed with how Cera worked with her deck. "Her monster has 2900 ATK Points, but they're not enough to beat Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon". Yuya remarked, staying on his guard as he didn't know what to expect from Cera. The female LID Duelist gave a grin as she held up a card with her right hand.

"I equip Evolzar Laggie with the Equip Spell; Salamandra!" Cera called out, before slotting the card into her Duel Disk. From the lava came out a flaming dragon that roared, before it flew towards Laggie and began circling around it. "This Spell increases Laggie's ATK Points by 700 points". The braided hair style girl explained the Spell card's effect as the Dragon-Type Xyz Monster powered up.

Evolzar Laggia ATK: 2900 + 700 = 3600.

"I just had to open my big mouth, didn't I?" Yuya remarked with half lidded eyes of annoyance at jinxing himself. "Time to battle! Laggia, attack Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon!" Cera commanded, pointing her right hand towards the Dragon-Type monster. Evolzar Laggia roared, before it proceeded to charge towards Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon, who narrowed its eyes at the approaching Xyz Monster. "Not so fast! I play the Trap card; Lyrilusc – Phantom Feathers!" Lulu called out, throwing her right hand out as her face-down card reappeared and lifted itself up.

"This Trap targets a Lyrilusc monster I control; then the ATK Points of all your monsters become the same as the targeted card and their Levels/Ranks become 1!" Lulu explained her Trap card's effect as Recital Starling's wings were set aflame, but did no harm to her. "That's a dangerous effect, but I'm afraid that it won't happen! I activate Evolzar Laggia's special ability!" Cera declared, throwing her right hand into the air. Laggia roared as it ate both of its overlay units one at a time.

Evolzar Laggia Overlay units: 2 – 2 = 0.

"When a Monster is Normal or Special Summoned, or if a Spell and Trap card is activated; I can use 2 Overlay Units to negate it, then destroy your card!" The female LEO Duelist explained her Xyz Monster's effect as a fire vortex appeared around Laggie, before it shot out and covered Phantom Feather's card, causing it to begin melting, before shattering completely. Recital Starling's wings lost the flames surrounding them, but the Xyz Monster paid no attention to it.

Lulu slightly gritted her teeth, before she turned towards Yuya. The Odd-Eyes Duelist gave her an appreciated smile, before he shook his head at her. The Mistress of Birds softened her expression at seeing Yuya's calm face, before she looked back forward. At that moment, Laggia tacked Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon and sent it crashing into the ground, where the Dragon-Type monster shattered. (3600 – 3100 = 500)

Yuya Life Points: 4000 – 500 = 3500.

"Ha! How do you like that!" Sylvio laughed out with a grin on his face, before he slightly widened his eyes at seeing Yuya having a smirk. "Very much, actually. Here's why; Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon's special ability activates!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist called out, throwing his right hand out as a bright light erupted out of his costume made Duel Disk's Graveyard Zone. "If this card is destroyed by an opponent's card and sent to the Graveyard, I can call on a new Odd-Eyes to take his place from either my deck or Graveyard!" The tomato hair style boy explained his destroyed monster's effect, before taking out his deck from the Deck Zone.

He began searching through the cards, before eventually finding the card that he wanted. Yuya picked the card up with his right hand, before holding it out to reveal that it was Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon. "Take center stage, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist exclaimed as he placed the card on his Duel Disk's blade. A portal appeared behind him and slowly, out came Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon. The Dragon-Type Monster roared at Laggia as the portal disappeared.

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK: 2500/ Level: 7.

"But that's not all! Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon also allows me to add a "Spiral Flame Strike" from my deck to my hand". Yuya added, taking another card from his deck before proceeding to return it to the Deck Zone of the Duel Disk. The deck shuffled, while Yuya added the "Spiral Flame Strike" card to his hand. Cera slightly narrowed her eyes at seeing this move, before she shifted her eyes towards Recital Starling and grinned.

"In that case; Evolsaur Diplo attacks Lyrilusc – Recital Starling!" The FIRE Duelist declared, pointing towards the WIND attribute Xyz Monster. Diplo turned to look at Recital Starling, before breathing out a stream of fire from its mouth at the Xyz Monster. Yuya turned to look at Lulu, only to see her reassuring look directed at him. Deciding to trust her, the Odd-Eyes Duelist reframed from activating his Trap card. The stream of fire struck Recital Starling and caused an explosion upon impact, causing Lulu's hair and skirt to blow in the breeze, but didn't even flinch at her monster's destruction. (2100 – 0 = 2100)

Lulu Life Points: 5900 – 2100 = 3800.

However, Lulu then gave a small grin as the same stream of fire came out of the smokescreen and headed towards Cera. The braided hair style girl widened her eyes in surprise, before Diplo brought its head in front of its duelist and took the stream of fire attack for her, protect Cera from harm.

Cera Life Points: 3700 – 2100 = 1600.

Sylvio cried out in surprise with wide eyes at seeing his tag partner take damage. "Hey!? What the heck happened!? How did she lose Life Points?!" The brown-haired male questioned, capturing Lulu's attention as she turned to look and grin at him. "It's Recital Starling's final effect. All battle damage I take from battles involving her are also inflicted to my opponent". The purple-haired female explained, causing Sylvio to grit his teeth in anger.

Cera, on the other hand, looked impressed as she sat down on Diplo's back. "Not bad, I knew there was more to that monster with how low its ATK Points were, but that was still surprising. But let's see how you survive this! Black Luster Soldier, attack Lulu directly!" The braided hair style girl commanded, pointing towards the purple haired female with her right hand's index finger.

Black Luster Soldier held up his blade, before charging towards Lulu, who turned to look at the approaching attack and narrowed her eyes. "I activate the Trap card; Scrap-Iron Scarecrow!" Yuya suddenly declared, throwing his right hand out as his face-down card revealed itself, before flipping itself up to reveal that it was Scrap-Iron Scarecrow. The image began to glow, before the scarecrow came out and shot towards Black Luster Soldier. It rammed into the Ritual Monster's gut, causing Black Luster Soldier to gasp in pain as it was pushed back.

Cera widened her eyes in surprise, while Lulu gave her partner a smile of gratitude. "This card can negate an attack, and then re-set itself!" Yuya explained his Trap card's effect as the iron scarecrow returned to its card, before the Trap return to a face-down position and disappeared. "What a handy Trap card. I'll set a face-down card and end my turn!" The braided hair girl called out, taking a card from her hand and slotting it into the Duel Disk. A face-down card appeared below Diplo, before it disappeared and Laggia flew down next to the Dinosaur-Type Monster.

Yuya Life Points: 3500/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

(Play Yu Gi Oh! ARC V Ost 13- A Battle that Cannot be Lost)

"Here goes nothing! I draw!" Yuya called out, drawing his card in a dramatic fashion by swiping his right hand out to the side with the card in hand. He looked at the card through the corner of his right eye for a moment, before adding it to his hand and selected a new card. "I activate the Spell card; Spiral Flame Strike!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist declared, holding the card up with his right hand, before slotting it in.

The card appeared in front of him, before Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon unleashed a powerful cry. "This card has two effects, but I'll go with the first one! When I control an "Odd-Eyes" monster, Spiral Flame Strike can destroy a card on the field!" Yuya explained his Spell card's effect, before pointing towards Evolzar Laggia with the index finger of his right hand.

"So say "good-bye" to your Laggia!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist called out as Odd-Eyes Dragon took a running start, before leaping high into the air. "Sorry, but Laggia is staying put! I play the Trap card; Xyz Reflect!" Cera called out, throwing her right hand to the side as her face-down card revealed itself, before lifting itself up and began to gleam.

"When a Xyz Monster I control would be destroyed by an effect; not only does this card negate that effect but you take 800 points of damage!" The braided hair style girl explained the Trap's effect as a white barrier appeared around Evolzar Laggia. Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon released its Spiral Flame Strike down towards the barrier and struck, but was unable to break through. The spiral attack soon died down with the barrier transforming into a white light that shot out towards Yuya, who leaned his head to the right and successfully dodged it.

Yuya Life Points: 3500 – 800 = 2700.

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon landed on the ground behind Yuya, kicking up a bit of dust. "So, that was what that face-down card was, huh? Well, I still got a bit of tricks up my sleeve. Like this one!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist called out, bringing his right hand up with another card in between the index and middle fingers. "I set the Scale 8 Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn in the Pendulum Zone!" Yuya declared as he held the card out to the side, before placing the card on the right edge of the Duel Blade, causing it to gleam a rainbow colour for a moment.

Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn Pendulum Scale: 8.

A blue pillar appeared besides Yuya on his right, before Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn rose up from within it and floated up until eventually stopping. The number "8" then appeared underneath it. "Uhh, hello! You need two Pendulum cards in the Pendulum Zone in order to Pendulum Summon, remember?" Sylvio questioned his opponent with a mocking grin, yet Yuya wasn't annoyed by it in the slightest and kept grinning.

"And whoever said that I was Pendulum Summoning?" The Odd-Eyes Duelist questioned in response, causing Sylvio to widen his eyes in surprise at Yuya's words. "I Summon to the field Performapal Handsamuraiger!" The Dueltainer called out, picking up another card from his hand and placed it down on his Duel Disk's blade. A portal appeared besides him, before a black-haired human samurai monster wielding a katana appeared from within it.

Performapal Handsamuraiger ATK: 1800/ Level: 4.

"Time to fight! Go Odd-Eyes, attack Black Luster Soldier!" Yuya commanded, thrusting his right fist forward the Ritual Monster. Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon roared out as it took a running start, before leaping into the air once more. "At this moment, I activate the Pendulum Effect of Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist declared, throwing up his right hand as a golden light surrounded Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn and Handsamuraiger. "When an Odd-Eyes Monster I control battles; it gains the ATK Points of a Performapal Monster I control! So Odd-Eyes gains Handsamuraiger's 1800 points!" He explained his card's effect as the Dragon-Type Pendulum Monster powered up.

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK: 2500 + 1800 = 4300.

Sylvio called out in surprise with wide eyes at seeing Odd-Eyes' ATK surpass his monster's. "4300 ATK Points!?" He exclaimed, before narrowing his eyes a bit. "If a Black Luster Soldier Monster I control would be destroyed by battle, or by a card effect; I can banish Twilight Shield from the Graveyard instead!" The male Leo student informed his opponent as Black Luster Soldier – Twilight Shield's card slotted out of his Duel Disk, which he picked up and put away in his jacket's pocket.

Black Luster Soldier's shield then transformed into Twilight Shield, before he held it up towards the Pendulum Monster in a defensive manner. Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon cried out as it reared its head back, before unleashing its Spiral Flame Strike attack down towards the Ritual Monster and struck its shield.

"Your monster may be safe, but your Life Points aren't! Especially when Odd-Eyes battles a Level 5 or higher monster, the damage is double! Reaction Force!" Yuya called out as the gems on Odd-Eyes' spikes flashed their colour as the dragon's attack intensified. Black Luster Soldier's shield began cracking, before it was pushed back by 5 feet, while the strong winds created from the collision blew Sylvio off of his feet, but he managed to land safely on the ground. (4300 – 3000 = 1300 X 2 = 2600)

Sylvio Life Points: 4000 – 2600 = 1400.

The spiral attack died down, revealing the cracked form of Black Luster Soldier's shield, but the Ritual Monster didn't seem to care. Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon fell from the sky and landed back behind Yuya, who slightly grit his teeth. He turned to look towards Cera and her monsters, before turning to look at Lulu. The Mistress of Birds noticed her tag partner staring towards her and gave him a reassuring look.

Yuya grew a smile as he trusted in his partner, before he looked back forward and narrowed his eyes. "I end my turn here, and at this moment since my Battle Phase is over, Odd-Eyes' ATK Points return to normal!" He declared his turn over, before suddenly leaping backwards into the air and landed on Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon's head and grabbed hold of its horns to steady himself. The gold lights over Yuya's three monsters disappeared when he had leaped onto his ace monster.

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK: 4300 – 1800 = 2500

Sylvio Life Points: 1400/ Number of cards in hand: 6

(Music end)

Odd-Eyes then took off running with Handsamuraiger and Odd-Eyes Unicorn chasing after them. "You can run, but you can't hide. My turn now!" Sylvio exclaimed, drawing his card in a dramatic fashion just like how Yuya did it. He turned to look at his new card, before cracking a grin at seeing what it was. He pressed it against his palm, while it picked out another card and held it up, revealing it to be Gaia the Fierce Knight.

"By discarding a Level 5 or higher monster like Gaia the Fierce Knight from my hand…!" The brown-haired male began to explain as he discarded the card to the Graveyard zone of his Duel Disk. "I can Special Summon this card! Come, Gaia the Fierce Knight Origin!" He added, swiping the card onto his Duel Disk's blade. A portal appeared on the ground, before Gaia the Fierce Knight Origin appeared, mounted on its house.

Gaia the Fierce Knight Origin ATK: 1600/ Level: 4.

'He even has Gaia cards…' Yuya said inside of his mind with narrowed eyes, an expression that Lulu copied perfectly as she stared at Gaia the Fierce Knight Origin. 'If he can send that card to the Graveyard; it will be big news for monsters that change its ATK Points from their original. It'll be especially dangerous for my cards as my Lyrilusc monsters focus on gaining ATK Points'. The Mistress of Birds thought to herself, seeing the danger that Origin Gaia possessed.

"But he won't be around for long, because I'm sacrificing him…" Sylvio began as Gaia the Fierce Knight Origin dispersed into yellow particles. "To Summon this! Lord Gaia the Fierce Knight!" He finished, holding the card up between his right hand's index and middle fingers, before swiping it onto the blade. The yellow particles merged together, before forming Lord Gaia the Fierce Knight, only without its dragon. Lord Gaia the Fierce Knight cried out as it looked towards Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon.

Lord Gaia the Fierce Knight ATK: 2300/ Level: 7.

"Gaia the Fierce Knight Origin can be used as 2 Tributes for the Tribute Summon of a Warrior monster, that's why I was able to use him to Summon Lord Gaia the Fierce Knight". Sylvio explained with a smirk, before looking down at his 4 cards and picked one of them. "Now then, I think I'll get rid of those pesky cards of yours, Yuya; with this! The Spell card; Twin Twisters!" The brown-haired male called out, swiping his right hand out to show the Spell card as it began to glow a white colour.

"By discarding a card from my hand, such as my Beginning Knight…" The L.I.D student began to explain as he sent Twin Twisters and Beginning Knight's cards from his hand to the Graveyard Zone of his Duel Disk. "Two of your Spell/Trap cards are destroyed! Kiss your Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn and Scrap-Iron Scarecrow good-bye!" Sylvio concluded as two dark clouds appeared in the sky above, before two twisters shot down from within them. One of them struck Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn, causing the Pendulum Monster to shatter, while the second struck a reappeared face-down card form of Scrap-Iron Scarecrow.

Yuya gritted his teeth at seeing this, but that was when he noticed an Action card struck between two large rocks. "Odd-Eyes, over there!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist called out, pointing his right hand's index finger towards the Action card. Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon gave a cry in response, before running towards where Yuya pointed towards. It ran by the two rocks with Yuya reaching out and grabbing hold of the card as Odd-Eyes passed through, taking the Action card for himself.

"I'm gonna take your partner, Yuya out in one big attack! I activate Super Soldier Ritual's effect from the Graveyard!" Sylvio declared, throwing his right hand into the air. Super Soldier Ritual's card appeared in front of him, before a large black portal appeared underneath it. "I can banish this card, plus a LIGHT and DARK Monster like Beginning Knight and Evening Twilight Knight…" He began to explain as the card forms of Beginning Knight and Evening Twilight Knight appeared besides Super Soldier Ritual's card, before they all burst into particles and entered the black portal.

"Doing so allows me to Special Summon a Black Luster Soldier Ritual Monster from my hand!" The LID student finished explaining, before taking the last card in his hand and held it out; revealing it to be Black Luster Soldier – Super Soldier. "Come forth; Black Luster Soldier – Super Soldier!" Sylvio cried out to the heavens as the Ritual Monster; Black Luster Soldier – Super Soldier floated out of the black portal and glared towards Yuya.

Black Luster Soldier – Super Soldier ATK: 3000/ Level: 8.

"This is not going good, another Ritual Monster". The Odd-Eyes Duelist stated, eyeing the new Ritual Monster besides Black Luster Soldier. Lulu remained quiet, but did look towards Cera and her monsters. "Hope you're ready, because you're both about to lose! First; since Beginning Knight was banished from the Graveyard, I can now add a Ritual Spell card from my deck to my hand!" Sylvio informed his opponents as his deck began glowing, before it began shuffling.

After a few moments, it ceased shuffling with a single card slotted out; which Sylvio picked up with his right hand and held it out, showing the card to be "Earth Chant". "Hope you're not too attached to those cards, because they'll soon be mine". The LID Duelist said with a grin, causing Lulu to narrow her eyes at him. "Our cards are staying where they are!" The Mistress of Birds snapped at the brown-haired male, getting him to turn towards her and glare at Lulu.

"You talk tough for someone without any monsters". Sylvio remarked, causing her to grow a smirk at him. "Tell that to this!" Lulu called out as she took a card from her hand and held it out. It was a Monster card with the image showing a 5-year-old albino skin coloured girl with crystal blue eyes, wearing a Blue jay themed costume. The headset had the beak of a blue jay, a tail just like the bird and light purple talons. "I activate the special ability of Lyrilusc – Imaginary Blue Jay!" The Mistress of Birds declared, before the card began to glow a light blue colour.

(Lyrilusc – Imaginary Blue Jay/ Level: 1/ Attribute: WIND/ ATK: 200/ DEF: 0/ Type: Winged Beast/ Effect/ Effect: During either player's turn, you can discard this card from your hand to activate a "Lyrilusc" Spell/Trap card from your hand. If this card is in your GY: You can target 1 "Lyrilusc" Xyz Monster you control; attach this card to it as material.)

"By discarding this card from my hand to the Graveyard; I can activate a "Lyrilusc" Spell or Trap card from my hand!" Lulu explained, before discarding to card to the Graveyard Zone of her Duel Disk. "But it's my turn!" Sylvio called out in surprise at this unexpected move, yet Lulu didn't acknowledge his words and instead held up another card with her right hand.

"I activate the Lyrilusc – Recovery Spell card!" The purple haired girl called out, before slotting the card into her Duel Disk. A large copy of the card appeared; the image showed Lyrilusc – Assembled Nightingale tending to the injured forms of Lyrilusc – Cobalt Sparrow, Loving Owl and Navy Heron.

(Lyrilusc - Recovery/ Type: Spell/ Effect: Select up to three "Lyrilusc" monsters in your graveyard, add them to your hand.)

"This Spell card allows me to select up to 3 different Lyrilusc monsters in my Graveyard, and then add them to my hand". Lulu explained her Spell card's effect, before the card forms of Lyrilusc – Violet Swift, Cobalt Sparrow and Lifeforce Bluebird slotted out of her Duel Disk. She picked up all 3 cards of her deck and held them out. "I select Lyrilusc – Violet Swift, Cobalt Sparrow and Lifeforce Bluebird!" The Mistress of Birds declared her choices, before adding Violet Swift, Cobalt Sparrow and Lifeforce Bluebird to her hand.

Sylvio gave a sigh of relief, before he gave smirked at Lulu. "You had me going, but you just wasted your card. Black Luster Soldier – Super Soldier, attack Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!" The brown haired male commanded, pointing towards the running Dragon-Type monster. Super Soldier turned to look towards Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, before giving a cry as it flew after the Pendulum Monster.

"By the way; it has inherited an effect from Beginning Knight being used as a tribute for it! When Super Soldier destroys an opponent's monster; it can declare a second attack! And not to mention its original effect also deals you damage when it destroys a monster equal to its ATK Points!" Sylvio informed the Odd-Eyes Duelist, causing Lulu to widen her eyes in alarm at hearing this.

"Oh no! If this attack hits, Yuya will lose!" The Mistress of Birds called out with wide eyes, while Yuya narrowed his. "In that case; I'll just have to dodge it then!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist exclaimed as Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ceased running, before it turned around to face the approaching Ritual Monster. "I activate the Action Spell; Miracle!" The Dueltainer called out, taking the Action card from his hand and slotted it into the costume made Duel Disk.

"With this; Odd-Eyes is safe from destruction and the damage is halved!" Yuya explained the card's effect as a white aura appeared around Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon. Super Soldier slashed Odd-Eyes with its sword, but the aura protected the Dragon-Type monster from harm, pushing the Ritual Monster back. (3000 – 2500 = 500 – 250 = 250)

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