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100% Young Justice (Violet Lantern) / Chapter 3: Welcome to Happy Harbor

Chapitre 3: Welcome to Happy Harbor

" Recognize Robin B01, Kid Flash B03" the computer announced. Kid Flash and Robin appeared through the Zeta Beam. Then ran to the rest. (Sapphire is wearing violet shorts, a violet baggy shirt that hung off her right shoulder, and a black tank top underneath it.

"Did you ask him?" Robin asked. "What did he say" Kid Flash asked. "He's arriving now" Aqualad answered. "Then what are we waiting for?" Kid Flash said running away. Robin followed, Aqualad, then Sapphire flew, then Superboy and Miss Martian. They all made it to the side of the mountain. "Red Tornado!" Kid Flash called. "Greetings, is there a reason you intercept me outside the cave?" Red Tornado asked.

"We hoped you had a mission for us," Aqualad said. "Mission assignment is the Batman's responsible" Red Tornado. "But it's been over a week and-" "you'll be tested soon enough, for the time being, simply enjoy each other's company," Red Tornado said. "This team is not a social club," Aqualad said. "No, but I am told social interaction is an important team-building exercise, perhaps you can keep busy by familiarizing yourselves with the cave" Red Tornado said walking into the cave.

Kid Flash hit Robin's arm. "Keep busy," he said. "Does he think we're falling for this?" Robin asked. "Oh I'll find out," Miss Martian said. She tried to read Red Tornado's mind but was unsuccessful. "I'm sorry guy I forgot he's a machine and organic, I can not read his mind," Miss Martian apologized. "It is OK, I made a similar mistake with his feelings," Sapphire said.

"Yeah, but nice try though," Wally said. "So, you know what I'm thinking?" Wally asked. "We all know what your thinking now," Robin said elbowing him. "And now we tour the clubhouse," Aqualad said in his deep voice. "Well me and Superboy live here we can play tour guides," Miss Martian said they turned to Superboy. "Don't look at me" Superboy said.

"We won't, a private tour sounds much more fun," Wally said."She didn't say private tour," Robin said. "Your right, an extra person wouldn't hurt," Wally said looking at Sapphire. "Team building, we'll all go," Kaldur said. They started walking back into the cave.

"This would be the front door," Miss Martin said. Then they walked to another opening. "And this would be the back, the cave is actually the entire cave" Miss Martin explained. "It was hollowed out and reinforced by Superman and Green Lantern in the early days of the league" Wally explained. "Then why abandon it for the Hall of Justice," Superboy asked. "The cave's secret location was compromised" Aqualad answered.

"So they frayed it in for the tours trap, yeah that makes sense," Superboy said. "If villains know of the cave we must be on constant alert," Miss Martin said. Robin grabbed her hand. "The bad guys know we know they know about the place so they never think to look here," Robin said. "He means were bidding in plain sight" Wally clarified. "Oh, that's much clearer" Miss Martin. Superboy sniffed the air.

"I smell smoke," he said. Miss Martin Gasped "My cookies," she said. Miss Martin flew to the kitchen. The rest followed. Miss Martin took the cookies out of the oven and they were burned. "I was trying out Grammy Jones recipe from episode 17 of…" Miss Martin stopped. "Uh never mind," she said. "Once more, similar mistakes," Sapphire said. Kaldur put a hand on her shoulder.

"I bet they'd tasted great, he doesn't mind," Robin said. Wally was eating the (very) burned cookies. "I have a serious kabbalism," Wally said. "I'll… make more" Miss Martin said. "It was sweet of you to make any" Kaldur said. "Thanks, Aqualad" Miss Martin said. "We're off duty, call me Kaldur" Kaldur introduced. "I'm Wally, see I already trust you with my secret ID, unlike Mr. Dark glasses over here. Batman forbids boy wonder from telling anyone his real name" Wally said.

"Mines no secret, it's M'gann M'orzz, but you can call me Megan its an earth name," Megan said. "I am Amara, you may call me Sapphire, it is a nickname," Sapphire said. Superboy walked away. "Don't worry Superboy," M'gann said through telepath, Superboy looked at her in (can't tell what face he made). "We'll find you an earth name too" Miss Martin continued.

"Get out of my head!" Superboy yelled, confusing everyone but M'gann. "What's wrong? I don't understand how everyone on mars communicates telepathically" M'gann said through telepathy. Robin, Kaldur, Wally, and Sapphire held their heads. "M'gann stop" Aqualad demanded. "Things are different here on earth, here your powers are an extreme invasion of privacy" Aqualad explained.

"Besides Cadmus's creepy little psychic Genomes left a bad taste in his brain," Wally said. "I-I didn't mean to-" "Just stay out!" Superboy interrupted, then walked away. Amara put a hand on her shoulder. "Do not fret, he is still coping. He will come around" Amara said. M'gann thought for a moment.

"Hello, Megan! I know what we can do" she said. M'gann flows away the rest following her. Amara stayed back. "Superboy," She said. He didn't answer. "I know you are still getting used to everything, but sitting here mopping and shouting at people isn't right. Come with us, get to know everyone better" Amara said. Superboy looked at her, he stood up then walked down the hall Amara following.

The team walked into the elevator down to the launch bay. "It's my Martian Bioship," M'gann said when the doors opened. It was a small egg-shaped ship. "Oh wow, that is… unique," Amara said. "Yeah it's cute, not aerodynamic, but cute" Wally said. "It's in rest mode silly, here let me wake it," M'gann said. M'gann put her hand out and the egg shifted into a ship. The team looked surprised.

She turned it around and opened the hatch. "You guys coming?" M'gann asked. Amara smiled widely and flowed at top speed into the ship and the others followed. Once they were inside six chairs appeared. "Everyone strap in for launch," M'gann said. Everyone hurried into seats. Seat Belts wrapped around them. "Cool," Wally said. M'gann sat on the main chair. "Red Tornado opens the Bay doors," M'gann said.

Once the doors were opened. M'gann flew the ship out, she did a few barrel rolls. "This is incredible," Robin said. "She sure is," Wally said. M'gann looked at him with a smirk. "I mean the ship, like all ships it's she," Wally said, folding his arms. "Fast with his feet, not much with his mouth," Robin said. "Dude," Wally exclaimed. While those three were talking, Amara noticed Superboy was still down.

She looked at Kaulder in a way that meant "can you talk to him". Kalder nodded. "I may not have psychic powers but I can guess what you're thinking," Kaldur said. "You overreacted and you don't know how to apologize, just say sorry," Kalder said. Superboy turned his face a little looser. M'gann looked at him with sadness. "He'll come around," Robin said.

"He doesn't seem to like me much," M'gann said. "You guys do remember he has super hearing right?" Wally said. To loosen up the awkwardness Amara asked. "M'gann would you mind demonstrating your shapeshifting?". M'gann nodded, stood up, and shifted into the girl version of Robin then Kid Flash. "Is it wrong to think I'm hot?" Wally said. "Not at all, self love is the strongest love there is," Amara said.

"See Amara gets it," Wally said. "Of course she does, she's a hero powered by love, narcissism doesn't faze her," Robin said, "But back on subject M'gann you know you're not going to fool anyone with those moves right?" Robin asked. "Mimicking boys is a lot harder," M'gann said. "But your clothes," Kalder said. "They are organic like the ship, they respond to my mental command," M'gann explained.

Superboy turned around and faced front. M'gann looked down. "Can you do that ghosting through walls thing that Man Hunter does?" Wally asked. "Huh, density shifting? No, it's a very advanced technique" M'gann said. "Flash can vibrate his molecules to go through walls when he tries it bloody," Robin said. "Dude!" Wally shouted. "Here's something I can do," M'gann said. "Camouflage mode" She added then the ship went invisible.

"So Am-Sapphire, is it true that you're from the Star Sapphire base?" M'gann asked. "Well yes and no, my mother is of the earth but she left for Zamoran before I was born," Amity said. "Oh, so you were born a Star Sapphire?" M'gann asked. "And your power's?" M'gann asked. "It's the same as the Green Lanterns," Amara said. "Except I draw my power from Love we have in my heart," Amara added

"Can it be any love or a specific kind?" M'gann asked not even flying the ship anymore. "Any kind Romantic love, angry love, love of friends, and most importantly self-love," Amara explained. "You hear that Wally? You can be a Star Sapphire," Robin said. "Dude!" Wally shouted. Everyone but Wally and Superboy was laughing.

"What about your name?" M'gann asked. "What do you mean?" Amara asked. "Your called the Star Sapphires but your name is Violet Lantern," M'gann answered. "I did that to separate me from the other Star Sapphire on earth who's a villain," Amara said.

"Red Tornado to Miss Martian and an emergency alert has been triggered at the Happy Harbor power plant, I suggest you investigate covertly, sending coordinates," Red Tornado said. "Reserved adjusting coordinates," M'gann said. "Tornadoes keep us busy again," Robin said. "Well, a fire leads us to Superboy who knows what we should find out what caused the alert," M'gann said.

"I think I know what caused it," Superboy said. A Tornado came and sucked them in. Amara made a field around the ship and pulled them out. M'gann landed the ship. Then they jumped out. People were running out as the Tornado was on the other side of the building. "Robin! Are tornadoes common in New Englin?!" Kalder asked. But Robin is already gone. "He was just here," M'gann said.

Then the windows broke out. Amara activated her ring and flow towards the building, the others doing the same. They arrived, Superboy jumped towards Robin. "Who's your new friend?" Superboy asked. "Didn't catch his name, but he plays really rough," Robin said as Superboy jumped towards the robot.

"My apologies you may address me as Mr. Twister," The robot said. He made a Tornado and blew Superboy into the wall. Amara looked at M'gann and M'gann looked back at her. They nodded at each other. They flew in the air, grabbed things with their ring/telekinesis, and tried to crush him from the sides. But he used the air to reflect them. They dodged the items but were blown into each other by Twister's wind.

Wally got made and charged at Twister but was blown out of the building. Superboy and M'gann got up to attack, but were blown into each other and landed on the ground. Robin and Aqualad ran up but were spun around and slammed into each other. Last up was Amara. She used her ring to wrap a rope around him binding his arms to his side, then she swung him into the ground.

"Mr. Twister, why are you doing this?" Amara asked. "I'm waiting for a real hero," Twister said. Twister sent a tornado at her but she dodged well, but she didn't see the huge pipe. The pipe hit her head on and she fell to the ground. "Humph, children," Twister said. He left the building tossing the pipe. It was about to land on Amara but Superboy caught it in time.

"Amara, are you ok?" Robin asked as Superboy threw the pipe. "Yes, but my frontal lobe aches,'' Amara said holding her head. "Don't worry you'll heal," Robin said, helping her up. She looked at Superboy, "Thank you" she said. Superboy turned away. Then there was an explosion outside. "Let's go!" Robin shouted.

The three ran out to join the rest. "I thought you all would learn your limitations by now," Twister said. "What do you want!?" Kaldur yelled. "Isn't it obvious? I'm waiting for a real hero, the only one who laid a hit on me was the one with the pink aura, and even she wasn't enough" Twister said, levitating in the air. Amara looked down. "Read his mind, find a weakness" Kaldur demanded. "But I thought I wasn't supposed to do that," M'gann said. "It's ok if you do it to the bad guys," Robin said

M'gann tried to read his mind but it wasn't working. "Nothing I'm getting nothing," M'gann said. Then she slapped her head. "Hello Megan, Mr. Twister is the Red Tornado in disguise," M'gann said. "He's organic, an android, how many androids do you know can generate Tornadoes," M'gann said. Everyone took in what she said. "Red Tornado sent us here," Kaldur said.

"After saying we'd be tested soon enough, it's our test, something to keep us busy," Robin said. "Speedy was right, we are a joke," Wally said. "Wait maybe-" Amara was cut off. "Maybe nothing, they lied to us, were nothing but sidekicks," Wally said.

Amara looked down. Kaldur slammed his fist into his hand. Robin, Kaldur, and Wally walked closer. "We know who you are and what you want!" Robin shouted. "Now let's end this," Kaldur said. "Consider this ended," Twister said. He made two tornado's, as they got bigger the sky got cloudy.

"An impressive show but we will not indulge you, we will not engage" Kaldur shouted. Then the lightning started forming. "Uh, can Red Tornado do that?" Wally asked. The lightning struck the ground head towards them. Amara quickly flows in front of Wally so she could put a shield over them, but the lightning was too strong. Amara flowed to the ground trying to get more support but it was no good.

The field started to crack. "I can't hold it!" Amara shouted. The field broke and they all were flown back into the ground. They were all unconscious except Superboy and he charged at him but was struck by the lightning and crashed into the ground. He then hovered over the six about to finish the job, but M'gann woke up and put the bioship over there.

"Fine then, I won't deny that you kids have power, but playing hide and seek won't help me reach my main objective, so stay concealed, and if you confront me again, I will have no mercy," Twister said. Then he flows away. Then everyone started to wake up. "What happened?" Robin asked

"I put the Bio-ship over us," M'gann said. Superboy punched at the ground. "You lied, you said that was the Red Tornado," Superboy said, walking closer to her. "Superboy calm down, it was an honest mistake," Sapphire said stepping in front of him. "An honest mistake? An honest mistake doesn't almost get us killed," Superboy said five inches away from her face.

"Superboy, calm down it was our fault, we shouldn't have listened," Robin said. "Hit the showers, well take it from here," Kid Flash said. "Stay out of our way," Superboy said aggressively, then he jumped away. Wally ran his way along with robin. "I just wanted to help the team," M'gann said, holding her head down.

Sapphire looked at her with sadness, she saw her broken heart and wanted to help her fix it. "I'm not sure if we really have a team," Aqualad said. He put a hand on Sapphire's shoulder knowing how she is. Sapphire looked at M'gann one last time before she flew off to find the other's, while Aqualad ran after Leaving M'gann there alone.

The team caught up with Mr. Twister by the doc's as he was terrorizing the people. Kid Flash ran up to Twister then kicked him with both legs pushing him back a little bit. "You are a distraction I can no longer literate," Mr. Twister said. Superboy came down from the air, but the twister moved in time. He sent tornadoes towards them, the Aqualad and Robin showed up. But Twister flung Aqualad into the mansion. Robin tried to hit him with his Birdarangs but he dodged him easily.

As well as Suberboys attempting to hit him. Sapphire joined the rest after reassuring the civilians were out of their way. Sapphire shot beams at him, but they weren't getting through. She shot them again but this time they explode. But he made a giant tornado that she got sucked into. She was going round and round until she made a field around herself then she and was able to fly out once her head stopped spinning.

Sapphire landed on the ground she panted. Then M'gann contacted them through the mind link. "Listen to me, all of you," she said. "What did we tell you!" Superboy asked aggressively. "I know I messed up, but now I'm very clear on what we need to do. Please trust me," M'gann said.

Soon Red Tornado arrived. "Hit the showers boys, I was hoping you could handle this. Clearly, you can not," Red Tornado said, "But we've got a plan now," Robin said. "The subject is not up for debate," Red Tornado said. The five walked away from the area. "I was beginning to believe you'd never show up," Mr. Twister said. "I'm here now," Red Tornado said. He took out his hand and conjured a tornado and sent it Mr. twisters way. Mr. Twister easily dodges it and sent it back.

"We are evenly matched, Twister," Red Tornado said making a mother tornado behind him. "No tornado, we are not," Mr. Twister said punching the ground making air shoot from the ground then shooting at him with lightning. Red Tornado was dodging the lightning but was caught in an explosion when the lightning hit the boat.

Red Tornado landed on the ground shortcircuited. "Remain still, android," Mr. Twister said as wires came out of his finger and attached to Red Tornado. "The reprogramming won't take long," said Mr. Twister. Red Tornado turned around and took out the wires.

"Longer than you might think," M'gann said and she turned her head back to normal. "No," Mr. Twister said. M'gann pushed him back into a tornado which flung him, soon revealing Wally as the tornado. Mr. Twister rolled and was caught by Superboy who started punching. Mr. Twister was shortcircuited then Superboy punched him into the water. Where Aqualad was waiting to hit him with a sharp piece of one of the boats. Then electrocuted it making Mr. Twister explode. out of the water.

Sapphire lifted him up. "Nothing personal," She said then ripped off Mr. Twister's arm and the tubes on his back. Then Robin ran up and through his bird ranges at him making Mr. Twister fall to the ground. Mr. Twister sat up then his chest opened. A man fell out. M'gann took a rock from the ground. She looked over at Sapphire and she nodded. With that M'gann gripped the rock on the man that was in the suit.

"M'gann NO!" Aqualad yelled but it was too late. Everyone (except sapphire looked) at her in shock. "Don't know how things work on Mars, but on earth, we don't execute our captives!" Robin shouted. "You said you trust me," M'gann said. She lifted the rock. The turned out to be a robot as well. "That's why I couldn't read his mind," M'gann said as everyone gathered closer.

"Before you all left Sapphire she told me trough mind link that when she grabbed Twister back at the warehouse she tried to read his emotion, and like me, she came up with nothing," M'gann explained. "No thoughts or emotions he had to be a robot," Robin said.

"We should have hand more faith in you," Aqualad said. "Yeah you rocked this mission," Wally said. "Yes well done," Sapphire said putting both hands on her shoulder and hunting her. "Get it? Rocked. Haha," Wally laughed. "Ignore him, we're all turned you on the team," Robin said.


"Haha, now, Brom, aren't you relieved I didn't let you wear the armor?" The man in the lab coat asked. "extremely, professor, but you're not upset?" Brom asked. "I'm convinced our tracking program was operational and that the real Red Tornado was somewhere in the vicinity. Besides you know science advances in fits and starts. Even failure can be instructive and I'd say we learned quite a lot today," said the scientist.

At the Cave

"It was clearly made to sabotage or destroy you," Aqualad said. "Agreed," (The real) Red Tornado said. "Is that why you wouldn't help us?" M'gann said. "No, This was your battle. I do not believe it is my role to solve your problems for you. Nor should you solve mine for me," Red Tornado answered. Everyone looked his way. "Uh, but if you're in danger.." M'gann trailed off.

"Consider this matter closed," Red Tornado said, then he walked off. "Batman, Aquaman, and The Flash would have jumped right in to fix things," Wally said. "Guess if we're gonna have a babysitter a heartless machine is exactly what we need," Robin said. "Dude! harsh," Wally said.

"And inaccurate, I have a heart carbon-steel alloy. I also have excellent hearing," Red Tornado said turning around to face them. "Haha, right. Sorry, I'll strive to be more accurate," Robin said. "And respectful," Aqualad said. Red Tornado turned around and kept walking.

Saphhire stared at his back, her ring glowed dimly. Her eye's turned violet that way she could see his emotions before it didn't work, but this time he had a black aura. "That's not all you have. What are you hiding?" Sapphire thought. Sapphire joined the others as they left the room. "Speedy was so wrong," Wally said. "This team thing-" "Might just work out," Aqualad finished.

Sapphire looked back seeing the last two weren't following. "Sorry," Superboy said, then he started walking again. Sapphire smiled in joy and quickly followed the others. Leaving M'gann there with a happy smile.

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