My name is Maria and I go by the penname RomanceNovelistLady.
Form time to time, I am monitoring the reads and interaction of my story Young Hearts. Though hindi ko na siya dito tinuloy isulat, I am still thankful to the people who are still reading, leaving coins, and reviews of Young Hearts here, sa WebNovel.
I have some news for you! Young Hearts, the story of Cyril and April finally come to and end. Yes po. Young Hearts is already completed on G00dN0vel!
You can read the completed story of Cyril and April on G00N0vel.
- You can read online
1. Go to www.goodnovel.com
2. Create an account
3. Search "Young Hearts"
- You can read thru GoodNovel application
1. Download GoodNovel app on Google Play or App Store
2. Create an Account
3. Search "Young Hearts"
- For easy access, you can click my carrd
type romancenovelistlady.carrd.co on the search bar
1. Select Stand Alone
2. Select Young Hearts.
From there you can access Young Hearts on GoodNovel.
Young Hearts updated on GoodNovel has the same book cover here on WebNovel.
P.S. Young Hearts is currently on a non-exclusive contract under GoodNovel. Thank you so much for patiently waiting and still reading my stories! Maraming Maraming Salamat po!
Thank you so much for patiently waiting and reading Young Hearts. My heart is so full knowing that you are supporting me and my works kahit saang reading platform ko man siya nalipat!
This is not the end. I still continue to write, wait na lang po kayo kung saang writing platform tayo susunod na magkakasama.
To be updated sa aking mga ganap, please do follow me on my social media accounts!
Muli po, maraming salamat
Facebook Page: RNL Stories
Twitter: @RomanceNovelist
Instagram: @romancenovelist_wp
e-mail: romancenovelistlady@gmail.com
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