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Chapitre 31: ch 29

Anna's POV:

Tears of frustration were running down my face. I hated it. I was helpless. Damn it. What was I to do now? If only there was anything left.

I couldn't outrun Sam.

I couldn't fight him off.

I sat in a corner of the hut, breathing evenly in and out. The stress of the situations was slowly getting to me. I tried to stay calm by thinking about all the good moments I had with Edward. I needed to focus maybe there would be a chance to escape and I needed to have it together to be able to use that chance.

I could only hope that Edward and the others would be alright. I knew they were capable of taking care of themselves, capable of fighting, even good at it. Jasper was a brilliant strategist and he was an experienced fighter. In both of his both lives.

There was nothing I could do anymore. The only thing that was left was to wait for a chance to escape or for Edward and the others to rescue me.

"Anna what did that bloodsucker do to you that...." I shut him up with a fierce glare.

"It was Dylan who hit Eve into her face and sent her flying against the wall and drugged me. If I don't manage to escape from here he will rape me. Not like you care." I spat at him.

"Dylan is s good guy he….." suddenly his head shot up and he looked at the only door in this hut.

My eyes followed his gaze as I noticed that he was slowly standing up. Fear and terror were rushing through my every cell. I felt the knots forming in the pit of my stomach and a lump building in my throat nearly choking me.

If that was Dylan I was done for.

I felt sick with fear. My heart was hammering violently in my chest as my vision was becoming blurry. For a moment I felt my body go weak, nearly blacking out because of the terror I felt...…before I got my senses back together.

I wouldn't give up. I would fight him with everything I had. Even if that meant that I would break every single bone in my body. I didn't care. I would fight him.

My mind was made up. I was frightened but I would fight.

A growl could be heard just outside of the door before someone violently pushed the door open. The door hit the wall with a loud bang and vibrated in it's hinges with the force of the impact.

And stepping into the hut was…...a every naked Jake who looked pissed as hell!?!?!?!?!?!

A huge wave of relief washed over me the second my mind registered it was Jake and not Dylan though I would have been very thankful for some clothes on his body.

Maybe I could take some sense into him.

"What the hell are you doing Sam?" Jake shouted at him.

"She is telling you that that psycho is going to rape her and you are making sure that she doesn't escape to safe herself."

Maybe I didn't need to convince him!?!?!

I pushed myself up against the wall until I was standing straight on my feet, watching the exchange between Sam and Jake.

"What are you doing here? You are supposed to be at home."

"And let you commit crimes. I'm a protector it's against everything I stand for."

"And what do you think I'm doing?" Sam was shouting now, I could practically feel the anger rolling of off him.

"That's what I would like to know."

"Listen that leech attacked her and nearly killed her."

"It was Dylan you idiot." I screeched at the top of my lungs.

"Anna I know you are scared of that leech…."

"Were you even listening to what I was telling you? I am scared, scared of Dylan not my Edward."

"Why are you keep saying that?" His frustration was thickly lacing his voice.

Duh! Why am I keep saying that? I really wanted to pull my hair out right about now.

"Maybe because that creep is scaring the hell out of her." Jake offered in an annoyed voice.

"Thank you finally someone who gets it." I smiled gratefully at him.

Jake glanced at me shortly and smiled back before returning to glare at Sam.

"I'm taking Anna and we are leaving Sam." Jake growled with finality in his voice.

"I can't let you commit that mistake. She is Dylan's imprint." Sam growled back, starting to shake. I must admit Sam had showed amazing control until but in this moment he seemed to have reached his limits.

That set Jake off as well. The two of them were growling at one another. The air in the hut began to shift and so would the two of them any moment.

"Anna run," Jake ordered as his human frame exploded into a fur ball. Sam was hot on his heels.

Despite the seriousness of the situation I was in, I did notice that their changes had been different then the ones I witnessed with Paul and Quile.

When Paul and Quile phased I saw it happen, their bodies change their form but Sam and Jake just now.....they were human the one moment and then a split of a second later, two giant wolfs were in front of me.

But before Sam could fully phase Jake already bounced on him, pushing him through the back wall of the hut into the open.

I let the breath out that I didn't know I was holding and not wasting any time I ran out of the front door.

Finally outside of my prison, I found myself faced with the dark, sinister forest in front of me and the furious ocean behind me.

The black water was wildly and unruly dashing against the cliffs while farer outside on the ocean, it's surface appeared to be calm and the shone sparkling silver, being coloured by the full moon.

Wildness and calm. A good example for me I was freaked with fear but I needed to stay calm if I wanted to make it out alive.

Quickly turning around a few times I tried to decide which way to go. By taking the way along the cliffs I would be exposed to everyone on the beach that came after some distance. But going through the woods by night time when I wasn't able to see the ground before me wasn't a good idea at all. And there were the wolfs to consider.

While I was thinking my eyes darted between the cliffs and the woods occasionally taking glimpses of the small hut I was held hostage in. Sam and Jake were fighting just a few feet away from me on the other side of the pile of planks. Loud growls, crashing and trashing were emitting from their fight.

At the exact same moment as I decided to stay close to the cliffs, I run to the one side of the hut were some junk was lying and grabbed a metal pipe that was leaning against a side of the hut.

With a weapon now in my hand I felt a little safer and rushed down along the cliff that was going a long way down into the furious water but at least this way I wouldn't get lost and the chances of running into one of the wolfs was less, then in the forest where they were probably patrolling.

Running towards La Push wasn't a really smart idea either but if I would be able to reach a house I could call Edward or anyone else of my family or the police. Any kind of help.

Not everyone in La Push knew about the wolfs so there was a chance of running into a house that was occupied by people that wouldn't sell me out.

Charlie's POV:

"Now you Dirk. You take your group and you search along the upper side the Quileute River." I told my Deputy who would lead the eighth search party.

"Guys let's get going!" He called out and left.

"Alright and we search the woods near the village. Hurry we don't have time to spare. Every minute counts." I would lead the last search part out of police officers that had arrived from all around Forks.

I could only pray that we would find Anna alive. The look on Kevin's face when I left the hospital will surely give me nightmares for weeks.

I can't even imagine how it must feel like for him now. Just thinking that it could have been Bella...….. I couldn't continue that thought.

Ever since Anna arrived here in Forks, Kevin changed so much. Who would have thought that the iron bachelor would want a family one day and would be such a good father?

When he first told me that he would have to take a teen in that he didn't even really know, he saw her the last time when she was three, I thought that that would end in a disaster.

Everyone here in Forks had expected problems seeing as Anna is from New York. Wild rumours were flying around town of what exactly to expect.

A drug addict, Goth, gang member...….were the nicer assumptions people made about her and were quite disappointed when they finally saw her.

None believed till then that she could fit in here in our small, quiet town but she did surprisingly well and was a normal, sweet child.

I have personal reason to find the girl, if not for her my Bella would have most likely died that day of the car accident in the school parking lot.

Though she is also the reason for Bella's distress. Bella doesn't think I know but truth to be told the whole town knows that she is in love with the Cullen boy.

I shook my head that was not the time to think about that and besides I'm happy Edward Cullen isn't the boyfriend of my daughter.

I can't put my finger on it and it is just a feeling but ever time I see him my fight and flee reflexes are kicking in. A good boy but none I want to see with my daughter.

The nights at this time of the year were cold the chances to find her alive was becoming thinner with every passing moment. Hopefully the monster didn't leave her somewhere in the open to freeze to death.

The woods were dark and sinister, light mist was building and creating a dark and terrifying atmosphere. Exactly the right background for the horrible crime that had occurred.

My black humour was getting the best of me.

"I have found something!" One police officer called out. Not one out of my squat.

I ran as fast as I could but I was quite a distance away.

"What is it? Have you found her?" I could hear Steve ask.

"Not yet but there is blood." I could make out that he was mentioning to the ground lightening it with his torch.

"Jesus," Steve breathed, instantly worry washed over me about what they had found. If it had anything to do with Anna and if, then in what condition she would be.

"Call the ambulance! Tell them where we are!" Steve ordered Tom through the walkie-talkie. He stayed behind to lead EMT's to where they were going to be needed.

They went ahead and I was following them as they followed the trail of blood.

"A female body behind the tree there." Someone called and I rushed in the direction of the voice.

Steve stood there waiting for me with a grave expression plastered on his face. In his eyes I could see that whatever it was it was bad.

"Anna is she.." But he cut me off.

"That isn't Anna…."

At his words I pushed past him to see who was lying there and as I saw her face, shock flooded me.

"Oh god…" the words left my mouth in a painful moan.

Suddenly the bloodstained victim opened her eyes, looking frantically and terrified around her. She wanted to speak but only ended up spitting blood.

"Oh god…she is still alive. We need medical care here NOW!" I shouted.

The EMT's and Doctor Taylor were already sprinting through the wildness to the nameless female body.

I bend down to her and stroked her hair gently, trying to provide any kind of comfort to her. As I took a closer look at her I recognized the scars on her face. I knew this woman ever since she arrived here in La Push.

"Everything is going to be alright E...." Doctor Tyler pushed me out of the way as he started to treat her immediately.

I stood up, my hand running over my face in anger and frustration of not being able to find that monster.

"I think this is way more then just a failed robbery and a kidnap...…I'm not sure but maybe a serial killer….." Steve stated frustrated and dejected as he put his hand on my shoulder.

My hopes of finding Anna alive were melting away while looking at the broken body of the young woman in front of me.

Dylan's POV:

I was jogging through the forest while Emily's bloody body was hanging limp in my arms. She is such a trusting nature. Trusting and stupid just like her fiancé.

Getting to her was just too easy. So easy that it wasn't fun at all but then the look in her big eyes in which the question "why" was swimming.

I love that part the most. When they look at me with their eyes wide open and I could see the terror in them caused by me.

I cut her open so the damn blood suckers would be pulled in by the blood. Once one of their kind smells blood there is no stopping the blood sucking monster.

I've seen it myself.

I had decades to train my control perfectly. The monks in Japan are simply the best in that department. I can shield my mind from the rest of the pack. They will never know what really happened. And who would believe a blood sucking monster anyway? That is if one of them survived tonight.

I chuckled to myself.

All I needed to do now was to wait for them to catch the scent of her blood. I will hide in a safe distance and then arrive there just as the monster just killed poor Emily after torturing her as revenge for stealing their toy.

Good thing I will be there by coincidence doing my best to try to safe her. That way I can explain my scent all over her.

Her worried future brother-in-law was trying to safe her, rushing her to Sue the nurse on the reservation, hoping it wouldn't be too late.

Doesn't this sound heroic?

The leeches would be blamed for her death and maybe Sam would lose his life in a fight while he tries to avenge her.

Even when he doesn't die he will be a walking vegetable after his imprints death. That is when someone will stop him from committing suicide.

I had seen what the death of an imprint does to a wolf. Not a pretty sight. That would mean one down. I will free him from his pain some day, with great pleasure, after I took care of the other one.

Jacob Black.

That annoying bastard is going against me and he even dared to cut our connection off what means he has his own pack now. A condition I can't let continue. Killing him would be tricky but I already had the right plan...…

"Here this way!" I heard a voice call, interrupting my thoughts.

It immediately had my attention. I concentrated on my hearing and could make out a whole bunch of people in the forest.

What the hell were those humans doing here? How am I to follow my plan if they are roaming around here everywhere?

Annoying worms!

They were searching for my trophy. How did they find out where they should search? The leeches hmm…..Jake and that baby Seth?


"I have found something!" Fuck!

"What is it? Have you found her?"

"Not yet but there is blood."

Oh….fucking awesome. Now they are following the trail I left for the blood suckers. That's going to be a pain to explain. I was actually planning to stay a few days after this to enjoy Sam's pain before ending his and her miserable lives.


Now they were even coming from the other side. Shit! They were fucking everywhere. I had no other choice anymore.

I threw her on the ground, like the useless trash she was and phased. Just as I entered the packs mind again I saw two things happen at once.

First Sam was fighting against Jake. The little midget found out where I had hidden her and freed her as it looked like.

Dylan....Sam wailed but I cut him off and closed my mind to him.

It's all about the control.

And second Paul caught the scent of two blood suckers and was following it. All of the sudden the big one of the coven was in front of him and pulled his ….GUN….. at him, shooting Paul.

What was that? Since when did those blood suckers used guns? I had never seen any of them use guns! What was going on here?

Now it made sense why Jared disappeared so suddenly and Embry. They were shot as well. They are erasing the tribe. Fuck! I underestimated them.

Guess it was time for me to leave. Emily wasn't going to make it anyway that was enough for now.

But first I had to take care of her. There has never been one to escape me and she wouldn't spoil my flawless record. Taking in a deep sniff her scent entered my nose. A quick kill wouldn't take too much time.....

I leaped in the direction of the scent and sure enough after a short distance I could already hear her. Poor girl thought she could escape.

Little did the stupid thing know that she was running into a dead end. There was just the cliff. The one she would fall down from after I helped with that.

Anna's POV:

I was running like I never run before. Didn't I say the same thing when I was running away from James?


That would keep me from going nuts right now. I was running down along the cliffs as fast as I could. I was able to see the town of La Push already but there was still quite a distance to put behind me.

I ran as I suddenly heard a branch cracking. Fear shot freshly through my frame like a wild fire. I ran faster, my heart and my lungs protesting at the exercise that they weren't used to. I was never one for running.

But I pushed my body to move on, to go even faster in the hope to escape whatever cracked that branch just now.

That hope proven to be in vain as something dark and huge suddenly leaped in front of me, stopping my escape dead in it's tracks.

I took the sight before in after my feet seemed to be cemented into the ground. There in front of me was a huge wolf. A black wolf with a single white stripe between his eyes.


Even if I didn't know from Edward how he looked like in his wolf form, one look into his pitch black, sinister eyes that were conveying danger and craziness and I would have known right way.

The huge beast was staring at me, more like glaring while his enormous snout twitched up into what I would call sick smile.

He was growling at me. He loved it to see me scared of him, his body language betrayed as much. The beast showed of his teeth while taking a step closer to me. I grabbed the pipe with both hand in respond.

"If you think I will go down without a fight your wrong asshole." My voice cold and emotionless.

The monster in front of me let out a sound that reminded me of laughter. He found my threat amusing, not wroth his concern.

Let's see for how long, now that I had a weapon. I encouraged myself.

The beast rolled his hard eyes at me. Arrogance! It was what brought James down, his Achilles tendon. And now it would be Dylan's.

I may not be any where near as strong or fast like he is but I'm smart. Smart enough to know how to play my cards right.

I looked as scared and freaked as I could muster. I was shaking and I wasn't trying to get my heart beat under control. I was leading him on, letting him believe that I was just a little scared girl, nothing to worry about.

It was the only thing I could do right now. I had little hope to win this fight but I could, maybe, win some time for someone to come and help me.

And little did that psycho know that I was being trained by Jasper and Emmett after that incidence with James. They showed me some moves and how to notice the weakness of my opponent quickly.

Edward was training me too at first but whenever I would fall down he was there to catch me instead of letting me fall and figure out how to go on. The pain in his eyes knocked the air out of me every time.

I couldn't blame him, seeing me getting hurt in any way, even when it is just a little bruise, causes him physical pain that's why he had been banned from practice until I got better at it.

I played my role of the terrified victim that was about to get killed perfectly. I gave him what he wanted, my terror and my fear. He stalled his attack a little longer to savour the air of terror that he caused.

I held the pipe in front of me like an amateur. I could see it in his eyes he thought he was having an easy game with me. He was nearly disappointed.

He took a few more steps towards me and then leaped. That was what I was waiting for. I moved forward so that I was under him as he was in the air and showed the pipe with it's sharp end in the air above me.

The pipe cut into his flesh and I had to use all my strength to hold on to the pipe so it wouldn't fall out of my hands. I turned my face away as some of his blood was dripping down on my clothes.

The beast let out a yelp as he was being cut open. The huge wolf landed at his anterior paws before crashing down to the ground, letting out a howl of pain.

I turned around, raising the pipe above my head again and aimed for his head, pushing it down with all my strength.

Unfortunately for me the big evil thing moved fast and I only hit the ground having to let go of the pipe due to the impact. My hands and arms hurt. I quickly shook them out before grabbing the pipe again.

The black wolf growled at me again though the growl lost some of it's former power and terrifying ability.

I glared at the beast gauging it's every movement. He knew now that I was to be reckoned with. The arrogance that was shinning in his eyes before now replaced with naked fury.

That could also work in my favour. Who is furious isn't thinking clearly and makes mistakes. But I had to be careful I couldn't allow myself to let my guard down even for a second.

He was a Werewolf, a shape shifter. He would heal very fast. I could only hope that I had enough time to strike another time before he was mobile again.

The wolf leaped at me again but because of his injury he wasn't able to jump as high. My pipe in the air again I aimed for his head this time and hit it.

A feeling of success rushed through me just a split of a second before I noticed that that was what he was aiming for.

The hit with the metal pipe didn't seem to cause him too much pain. He charged forward and his big head bored itself into my stomach pushing me backwards.

I felt myself flying a little distance through the air before I hit the ground on my right side and was rolling because of the drive of the impact.

My head was spinning and I couldn't stop rolling over the ground. I lost all orientation almost instantly but in the back of my mind I knew where I was rolling to.

Sure enough my body was soon at the edge of the cliff and I was helpless to stop what was going to happen. I rolled over the edge.

But I was quick-witted enough to try to grab at anything. I caught the roots of, I suppose, tree that were growing out of the rocky soil.

Looking down I saw the furious water shatter at the rocks of the cliff. The waves were hitting the cliff with a force as if they wanted to destroy them.

As I heard footsteps I looked up and saw the human form of the monster that caused this life threatening situation for me. He was smiling, proud of his accomplishment.

"What a pity. You would have been so much fun to play with. I like my women feisty." He laughed like the crazy person he was.

I looked at his torso but all I could see was a thin pink line. He was healed already. Seeing my disappointment he snickered.

"I'm not that easy of a kill but I must say you are the first one to ever get me. It's really a shame." He smirked down at me.

"I better get going now. Think of me when you die." He winked at me and that he was gone.

I held on to the root with all my might but the wood was cutting into my flesh and the blood was slowly running down my arm. Despite the pain I held to the root with all I had.

I didn't want to die but even if I would somehow, by some miracle survive the fall the wild and powerful waves would crash me against the boulders and squash me.

"Help…" my voice sounded weak even to my own ears.

Holding onto the roots was taking more strength then I thought but I had to call for help.


"Jake…" He and Sam were too far away to hear me. How didn't Sam see what Dylan did? Jake would make sense if he separated himself from Sam but why Sam not? Didn't he care?

I thought the only reason why he was holding me hostage was because of his desire to have a blood relative and not because he stepped over to the dark side.

"Edward …..please…" My hands and my arms were hurting. Tears streaming freely down my cheeks and sobs shaking my body as my feet were stepping into air.

Edward's POV:

"Have you found anything yet?"

"No, sorry Edward nothing on this trail but you should have stayed with us bro." Emmett replied not happy that I left them to go on my own.

"This way we can cover a bigger area."

"Be careful," Emmett warned.

"We did encounter a mutt. The bedside rug will be out for a couple of hours. Now there are only two of them left." Rose added with satisfaction in her voice.

"Nothing here either and no wolfs." Alice said sadly.

"We will find her my son. We just started searching." Carlisle tried to stay positive.

I was flying through the dark forest keeping all my senses open for any sign of my Anna but nothing till now.

I had to remind myself again and again that she could take care of her. Emmett and Jasper showed her a few tricks and she was smart.

It would be alright I only had to hurry and find her.

You found her man? Where is she? I heard Seth's mental voice echoing in my mind.

I told her to run. She got to be somewhere near the cliffs. I think she is running down towards La Push trying to get to the road. Jacob Black replied.

As soon as I heard their thoughts I turned into the direction my love was most likely to be found.

Is she O.K.? They didn't do anything to her did they?

Worry was colouring his thoughts. He was genuinely concerned for my Anna's well being. Not because he wanted her for Dylan but because he was her friend.

Seth I'm in the middle of a fight here and yes she was fine the last time I saw her. Jacob snapped as Sam tried to charge at him.

I have to find her. She can't be far away. This new body is fast I should be there in no time.

Seth was focused on saving my Anna.

He was a good distance in front of me but I was easily catching up with him. The werewolves were fast but not faster then Vampires and certainly not faster then me.

.how far could she...What's this sticky, sweet smell?

"It's me Seth, Edward Cullen. I'm right behind you." I warned him.

He was a young wolf. Out of his thoughts I gathered that he was merely two hours young into his new life.

Oh so you are on the ...crap he can't hear me…

His mind was rational while his instincts were trying to get him to attack me. Lucky for me he was too focused on saving my mate to give in into his instincts.

"Actually I can Seth. I'm can read minds."


"Yes, I.." but new thoughts made me stop dead in my tracks.

"He is here." I hissed between my clenched teeth.

"We are on our way bro," Emmett informed.

"Be careful," Esme always worried.

"Edward focus, I know you want to send him through hell for kidnapping Anna but you can do that after we found her first." Jasper reminded me.

I took a deep breath and readied myself for the encounter with him. After my Anna was safe I would take my time making him pay, making him beg for his own death.

Seth noticed his presence as well. The monster was too occupied to listen in into the fight between Sam and Jacob to notice our presence soon enough to have a chance at fleeing.

Crap…well, well what do we have here? A Vampire and Werewolf. Isn't that a lovely sight?

The enormous black wolf appeared out of the shadows of the woods around us, calculating in his mind how to get rid of us the fastest way. To bad he didn't know I heard his every word.

It was interesting to notice that he and Seth weren't connected through the packs mind. Seth could only hear Jacob. Did they already separate themselves from Sam's pack?

I pulled the tranquilizer gun from behind my back. As Dylan saw what I did he tried to escape while Seth was frozen in place at the sight of the gun.

The monster was fast but not fast enough. I aimed and hit. I hit him four times thinking it would be enough to guarantee that he was out for hours but I was wrong in that expectation.

I heard in his thoughts what he was doing. He wasn't a normal wolf or at least nowhere near as young and inexperienced as he presented himself to be.

Wait! Why don't I smell blood? You hit him. I heard it, so why....is this a tranquilizer gun???


How long does it take until he will be out?

The monster should have been out by now. That wasn't normal. He wasn't normal. He had absolute control over what he was and over his body. He was using the healing ability of the wolfs to eliminate the effect of the tranquilizer at an unbelievable speed.

I was trying to get past him to get to my Anna and let my family deal with that thing. They were coming from all directions. They would get him but he blocked me. The effect of the tranquilizer was nearly gone.

I narrowed my eyes at him and shot again. He tried to dodge it but again it was without success. Seth used the chance and rushed past him.

I will keep her safe.

"Don't show yourself to her, she won't know who you are and she'll be scared of you." I hissed after the young wolf.

I didn't like the idea of a wolf near my mate even when I knew that Seth would do anything to protect her and wasn't an immediate danger to her. My mind knew that but my instincts were screaming otherwise at me.

Nonetheless I had to resign to the fact that I had no other choice as to trust him right now with my love while I had to take care of the monster until my family arrived.

The monster was wearing the effect of the tranquilizer off at my impossible rate, laughing at me and the other wolfs who had fallen victim to the tranquilizer.

I didn't have time for this. I pulled out the lethal gun and shot at him. As the first bullet hit him and he noticed that this weren't any tranquilizers he quickly positioned his body so that I wouldn't mange to penetrate any important organs with my bullets.

I shot my whole magazine into his body but as the last of my bullets entered his body the first injury was already healed.

"What the hell are you?" I growled frustrated just before I heard Emmett and Rosalie rushing towards us. He didn't notice.

"Why aren't you affected at all after I shot all the bullets and the tranquilizer into you?" I roared angered but it was actually meant as a message to my siblings.

They got the message and so did the others.

You would like to know that wouldn't you? To bad you fucking leech. You won't exist long enough to be able to ask more questions. He thought to himself.

I let out a terrifying growl to draw all of his attention to me and to mask the arrival of my siblings who were getting ready to take him down. Jasper and Alice were now in my hearing range.

As Emmett and Rose were shooting at the monster I used the chance to get past him and follow Seth to get to my Anna. I knew that Rose and Emmett could handle him especially since support was soon to arrive.

Now only a few miles separated my love from being safely in my arms.

Sam's POV:

They were wrong. They were all wrong. That wasn't who Dylan was. He wasn't a monster. The leech had washed Anna's brain and she the ones of the younger wolfs.

Of cause I saw it in Quil's, Embry's and Jake's mind. They admired her for what she did at Quil's first phase and as Paul almost attacked her. They were amazed that she knew so much about us and told them the truth. They were thankful because of her they got to know the truth about what they are before the change.

Naturally they would be on her side because they are blinded by her and this way by the leeches. And at the top of that they have no idea what it means to imprint.

Dylan is my brother and he is a protector. We are the good ones. Dylan is the only blood relative I have. He had to go through the same things I had with the piece of trash that calls himself our father.

There was just no way he was, as Anna described him to be. It was not possible. Jake and Seth just don't understand him. They have a family how could they understand how it was for Dylan and me.

I growled at Jake again. He was better then I thought. So young but so strong. I thought that this would be an easy fight for me but I was wrong. Jake was holding his ground.

I didn't have time to fight him while the leeches were eliminating my pack brothers. Paul, Jared, Embry and Quil were already gone.

Why couldn't Jake see this? Why did he have to break the connection of the packs mind? Why couldn't I defeat him?

I was just about to charge at him again as I saw through Dylan's eyes that a leech and another wolf appear in front him.


The leech shot at him! I couldn't help it but to let out a painful howl until I saw what was happening. The leeches were shooting us with tranquilizers and Dylan could wear the tranquilizer off.

I was shocked to say at least. The good thing was that this meant that there was hope that my pack brothers weren't dead yet but I couldn't understand how Dylan was doing this.

I did notice that Jake was gauging my reactions as I suddenly froze in place and he was probably also watching through Seth's mind.

Did he know what the leeches were doing? Was he and maybe even Seth on their side? Is this why they weren't using lethal armour? And above all since when did the leeches used human weapons anyway?

As the leech used lethal armour the wolf with him used the chance to get past Dylan. The wounds on Dylan's body were healing at an unbelievable rate. We did heal fast but not this fast.

The leech growled and two other leeches were suddenly there shooting at him with all they got as the first leech run in the direction that the wolf took just a few moments earlier.

Soon two other leeches joined them. The four of them were shooting at Dylan with tranquilizers and lethal armour. I didn't understand Dylan.....how did he…..

The oldest leeches joined them and as all armour was used the two males, the big one and the lean one, charged at him breaking his legs.

All the time I was trying to get past Jake but he would always find a way to block me. I was becoming desperate. If that continued they would kill him.

I was about to attack Jake again when a powerful wave of Dylan's memories hit me.


"Jobaar what happened that night?"

"I already told you what happened Ephraim."

"Yes, but it doesn't make any sense." Ephraim Black growled back.

"Oh and it would make any sense to a man who made a treaty with leeches. They are bloodsucking monsters. You trust them but not me your own pack brother."

"They deserve my trust but not you. There has been something dark and sinister inside of you for a very long time now Jobaar."

"You can't prove anything Ephraim," a snarled ripped through the air.

"Yes we can, I will call Mohave. You won't be able to hide your memories from him or manipulate then. If you are truly innocent that will prove it." Jake's grandfather said and left the room.

I could feel the person seething with fury who's memories I was watching. He threw things around the room until he stopped in front of a mirror, looking in it....his face...Dylan!?!

"The whore deserved what she got," a twisted smile on his dark face was reflecting in the mirror.


Dylan was Jobaar Naved. The wolf who got banned from the reservation after he fled. He was accused of having raped and murdered a young woman. A black spot in the history of the protectors.

NO! This couldn't be.


A woman with long brown hair and brown eyes was walking down the street and Dylan was observing her. His thoughts disgusting.

The woman raped and murdered by his hands but the woman wasn't the only one. Many others followed.


Dylan in Asia training his body and his mind to become stronger to be able to keep his thoughts and body under control.


Dylan raping, stealing, murdering...

Dylan meeting my father, getting to know his story as he got him drunk and murdering him because he was a descendent of Mohave.

NOOOO!! Noooo! noooo!

My father didn't leave my mother and me he was murdered by Dylan.

Dylan planning on returning to La Push for revenge.

Dylan in some crowded place seeing Anna for the first time and picking up on the scent of the leeches.

Dylan breaking in into Kevin's house. Dylan hitting Eve. Dylan drugging Anna. Dylan threatening Anna to rape her. Dylan planning on killing Jake and me.

Dylan in my house.....please god NOOOO...Dylan surprising my Emily. NOOOOO! OH GOD! NOOOOOO!!!

"Oh Dylan you gave me quite a fright." My Emily said as she turned around leaning against the kitchen counter holding her hand over her racing heart.

"That won't be the only one," his voice dark and dangerous.

My Emily seeing something in his eyes that makes her blood freeze.

"Dylan?" Her voice frighten and terrified.

I'm sick! No this isn't happening. Screams. Howls. Screams and howls all around me. I barely register that this is my own voice.

Dylan hitting her unconscious. Dylan carrying her into the forest. Dylan cutting her open, hoping the leeches will finish her off.

I scream, I scream not in my wolf form anymore. The pain too much to bear.

"Sam man what happened?" I can make out Jake's voice.

"He killed her. He killed my Emily." My screams laced with hysterics and sobs.

Seth's POV:

I rushed through the forest. I already had a human scent in my nose. A human scent that was mixed with the sticky, sweet smell of a Vampire and the scent of other Werewolves.

That could only be Anna.

But the closer I got to the place from where I smelled her, the stronger Dylan's scent became. That wasn't good.

I pushed my new body harder. I had to find her soon. I could only hope she would be alright. Soon enough I broke through the forest line in front of the cliffs.

Following the way down to La Push I suddenly heard her soft voice but the location from where that voice was coming made the hair on the back of my neck stand to no end.

Terrified I approached the edge of the cliff, looking down a horrible sight presented itself before my disbelieving eyes.

Anna was hanging there, holding on to some roots, calling for help. Her voice powerless and without hope or life.

The angry water beneath her scourging the rocks of the cliff, almost forming a white mouth to swallow her into a wet death.

The panic, the fear and the hopelessness erased all the anger and fury I had in my body. With it gone I could feel myself turning back.

Once in my human body again I flung myself at the edge and reached my hand out to her.

"Anna!..... Anna look up," I commanded desperately.

She did. Her tears stricken face lifted up to look into my panicked one.

"Seth," she breathed out softly, more tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Anna…." I reached my hand to her but it wasn't enough. I couldn't reach her.

Just then I noticed it. The blood. The wooden roots were cutting into the flesh of her palms. Blood was flowing down her arms. The pain on her face showed that she wasn't able to hold out any longer.

"No,…no….no…please no," I shook my head, not wanting to accept reality.

Her teeth were rattling against each other, she was shaking from cold. To a human the night air must have been freezing.

"Hold on …please hold on! Edward will be here an minute." I was pleading with her. Pleading with god. Pleading with fate. But I knew it was in vain as I saw her sliding down on the roots.

I didn't know what to do. I was panicked and devastated to be this helpless, this useless in a situation of life and death.

"Tell…..tell Edward that…if he dares….to commit suicide," a heavy sob shook her frame, "I will never forgive him." Tears running down her face as she smiled sadly at me.

Tears were running down my cheeks as well in my desperation. Why couldn't I safe her? Please there had to be something I could do!

A painful whimper escaped her lips before she looked up at me with a final goodbye mouthing that she loved Edward.

Her hands still clutching the roots but her blood was depriving them of any hold. Her hands slid down the root and she was falling.

The expression on her face and in her eyes, in the moment of her approaching death would be forever burned into my mind.

My scream of denial at what was happening in front of my eyes pierced the night air as the furious water swallowed her.

"Seth," It was Edward's alarmed voice that I heard from behind me.

I turned around seeing only a fuzzy shape standing in the tree line because of the tears in my eyes. Blinking the tears away I could see the look of horror that washed over his face as I played the events of just a second ago over in my mind.

next chapter
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